Chapter 16: Fish and praise

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Wendy stood in the kitchen of the venue. How did she ever agree to debone like what? A million fish. She was tired but Francis really needed her help. He loves fresh food so al the mise en place had to happen the day itself. Except for her part of the job. Yesterday Two people called in sick. So Francis missed one pair of hands in the kitchen and another pair to wait on tables. He called Jeremy who was beyond exited to come and help. He would arrive later today.

"Stop looking at me Mister fish, it's not my fault you are on the menu." Wendy grabbed the fish by its head facing it to her. "You have ugly eyes Mister fish. What did Misses fish ever saw in you?" The fish fell out of her hands when she heard someone chuckle behind her. Wendy turned around. "Can I help you?" "Do you always talk to your food?" The stranger looked at her quite amused."Technically it's not my food, I'm not eating it." "true." The stranger held out his hand. "I'm John, Francis's souschef." "Ah you're late. I'm Wendy the fish lady." She smiled. John still held his hand out. "Wendy looked at it. "If you want me to shake your hand, you can stand there the whole day." She smiled. "Auch, my ego. I can't charm a girl in to shaking my hand." He shook his head. Wendy laughed putting both hands up. "I'm turning into a fish! Not a good smell to have on your hands."

Francis came in. He looked stressed and a bit confused. "Relax Teddy. Look who showed up." Wendy pointed at John. "Thank god!" He hugged his souschef. "The minions will arrive soon we better get started."

The rest of the day was a hustle. People shouting, talking, laughing, chopping, cursing, sighing. Or a pretty normal day in a kitchen. Wendy finished in good time prepping the fish. After washing her hands like a thousand times the fish smell was gone. She decided to stay. Helping where she could. Chopping vegetables and fruits. making batter for the dessert. She had a great time. Francis his staff where a fun, hardworking bunch.

"Wendy?" Francis stood close so no one could hear him "How are you feeling?" He was worried she stood on her feet the whole day working hard. "I'm fine, I'm having fun. I forgot I loved this too." She really looked happy. She had a blush on her face, her eyes glowed with amusement. "You have a great staff." She added. "Thank you, now go home please. Shower make yourself prettier and come back.

Wendy closed her door behind her. Suddenly feeling really tired. She flopped herself on the couch turned on the TV, just for a minute catching her breath.

She woke up startled by a high pitched noise. "O Shit" She exclaimed looking at the time. 'You bloody idiot!" She hurried upstairs cleaned herself up as best she could, putting make-up on and perfume. She putt on the navy blue dress that Francis got her, pickup her purse and ran out the house.

She looked at her phone, nine missed calls. Both from Francis and Jeremy. "His going to kill me." She groaned while typing quickly "on my way."- Wendy

"Where were you, Wendy" Jeremy said taking her aside. "I'm a late much? I feel asleep." "Francis might kill you later." He smiled hugging her. "Wish me luck." She took a deep breath and entered the kitchen.

"Look who came back!" John shouted from the stove. stirring in a big pot. "You sure know how to work fish lady." He smiled. Wendy ignored him going straight to Francis who was shouting instructions to his staff. "No Sally not that leaf, I need a greener leaf!" He saw Wendy. He looked angry at her. "I'm sorry Teddy, I fell asleep. I just wanted to sit, putting my feet up for a minute but I fell asleep." "Just help Sally please she can't pick the right leaves, there not green enough." Waving her in the direction of the young girl Francis just shouted at. "Hallo, You must be Sally." The girl looked at Wendy, teary eyed her lip was shaking lightly. "Hey don't start crying now, that won't help." "I screw everything up, I can't even pick out the right garnish." She looked really upset. "Come on, I'll help you." "You will?" "Of course." Wendy smiled at Sally and she felt relived.

