Chapter 17: Invitation

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I hope you like the story. If you have any comments or suggestions. Let me know. Thank you again.

Wendy returned to the kitchen and she had to hold her laugh at what she saw. The kitchen staff where all drummed together around her chocolates. She leaned against the wall, arms crossed taking in the scene.

"Have you tried the pineapple one?" "No you must try the chilli one it's hot!" "God these dark truffles are the best." they all spoke at the same time. Even Francis was busy eating them. He looked up and wanted to say something but Wendy quickly put a finger on her lips, smiling. He smiled back.

"Well" He whispered. "It won't be long before they will try to steal you away from me." He nudged her shoulder. "Looks like you will have to give me a raise then." Wendy winked. "O never!" He laughed. John looked up now to hearing Francis laugh. "Ah fish lady!" His mount just full with chocolate. "I would think you haven't eaten all day, you eat fast and without truly tasting." Wendy laughed looking at John. He looked sheepish.

The others stopped eating and looked at Wendy, some slightly ashamed. Wendy stepped forward and took a chocolate truffle. While saying. "If you want to eat chocolate the right way, you have to take your time. You have to let it melt on your tongue so you can appreciate it's delicate flavours." She put the truffle in her mouth, closing her eyes, enjoying the richness' off the ganache.

They followed her example taking their personal favourite and the kitchen filled with soft oohs and aahs.

Sally came to stand next to Wendy, A little shy and red with embarrassment. "I feel so stupid, I didn't know it was you." You could barely hear her." It's okay, Sally I didn't tell you either did I?" "Still stupid." "Well I think you wanted to ask me something, no?" "After all this, you want me to ask you my question?" Her eyes widened. "I'll give you my honest replay." Sally looked away, unsure of what she must do. Suddenly she looked up. Full of confidence. "Wendy, I want to be a chocolatier, that is my dream! I want to learn from the best. So I wanted to ask you, if you would want to teach me." She looked Wendy in the eyes. Who was surprised at the fire in them. Wendy smiled. "No, I won't teach you." Sally's eyes fell. "Not yet at least, you're sixteen. You have time." Sally smiled a little "So eventually you will teach me?" She asked in a small voice "If you can show me you're talented and passionate. Then I will." "Yes!" She hugged Wendy.

Wendy was heading home when she heard someone calling her name. "Wendy wait." She stopped and turned to see Tom. "Hallo Tom" He was a little bit out of breath. "Those chocolates are amazing, you're like a chocolate witch, They are magical." "I'm a witch?" He smiled, his tongue touching his upper lip. "You know it was a compliment." "Yes, I love witched anyway. Harry Potter for life, you know" He laughed, looking amused at her.

"We start rehearsals for the play next week, so I will be busy for a while. So I wanted to ask you if you wanted to do something tomorrow? Get some coffee, maybe dinner?" "Francis and Jeremy are probably going on a date, so dinner sounds nice." "Good, dinner it is!"

Wendy felt absolutely tired when she came home. She just went upstairs and fell asleep the moment her head hit the pillow.

She woke up. Her body ached. She slept half of the day. She stood up and walked like a zombie to her bathroom. "Hallo, bathtub with Jacuzzi function. I love you." Wendy got into the bath relaxing.

"Here you are!" Francis said while coming in the bathroom, Jeremy followed. "Jesus Teddy, you almost gave me a heart attack." She splashed water at him. Jeremy looked slightly uncomfortable. Wendy was completely naked but she wasn't ashamed of her body. That and they were gay so they didn't looked al up and down at her.

"Here dry yourself off, we'll wait downstairs." Jeremy quickly gave her a towel.

She came down still rubbing her hair dry. But fully dressed. "What are you guys doing here? I thought you would be like all over each other." She grind "We did all of that this morning darling." Francis winked and laughed. "Francis!" Jeremy looked quite shocked at his statement. "I tell her everything." He shrugged his shoulders. "Still..." Wendy laughed. "If I couldn't handle the answer I wouldn't say things like that Jeremy, I think it's cute by the way. The two of you together."

