Chapter 8: Saying goodbye

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When Francis and Wendy woke up the next day. They started to make plans for Wendy her moving to London. He wanted her to move in with him. She wanted a place of her own. After mush discussing they agreed that living together would not be good and Francis would look for an apartment. They didn't talked about Tom, or what happened. Francis would have loved to talk about Tom. He received a lot of text from him and wanted to know how Wendy really felt.

"Has Jeremy found her yet?"-Tom
"Is she home?"-Tom
"Is she alright?"-Tom
"I want to talk to her. Does she wants to talk to me?"-Tom
"Can I do something to make it up?"-Tom
"Can you please ask her, to meet me? I want to explain." Tom
"I've been a fool, I know tell her I'm sorry."-Tom

His text kept coming. Francis didn't answer them. He knew Tom didn't meant for this to happen and he was really sorry. But now he had to stay focused on Wendy. Francis was beyond happy she would finally come to work with him. He would see Tom tonight when they had to go back to London, they could talk then. But know he was happy to ignore his British friend and plan the future with Wendy.

"I'm going to miss you so mush." He said while hugging Wendy tightly. "I'll be there quicker than you think." She smiled, holding his face in her hands. "I only have to survive Han and dinner with the family." She sighs. She gave him a quick kiss on his nose, one last hug "Good luck." he said and Francis stepped into the taxi that was waiting for him. When he opened the door Wendy saw Tom. He looked at her. an apologetic smile on his face. He waved. She turned and went back inside.

The weeks went by slowly. Wendy felt like a robot. Making the same things day in , day out. She didn't sing. She used to sing when she was working. Now even the radio was turned off.

The last weeks where boring and uneventful. When Francis came to visit her she was so happy to see him, her best friend. Now in two weeks she will see him again, but this time he would also e her boss. And she didn't know if boss Francis was as nice as friend Francis. She thought about a lot of things while working. Wendy didn't like to admit it but most of the time she thought of Tom.

Wendy went home after what seemed forever.

"Are you ready for the dinner?" Alice asked when Wendy walked in. "No, I'm not. I'm in no mood to see the fly and the black widow tonight." She said while throwing her handbag on the couch. Letting herself fall next to it. "One last dinner, then you will be in London. Working for the stars and you won't have to see them ever again." Alice said good humoured while giving a glass of wine to Wendy. She took a sip. "I know and then I'm out off your way and Stefie can move in." She smiled. "We are really happy we will have this place for ourselves." She clinked her glass against Wendy's. "I'm happy for you and I think you will be the perfect tenants." "Yes we are perfect! Now drink up your wine and get ready."

Wendy stood in the shower enjoying the sensation of the hot water running down. She closed her eyes and she saw a pair of blue eyes looking at her. She heard him say . "I spend most of the evening thinking about holding you in my arms and wondering how soft your lips are." She felt the warmth radiated from hid body. That is how much she forgot him. She didn't. He wasn't an annoying fly she could ignore. He was always present. She even dreamt about him. The dreams where so real she sometimes woke up wondering why she was in her 'old' bed. When she thought about his kiss, she could feel his lips on hers. She was hopeless.

Wendy got ready and went on her way to the family dinner. Before she rang the doorbell she send a quick message to Francis.

"Teddy, I'm about to enter the house of doom. If you don't hear anything from me in the next 24hours, I'm most likely dead. ;). Help, SOS :'(" – Wendy

Francis didn't replay he had to work, she knew that. But she smiled putting her phone away. Wendy took a deep breath and pushed to bell.

"Wendy darling." Her mother opened the door. Greeting her with such enthusiasm it almost made Wendy barf. "Mother!" She said stretching the word while putting her best fake smile on. "How lovely to see you kind." "Come on in, you're already late."

Wendy stepped in the dining room knowing what she would see. The room was dominated by a large wooden table that had flower details carved around the sides and on the legs. Her mother used her best china for this special occasion, and the Cristal glasses too. On the wall in the centre hung a large family photo just the seven of them, when things where uncomplicated and bearable. There was a large cabinet where her mother showed off her collection of Swarovski figurines. She looked from the photo to the people in the room, her eldest brother and his wife where sitting on the far end of the table. Her little brother and his twin sister sat opposite from them. Next the her big brother sat her elder sister and her boyfriend. The last ones are better known as Black widow and Fly. her parents sat opposite from each other. That meant that Wendy had to sit across from Her sister. How blessed and happy she felt by that! Wendy ignored the two sitting in front of her and instead focused on her younger siblings. "Mout, Louise, What have you been up to?" "Going to school by day and party all night" Mout said. "Yes! What else should we do at uni?" Louise pitched in. "Taking you're studies a bit more serious." Victor said. "But brother you had lots of fun when you were at uni." Louise said with a mysterious grin on her face. "What do you mean pumpkin?" Her mother said. That woman thought the world of her beloved Victor. For her he was the best son any mother could ask for, but who wouldn't be proud to have a doctor for a son. "O, you know... stories." She said. Victor stared at his baby sister, shifting uncomfortable on his chair. "Now Wendy" Her mother began. "Did you hear that Danny had a promotion at work? We are so proud of him. Aren't we honey?" She said the last bit to her husband while patting Danny's hand. "Hmpf' Was al her husband gave as an answer. That made Wendy feel a little better.

The meal dragged on. Wendy listened to her mother being proud at every one of her children except her. There where jokes, good wine and when Wendy thought the night couldn't get any worse Widow had to declare she had something important to say.

"I don't know how to say this." She began blushing a little while looking down at her hands. "But Danny and I." She sighs holding his hand. "Danny and I are going to get married!" She showed her hand. there was a massive diamond glittering on her finger. She smiled. Before her mother could freak out at this o so good news. She quickly added. "And we are having a baby!" "What!? O darling come here so i can kiss you!" Her mother jumped from her chair to embrace her daughter. Wendy's father just sat in his chair a dangerous look in his eyes. Maut and Louise just stared blank. Victor and Jenny where whispering. "Did you hear that honey? We are going to be grandparents! Our first grandchild! Her mother was ecstatic whit joy but was pulled of her little cloud quit quickly.

"You mean our second grandchild sugar." His voice was low and the anger radiated from his face. "What?" His wife said. She looked for a second at Wendy. "O but that child is dead. He doesn't matter, this new baby does." She said putting her hand on Widow her belly.

"Excuse me?"Wendy said feeling she would lose her temper. "My son doesn't matter? My baby boy is dead but doesn't matter?! You bitch!" Wendy stood up looking at her mother, the black widow and fly. Feeling the anger growing inside her." Is that what you will that baby Danny?" She asked "That it had an older half brother but he's dead so he doesn't matter?" "I would never...!" He began "You would never what, you swine? cheat on me? Fucking my sister while I was alone in the hospital, terrified while giving birth to our son we knew couldn't survive?!" She spat the ugly truth in his face. Everyone looked uncomfortable. "Mother you can drop dead for all I care, you never cared for me anyways." Wendy said. "Dad, Maut, Louise, Victor and even you Jenny. I love you guys and I'm going to miss you. You most off al dad." She went to her dad giving him a hug. "Come visit me sometime yes?" She whispered in his ear. "Where are you going Wendy?." Jenny asked whilethe others seemed to be lost for words. . Wendy took her purse and coat.

"London, I'm going to live in London." She walked out in to the cool night. Phone in her hand

"I'm not dead, in fact I have never felt more alive Teddy, see you soon."-Wendy

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