Chapter 4: Left behind

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Wendy and Tom both ate in silence. Wendy looked pleased while looking at both Jeremy and Francis. She knew they would like each other. Dessert arrived, she looked at Tom and said. "This is a nice night, isn't it?" "Yes it is actually." Tom looked at her sort of blank. "You didn't like our little joke from earlier?" "It was most amusing." He answered quick and kept eating. "Come on, we couldn't help it! You guys jumped to conclusions Tristan. We simply joked around." Tom didn't react. "Well if it helps, I'm really sorry." Wendy said quietly "You are very convincing." He cracked a smile. "I can be yes." She smiled back. "So you live in London as well?" she asked. "Yes I do." "How did you met Francis?" "At a charity dinner." "Hmm your answers are quite short, you don't like to talk about yourself?" "Not really no" Tom said. "O okay." Wendy shrugged her shoulders. "So tell me, where you a guest at the dinner or did you work?" Tom tilted his head smiling at her. "Why do you want to know?" He asked trying to hide his curiosity "I'm sort of stuck with you for the rest of the evening so I guess , at least I could get to know Teddy's friend." She said simply.

"She really doesn't know me? Francis said he loved to send her trailers of my work and ask her what she thinks, but she says she never watches them or the movies. Could that be true?" Tom looked at her. She is so beautiful. Even when she eats she looks amazing.

"What are you thinking?" Wendy asked him looking questionably. "Just things what Francis told me about you." "O, things like what?" she puts her fork down looking at him, giving him her full attention. "What didn't he tell me?" Tom laughs trying to look mysterious.

"He probably didn't tell you that I'm 26 years old, that we met at school. That I'm not that good looking. Live and breathe chocolate. That I'm divorced, if he told you the whole story, I wouldn't be surprised. Oh and sometimes I'm total mess?" Wendy said this with ease like it wasn't affecting her at all that her friend would say that sort of personal things the people that for her where strangers. "Uhm, yes he might not have said any of those things." He smiled. "It's okay, that's how he is. An open book even about other people's lives. I know he loves me." "He didn't tell the whole divorce story he said he couldn't tell such horrid things." She smiled "It's a long time ago. He just moved to London. I think he sort of feels guilty he wasn't here for me." They fell silence

"So chocolate?" Tom asked to lighten the mood. He knew more about what happened between her and her ex-husband but he couldn't think about that now. He felt angry. Here she is, in real life. Being totally like Francis described her if not more. She just met him and accepted him, already treating him like a friend. She is honest, open and loves to laughs. She is perfect. How can someone treat her like that? He's amazed, just enchanted. He wished he didn't lied to her about his name. It's a matter of time before anyone recognise him and asks for a photo or autograph. He has been very lucky today.

"O yes chocolate!" She was so enthusiastic even Francis and Jeremy stopped talking to listen to her. Both smiling. She talked about how she discovered that chocolate was her passion. How she went on apprenticeships to Paris and Melbourne. "Who knew I could learn something from the Fresh and the Australians about making chocolate!" " Not forgetting the prizes you won with your creations. The fact that you are one of the youngest members of the chocolate guild." Francis said "Chocolate guild?" Tom looked confused. "It's an organisation, only the best chocolatiers from all over the world can become a member. It's also the place where we register our creations so people won't copy them , at least not whiteout permission " "What's your best creation?" Tom asks "Hmm I'm very proud of my chocolate sushi." She saw Tom his face and smiled" It's chocolate that looks like sushi and has Asian flavours, Like sake, lemongrass and so on." "Sounds delicious, you sell them in the shop?" "Ha, I wish!" She said disappointed. "Her boss doesn't like exotic flavours he likes the boring stuff." Francis can't keep the anger out his voice. "I offered her a job more than once, she could make whatever she wants but turns me down every time." "If I remember correctly I accepted your job offer this morning Teddy." She stood up. "We should go, we can go to the Café."

They went to the Café. It was crowded but acceptable. You could still move around easily. They sat at the table in the far corner. It was Wendy her favourite spot. They drank, talked, laughed. The four of them had a nice time. Suddenly Francis and Jeremy stood up saying they were going to dance and get more drinks. It was just Tom and Wendy.

