Chapter 9: Daddy's little girl.

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Hi I know Tom hasn't been in the story a lot yet. But that will change soon.  This chapter is more about Wendy her father but also a bit about her past. It's short, but I think it's important to have this chapter, so you might understand Wendy better. thank you for reading!

Wendy's father sat in his bureau. He didn't looked at the papers in front of him. Instead he looked out the window, holding a photo of his little girl Wendy.

He had five children, he knew he should love them all equally and yet, just like his wife he failed to do so. The twins where still so young, they were full of live and enjoyed being young and carefree Maut was smart and wanted to become a lawyer, hoping to do as well as his father. Louise studied hard and focused on becoming a successful architect and even though she and her brother studied different things, they would always be there for one another. Victor didn't only looked like his father but he was also a smart and proud man. Walter would've loved to see him follow in his footsteps. But he wanted to be a doctor, he did well, his career went upwards and had his beloved wife by his side. In all honesty he disliked his eldest daughter. She was to mush like her mother. Beauty but no brains. She was a stay at home person. Loved to let others do the work for her, like her mother.

But Wendy that was a different story. She had his pride, was very stubborn but also compassionate, loyal and kind. She had her grandmothers expressive brown eyes and her had beautiful wavy chocolate brown hair. Walter always loved his mother, and Wendy looked so much like her. Maybe that's why he cared for Wendy more than the others.

Even when she was little she always surprised him. When she said she wanted to go to cookery school, her mother said that was out of the question. She could not have a daughter that wanted to cook other people their food. The shame it would bring to the family! But Wendy did what she wanted. Always following her heart and she became a award winning chocolatier in the end. Making her farther even more proud.

When she came home with Danny, almost ten years ago. Her father disliked him after only looking at him. Danny was seven years older than her and a absolute snob. Only child and spoiled. But Wendy was in love, she was happy and when she was twenty and married the guy. Her father accepted it.

However, Walter his new found appreciation for his son in law. Vanished three years later. Pregnant with her first child. Wendy struggled with her health. It was a difficult pregnancy. She had a suspicion that Danny cheated on her, playing the good husband when he was with her, but always working late these days. Walter knew he was with another woman. That it was his eldest daughter he didn't knew.

Seven months pregnant and the doctors discovered that her baby boy his brains where not developing as they should. He would not live long when he was born. The doctors opted for a determination but Wendy, even though heartbroken did not want to hear it.

"I can't save him, but maybe he can save others. I'll let him grow and donate his organs when his gone. I just want to hold my baby boy once."

Walter supported her decision he thought it was brave and he knew no one could change her mind.

Danny was shocked to hear the news at first. But soon he was 'working' late again.

When the time came and Wendy was in labour she was scared. Danny didn't pick up his phone. She was crying and called Walter. He rushed to the hospital and stayed with her. When his grandson was born he fell in love with the boy. He was beautiful, just like his mother. He held him in his arms for only one minute, Letting the boy know he was loved and his mommy was the best mommy in the world. Wendy held the boy in her arms and kissed him on his forehead, holding his little hand and whispered." I've have waited so long to meet you my little Angel, I loved you the moment I knew you were growing in my belly. I will love till the day I die and even then... " She whipped away a tear, holding back a sob. "You will never be truly gone, you will help saving babies who might die. I'm proud of you my little Hero, my Angel,." She gave him a hug and then he was dead.

She wanted to be left alone. Walter who never saw his daughter this sad and heartbroken. Had to keep himself strong. He's sorrow turned quickly in to anger when he realised that Danny was still not there. He's anger turned in to rage when he went to their house and found Danny balls deep in his eldest daughter.

Walter snapped back from memory lane to the real world when he heard a knock on the door. "Come in." He said "You wanted to see me honey?" He's wife said. "I need your signature on these papers." He pointed at his desk." Okay." She sat opposite from her husband and did as he asked. when she was ready he said "Thank you Maria. I'll move out within two weeks." "What do you mean honey? She furrowed her eyebrows not understanding what he meant. "Those where our divorce papers Maria. I'll give them to Kevin he will finalize them." He gather the papers and walked out the room leaving his wife shocked behind.

On his way to work he called Francis. "Walter?" Francis said, picking up his phone. "Francis, I hope you will help me, I want you to do something for me."

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