"Any plans tonight Wendy?" "Yes, Tom asked me to dinner." She looked at her phone. "OO Italian, my favourite." She showed Francis the text she got from Tom. "That's an excellent restaurant" He whistled softly. "Are you going to tell him about the baby." Jeremy asked. "How did you... Francis?" "Francis tells me everything." That made them laugh. "Touché" Wendy giggled. "I think I will, I have to eventually, no?"

Wendy waited outside the restaurant. Looking at her watch. He's late. She started to walk around a bit. Wendy hated to just wait she couldn't sit still. the square was very small and cosy. There was one other restaurant, a pub and some nice little shops. She looked in the window of the jewellery shop. The jewellery where beautiful. Silver and gold. The diamonds sparkled in the light.

"See something you like?" Tom's voice was close to her ear. She jumped a little in surprise. "Not really no." "You don't?" He asked surprised looking at all the diamonds. "I'm more a pearl type of girl." Tom gave his arm. "Are you hungry? I'm starving." He said.

"So how was the dinner yesterday Tom? You had a great time?" "Oh yes, I was a little star struck at first meeting Gaston, but the man is fantastic and friendly." "Yes he is, I like him very much. So you're going to do a play? " "Yes, yes we are." Wendy waited for him to talk further about it but he didn't. "It's sort of a secret." Tom apologised realizing she was waiting for more information on that subject. "I see, then it will be or very good, or very, very bad." She laughed. "Hey I'm good at my job you know." "No I don't." "You still haven't watched anything I'm in?" He was surprised. "Nope, when would I have done that?" "I don't know, after we first met?" "I was to angry then and hadn't had time since." Wendy laughed taking a sip from her Ice tea.

Suddenly there was a young couple standing at their table Not older than twenty. "Sorry to disturb you sir." The gay said. Tom looked up at both of them, smiling. The girl was very red and laughed nervously at Tom. Giving him a little wave. She wore a necklace with some sort of helmet with antlers on them.

"My girlfriend here" He pushed her gently closer to Tom. "Is a big fan of yours sir. She wondered if you would want to take a picture with her maybe sign this photo?" The boy showed him a photo of Loki. Tom smiled at her "Of course, what's your name?" He said while standing up, looking apologetic at Wendy. She shrugged her shoulders, smiling at what she saw. "Joyce" She said out of breath. "Nice to meet you Joyce, You have a good man there asking this for you." She nodded while looking at her boyfriend. "Quinten is the best." Her eyes looking al soft at him. Tom kneeled a little for the photo and signed the Loki one afterwards." When is the big day?" Tom asked looking at Joyce her belly. "In three months." She said happily putting her hand on her belly."It's a boy, we are going to call him Thomas." She had a big, big smile on her face looking at Tom. Who slightly blushed at this compliment. "That's a beautiful name." Wendy said looking at Joyce. "Yes I know, thank you." The couple turned and walked away. Wendy saw Joyce giving Quinten a hug and kiss.

"That was nice of you Tom." "I couldn't refuse, no could I? "No and you wouldn't have anyway." "True" They fell silence. Tom was looking at his plate, lost in his thoughts. "What are you thinking about Tom? Wendy couldn't handle the silence any longer. "Just that." He sighed. Wendy just looked at him, waiting to go on. "I want that. A family." He looked up at Wendy she didn't react. "I love children I would love the have them. My career is sort of what keeps me back at the moment. But one day I will be a father. One that plays with is kids. Goes to their school plays..." Wendy started to panic a little. Why she didn't know. What Tom was telling her, should make her happy. He wanted children. "He has to know." She thought. Tom stopped talking. This was her chance. "Tom.." She started to say.

"Tom!" They both looked up at Emma. "Big brother, fancy seeing you here." She kissed Tom on the cheek. She turned to Wendy and did the same. Emma took place at the empty chair next to Tom and started to talk, not making any attempt to leave.

They had a nice evening, the three of them. "It's getting late." Wendy said while standing up. "I'll take you home." Tom was standing up. "No it's fine, I came by tube, it's not far from here anyway." "Oh Wendy please come to my Birthday dinner." Emma asked with pleading eyes. "I will." "Yay, Bring Francis will you." She hugged Wendy. "I will" She said again.

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