Chapter 14: Ready to work.

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Wendy got up early exited to start working. She had breakfast and showered. She felt good and nervous. Just like a child on its first school day.

"Good morning sunshine." Francis sounded happy. "You have one week to work your magic." He waved his hands like doing a magic trick. "One week?! I thought I had more time!" "Sorry chocolate bean, I lied. I didn't want to freak you out." Francis gave her a hug. "I hope you pay overtime because that's what I'll have to do to be ready in time." Wendy smiled patting Francis on his back. "I'll let you work then."

Wendy took the bag of raw chocolate and opened it. She normally loves the smell coming from the bag. But not today. The smell made her feel sick. She turned her head away from the bag and it's over powering smell. Trying not to gag.

"Are you okay little bean?" Francis looked a bit worried. It was not a good time to get sick. I'll be fine Francis. I just took a deep breath while opening the bag. Not always a good idea." She smiled. With that she went to work. She was so happy to finely do the things she really loved that the day flew by.

Francis looked at his friend closely the whole day. Something seemed different about her. He didn't know what it was. But she looked... Francis stiffened as he realised what he saw.

Wendy worked hard the whole day finishing 200 easy chocolates she was pleased with herself. She took her things, ready to go home and relax in a nice warm bath. But Francis interrupted that cosy prospect.

"Wendy, you and I are going to the pub." Francis looked at her, arms crossed. He didn't want to hear no from her. He had to speak to her. "Okay?" She turned to look at him. Saw his serious face and felt her heart sink a little.

"Hard working people need pub food." Francis said while sitting down. "I never had pub food before." "I know little bean," He smiled. Francis ordered for them both. Wendy didn't mind. Francis took a deep breath."So Wendy how are things between you and Tom?" He asked "Uhm, good I guess? We hung out yesterday. It was really nice." "So you think you guys can be more than just friends?" "What's with all these questions Teddy?" Wendy asked growing more suspicious. "Did Tom asked you to ask me this?" "No he didn't" His gaze fell. "Then what Teddy?" "It's just, I watched you today at work and you looked different." "Different? How?" She didn't understand what he was talking about. She didn't change a thing about herself. "Well, I do feel good. Better then I've felt in a long time." She smiled.

"Good, that's good" He said distracted. "What are you doing?" Wendy was started to get nervous and a little worried. "I'm counting" He said "Your counting? Counting what?" "How far you are, I think we need to go see a doctor." He sighed looking at her. "Why? I'm not sick." She didn't understand what was going on. "No you are healthy, but I think you're pregnant." Wendy just looked at Francis, like she got slapped in the face. "You think I'm what?" "Just count back, it makes sense." He said carefully "Sense? you're not making any sense I can't be pregnant." "You can be, and you are. You got sick when you smelled the raw chocolate, just like last time. You're breast are slightly fuller but not much yet. and you have this glow..." "I have a glow?" She sat back in her chair looking uncomfortable. "What are you doing?" Francis asked after a short silence. "I'm counting" "and" " eight weeks." She said "If I'm pregnant, I'm eight weeks and I didn't even know." Francis saw the panic in Wendy's eyes. "We go to the doctor tomorrow, I already made an appointment." "But work?' She stammered "I'll help with the heavy stuff we go afterwards." She simply nodded. They went home. "Francis, will you stay with me? I'm scared." "Of course I'll stay."

The next morning Wendy woke in Francis his arms. She didn't slept well. She would love to stay in bed but she had a lot of work . She took her phone and had one new message.

"Hope your first day at work was productive! Looking forward to the charity dinner. Will I see you this week? Or are you to busy? –Tom

Wendy looked slightly panicked at the screen. She hadn't even thought about Tom. How will she tell him if it's true? She didn't answer, she couldn't.

Even though both Francis and Wendy where with their thoughts elsewhere. They managed to make her famous chocolates. They didn't say too much. Both nervous for tonight. "Okay I feel optimistic Teddy. I think I will be ready in time." She smiled at her friend. "Good, now get ready it's time." He held her arm while saying it. Comforting her. He knew if he's right Wendy will need all the support she can get. He wasn't there the last time. But he won't leave her side this time. She gave a weak smile, nodded and grabbed her things.

They arrived in a private practice. It was intimate and clean. Wendy didn't love hospitals so she was glad to see the place looked more homely.

The wait was endless. But then finally they could see the doctor. "Good evening Miss La Ruelle, Mister Dewitte, I'm doctor Khan." The man smiled friendly holding out his hand. "Good evening doctor." They greeted him, shaking his outstretched hand. "Please, take a seat." He pointed at the chairs.

" So miss, how can I help you?" He folded his hands, leaning on his desk. She couldn't say it she just looked shy. "She thinks she might be pregnant." Francis said after a short silence. "I see" Doctor Khan turned from Francis to Wendy. "And how long do you think you might be pregnant?" "Eight weeks." She said softly. The doctor raised an eyebrow. He thought the girl looked absolute terrified. "And how do you feel about that?" He asked kindly "Sorry?" Wendy looked at the doctor for the first time. She saw concern in his eyes. "I'm terrified, I just never thought about having other children." "You have a child?" "Yes, I had a son." "Ah, I see. Well if you are as far as you might believe, let's take an ultrasound. We should be able to see the foetus." She looked slightly shocked "Or do you wish to take a blood test?." "No it's fine I would love to see it."

Wendy made herself comfortable. If she was going to see a baby in her belly she might as well be comfortable, no?

The doctor turned on the machine, put some cold gel on her belly and there it was. She didn't even registered what she was seeing. but she could hear a strong heartbeat that wasn't her own. Wendy looked at the flickering light on the screen while she listened. That was the moment she realised it was starting all over again. She started to cry hysterically. Shaking and almost hyperventilating.

"Miss calm down, it's alright. Calm down." The doctor tried to reassure her. "No it's not." She said between sobs and short breaths "I can't lose another child, I simply can't." Tears where running down her face. Francis was holding her. "I'm here little bean, we are all going to be fine."

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