"So, I wanted to ask you." Tom began. "Why do you call Francis 'Teddy'?" She smiled "He really don't like people to know." "Know what?" "His first name, that is where Teddy comes from." "Wait Francis isn't his first name?" "Nope," Wendy said making a popping sound. "You really don't like talking about yourself do you?" She said again after a short silence. "No I don't." But why?" "It's just easier." "But that's not fair at all! I answered every question! One more and you might know my whole life!"

He laughs, she's right. she is an open book. Francis told him she didn't mind talking about herself. Of course she kept things to herself. But when she feels comfortable she sometimes tells more then she would like.

"Can I ask you one more question? I will tell you something more about myself, I swear." She looked at him simply nodding her head. "Francis said you love Bruges and your job. Why do you want to leave now?" Wendy looked at him. Her eyes were starting to tear up. She shook her head, looking at Tom. His blue eyes looked at her with such interest and softness at the same time. She sighs.

"Francis is right, Han has no imagination, no real interest. He gave me a job when I needed one the most. He made promises but didn't keep them. I stayed at first simply so I and my ex could pay off the loan on our house. Then I got divorced and I stayed because he helped me true it. I love my colleagues so they were also a reason to stay. I wanted to leave anyway and last night helped me make my decision easier for me. We went for dinner with most of the staff. We all had a good time and maybe a bit too much drinks." Wendy went on telling him about what happened with Han in the toilets. His looked at her wide eyed. There was anger in his eyes to. She felt uncomfortable.

After she finished her story Tom closed his eyes "I'm so sorry that happened too you." He said softly He wanted to hold her hand but he didn't. The promised drinks came around. Wendy took a big sip from her glass. " So, Tristan" She said "Now tell me about you." She puts one arm on the table and rested her chin on the other one.

Tom smiled and started to tell more about himself. Avoiding the career. He told her about places he's been and places he wanted to go. He talked about books and his favourite movies. Still avoiding the career. She noticed that he used his hands a lot when he talks. She smiled. They both went on about different subjects. Laughing and drinking. They had the best time. Wendy couldn't remember the last time she had this much fun.

"Where did the boys go?" Wendy asked , remembering Francis and Jeremy. "I have no idea."

Wendy stood up, she felt a bit light headed. And walked over to the bar. "Gill, did you see Jeremy?" "He left an hour ago with is date." The bartender smiled while draping a towel over his shoulder. "He did? That's nice." Gill smiled. "You know how he is." He winked at her. "I know how they both are." She smiled back "Thank you Gill."

"They just left." Wendy informed Tom. "Maybe we should do the same, it's getting late." Tom stood up and lost his balance. He quickly recovers. "O, my Tristan, I think you drank too much." She smiled.

"Speak for yourself, darling." "Come I'll take you to your hotel."

They both walked to Tom's hotel. They both where a bit out of balance because of the drinks. So to keep them steady. Tom has put his arm around her shoulders and Wendy had her arm around his slim waist.

They arrived at the hotel. Wendy walked with Tom to his room. No matter how much she drank, she always wanted to know her friends where safe in their house, or in his case room.

Tom finally was able to open his door. They both giggled at his failed attempts to open the door.

"God you're awful at opening doors Tristan." She giggled. Tom was already in his room taking of his leather jacket. Wendy took the key card and turned on the lights. She was standing in the door. "Are you okay?" she asked seeing how Tom looked at her. "No I'm not." He said. "You' r sick?" Wendy came in the room closing the door behind her. Looking worried at Tom.

Before she knew it she was pressed against the door. Tom holding her in his arms. She looked at him. Fist she was shocked but she saw the soft look in his eyes. He looked down and whispered. "I spend most of the evening thinking about holding you in my arms and wondering how soft your lips are." Wendy swallowed, her mouth was dry. She looked at Tom, he came closer. Finally closing the gap between them and pressed his lips softly against hers.

Chocolate lovers ( a Tom Hiddleston fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now