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Hello everyone who takes the time to read my story. As I said/Promised a short epilogue. I hope you like it. I've an idea for a second Tom fanfic. I start with that when I've got some more time. I always put something personal in my stories, in the hope they are a bit more believeble. Pleas comment, vote, suggest I love to hear it all. Thank you

Three years later

"Okay, you two know exactly what to do right?" Wendy was is the back of the shop. "Yes boss!" Jeremy and Sally laughed. "It's not funny, it's important!" She was a little angry. "Wendy we can do this, you can trust us, it's not the first time." Jeremy hugged her as best he could. "You go, relax and have that baby. The shop will still be here when you come back." Wendy sighed. "I'm sorry, just nerves I think." Jeremy smiled "Don't be." Wendy smiled back."Okay well Francis, Rose and I are picking Tom up from the airport. Call me when you need me, even when you don't, just call me!" They all laughed.

"I wish you were at home Wendy!" Francis whispered. Wendy was very, very pregnant. Everyone kept telling her she should calm down, and stop working sooner. But she couldn't. Even when her previous pregnancy was all good and the baby was healthy and well. Wendy could only really relax when she held her baby girl. She was always afraid something would go wrong.

Wendy looked at her little girl. she was running around, her blond curls bouncing up and down. "I'm happy Tom will be back." She said still looking at Rose. "We all are!" Francis joked. "At least you will listen to him." "Teddy!" She laughed shaking her head. "It's easier when he is here yes, and Rose loves her daddy so mush."

Other people who were waiting started to whisper, excitedly. "I think someone arrived." They stood up. Rose already saw him, running as fast as she could. "Daddy, daddy, daddy!" She shouted arms wide open. Tom saw his little girl. dropped his duffle bag on the ground, hugging her tight. "Hello, little princess" He said while kissing her forehead. "Missed you daddy." She said while kissing his cheek. "I missed you to." Wendy and Francis where a little slower. "Hello, love." He kissed her soft on the lips, still holding Rose. "Glad you came home Schat." "As if I would miss this." He said softly laying his free hand on her belly.

"Tom, my dear boy." Diana kissed him. They had dinner at his mother's house. They talked and laughed enjoying the food Diana made. "Is everything okay Wendy dear." Diana asked looking worried. "It's fine, nothing to worry about." Wendy smiled weakly. "You haven't eaten any of the food." Tom looked at her arching his brow. "Love, are you...?" She sighed. "Yes but it doesn't hurt that much yet." "What are we still doing here then?!" Tom jumped up. Wendy smiled.

They arrived at the hospital, Tom all worried and slightly panicked. Wendy laughed at him. He was so cute when he was like that. Wendy soon stopped laughing, her water broke and things went fast. Before she even knew it she held her second child in her arms. Tom was proud at Wendy, she did great. He kissed the baby "Welcome little one."

Louise was enjoying her breakfast when Patrick walked in. "Good morning, sweetheart, have you heard from Wendy yet?" Louise looked up "No I haven't, I think." She took her phone there was one new message. "Before you open that, watch this." He gave the I pad. Louise looked at it "O my god, o my god, o my god!" She shouted while looking at the photo's and the article. The photo's where taken at the airport. Her sister, Tom and little niece Rose happy together.

Tom Hiddleston did it again!

That Tom Hiddleston is a busy man, we all know. He loves his job and does all he can to combine both career and family. It must be difficult sometime. But he stays passionate and devoted to both (sigh, what a man).

And just look at the photos taken only last night at the London airport. His little girl so happy to see him, he must be a great, loving father. and we all must agree, isn't Rose adorable?!

Last night Tom arrived back in London and just in time! Multiple sources confirmed that the happy couple welcomed their second child in the early morning. Will this be some sort of tradition for the couple? Tom arriving just in time for the birth of their children? (We hope not ;) )

We do not yet know if it is another girl or a boy but we can all be sure it is loved and we hope the child will have those curls, we all love the blond curls!

We wish them the best of luck.

Louise looked at the photos for a while. Even after four years Wendy was still so happy. She took her phone and read the message, it was from Wendy. She read it and tears where running down her cheeks. "What is it sweet heart?" Patrick suddenly worried. She gave him her phone.

Whats app group Siblings party:

My dear brothers and sisters We hope we don't wake any of you up at this hour, but we wanted to show you all something amazing!

There was a photo of a baby, it's eyes are closed laying cosy in its daddy's arms.

Meet your nephew
His name?
Walter Hiddleston

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