Sally her confidants got a boost with Wendy at her side. She laughed and looked at Wendy who went to the green garnishes with ease. "See that's easy no?" "Yes, it is thank you." They worked on "So you like cooking?" Wendy asked "O yes. My mother is a chef. She has her own restaurant in Marseille." "You're French?" Wendy asked amazed. Sally nodded. "Half, my papa is British." She smiled. "That explains the lack of accent. So what's your dream?" "My dream?" "Yes you are still a student. Do you know what you would like to do in the kitchen? " "How did you know?" Sally asked amazed. "That I'm a student, I mean" "You're picking out garnishing, you cleaned the vegetables and fruits. It's standard intern work."

Sally laughed at her own stupidity. "My dream is to be a chocolatier." She whispered "Really?" "Yes! My maman wants' me to be a chef like her. But chocolate is endless, you can combine and surprise." Wendy smiled at the enthusiasm of this young girl. "Chef Francis knows this renowned chocolatier. I hoped to meet her. I want to ask her to teach me."

"She normally doesn't teach people" Wendy said. Sally's face fell. "I can only ask right? My papa says I have to learn from the best to try to become one of the best." Wendy crossed her arms looking at Sally. Seeing herself in this young aspiring chocolatier.

Service came to an end the kitchen staff could breathe again. "Good job" "Well done" "I need a drink" Where the general cries from the staff. "People, dear minions." Francis began to be interrupted by someone screaming "Banana!" They all laughed. "Today was a hectic but successful day. I've already heard people declaring this the best meal they ever had." A cheer went around the kitchen. Francis clapped for them. "But the night is not over yet. The host insisted, to night could only reach a absolute high by serving chocolates with the coffee and tea that are so delicate, and delicious I had to put them in a separate room so no one could eat them." Francis looked at Wendy and stepped forward.

"Hallo, I've met most of you today. I think you know me as fish lady, thanks to John." She bowed her head to him. He smiled bowing in return. "But my name is Wendy La Ruelle. Francis and I worked long and hard to make these." She stepped aside and the some off waiting staff came in the kitchen carrying trays of chocolate.

Detailed fruit with their liquor, eggnog and other drinks . Sushi and teacups. truffles in all colours and flavours. There are fancy chocolates maybe no one would like, or dare to try. You had your creams and ganaches. Caramel fillings, marshmallows, nuts, spices and even flowers and seeds all of that in a mix of white, milk and dark chocolate... The staff looked at the plates, they all had a selection on them. The smell filled the air. They closed their eyes.

Wendy looked at how they reacted. That's the best part off the job. That and eating it. "We made extra, after every table had their plate. We can have ours." The staff cheered again "Thank you!" Someone said. "Banana!" someone ells yelled.

"Wendy if you want to do the honour?" Francis held his hand out to lead her trough to door, into the dining room.

"Wendy!" A deep but pleasant voice called her name. Wendy smiled walking with outstretched hands to ward Gaston Allen. "Gaston, how nice to see you again." She kissed him on each cheek. "That looks delicious! Oh you made your sushi!" Gaston was so happy or drunk that he kissed her again. "Let me introduce you to some of my friends, old and new. We are going to work together on a play to raise money!" He looked at his friends and started to walk around the table with her. All of them where famous actors. She knew some of them. Wendy greeted them with a smile shaking their hands. She noticed the three people sitting on the other end of the table, they all smiled at her. Next to Tom sat a Lucy French. When she saw how Tom looked at Wendy she put her hand on his leaning dangerously close to Tom. Wendy could only smile.

"Wendy!" Ben said cheerfully hugging her "Ah you know them of course, Francis his friends." Gaston said while walking back to his seat. "Nice to see you again, those look good." "Good to see you again Ben and thank you, I hope you like them." "Wendy." Millie greeted her with a smile hugging her tight. "You want to make me fat do you? I can't wait to try them" She laughed. Tom got up to. Looking deep into her eyes before hugging her."Nice to see you again Wendy." He smiled "That looks even better than I could imagine." Wendy blushed slightly "Thank you Tom." Hallo." Lucy nodded and that was that. "I won't keep you for trying the chocolates, I'll go back to the kitchen." Wendy started to walk back. "Wait you have to tell what they are." Gaston said pointing. "You must find out your selves, good evening." She gave a wicked smile and went to the kitchen.

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