Chapter 29: Leaving

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Hello everyone, Thank you for reading! I knowthe previous chapter is a bit off. I hoped I could put her feelings down in abetter way. But losing a child is painful and it hurts, it really messes you upso sorry if the previous one is well... Not that good. I've tried to write downhow I felt losing my baby (mush earlier in my pregnancy, but I believe nomatter when you lose something so special it hurts like hell) as I said itmesses you up. The story is coming to its end. Only two or four chapters left Ithink. Please comment, I still love tohear what you think, suggestions are also still welcom. Thank you

Wendy was packing her bags. She could finally go home, not one moment too soon. If she wasn't going to lose her sanity over what has happened. She might have lost it staying in the hospital to long. Wendy never associated hospitals with good things, who does? So the sooner she could leave the better.

While packing, Wendy was thinking about what to do next. She knew the first thing on her list. It was very disagreeable. But after she did that. What would she do next? Take a break and go somewhere? She was lost in thought. There was a knock on the door, but she didn't hear it. Tom entered the room. "Wendy?" She looked up from her bag. Seeing Tom she sighed.

Yesterday she was so happy to see Tom. First a little shocked maybe but having him here made her feel better. But he couldn't stay she didn't want that.

"What are you doing here Tom?" He stared at her, not understanding her attitude. "You can go home today, so I'm here to pick you up." He came closer. She held her hand up. "I don't want you to take me home, I want to be alone." "But Wendy..."Tom started, looking confused. "No, just leave me alone Tom, you don't have to be nice anymore, whatever we had, it's over." She looked him in the eyes. It was difficult but she managed it. "What do you mean it's over? It's not over!" He shouted losing control over his emotions. "Yes it is, the baby is gone so there is nothing for you to stay with me." He was shocked, confused, angry even. How could she say that? "Where is this all coming from? You know I love you Wendy." He tried to come closer but she didn't let him, shaking her head. "No Tom you don't. You loved the idea of us, a little family. That's gone so, leave." "You're pushing me away? Why?" Confusion and hurt written all over his beautiful face. "I'm not, I simply had enough. I want to forget about any of this to have happened. I don't love you Tom, I thought I did but I don't." She took her bag and left the room. Leaving Tom behind, heartbroken.

Back home Wendy could breathe again. The look in Tom's eyes will haunt her forever. She knew that. But it's for the best. Even when her own heart aches. Wendy had to let him go.

She went upstairs and took her suitcase. Started putting clothes in it. On her way home she realised that she had been in London for six months and hadn't seen anything. The weather was nice for the time of year so she decided to go on a little trip.

Wendy texted Francis: "I'm home and I will leave again soon. I need to clear my head. Getting a grip on my emotions. Except what happened. I can't do that here. Come and water my plants please, thank you"- Wendy

with that she took her things and left. When she closed the door of her car she realised it would be the first time ever she would drive on the wrong side of the road, or is this the right side? Let's blame Bonaparte for the confusion, shall we?

It was strange for the first couple of hours but she didn't cause any accidents so it was a success. When she left she didn't know where she was going. After 5 hours, most of which stuck in traffic. Wendy arrived at Wymouth. It was getting late She found a hotel but it was on the Isle of Portland. Wendy drove to the hotel, liking the view. Portland was connected to the mainland with a terribly long road. on one side you had the ocean and harbour on the other a long stretch of pebble beach.

The next morning she looked up things to do and see. A lot of it was further away. The first thing she absolutely wanted to see was durdle door and Lulworth cove. She took her running shoes with her and went on her way.

The cove was pretty, when you went to the highest point the views where spectacular. Looking over the ocean made Wendy feel calm and relaxed. She walked back to the visitors centre. On the far end of the parking lot was a long broad stair/path that would lead to durdle door. Wendy stood at the foot of the path looked up. It was very high, took a deep breath and started to run. She hadn't had a lot of exercise and she could feel it. Half way to the top she was out of breath, her longs and legs hurting. But she didn't stop. On the top she stopped catching her breath. The pain made her feel alive. she was half way to durdle door but the last part she couldn't run. it was steeper and the path was terrible. After about 30min going down, walking past cows and seeing yet another parking lot. She finally arrived.

She stood on the edge, admiring the view. It took her breath away. It was so beautiful. She took the stairs, leading down to the beach. She sat there for a couple of hours watching the ocean and durdle door. She felt peace, it is as if the waves carried her worries away, only her worries the pain stayed but it was bearable. It is strange what nature can do to a person.

Francis received Wendy's text and was slightly worried. Hoping she wouldn't do anything stupid. Days passed without a word from her. He went to her house, doing what she asked. He sat at her piano, just touching the keys lightly. Sighing, he didn't understand Wendy anymore. He wish he knew what she was thinking. He couldn't forget to look on Tom's face when he came from the hospital. Why did she do that? He saw how she looked when he came the first time.

Francis looked up from the piano hearing a sound. He went to the kitchen and saw Wendy's phone. "That explains a lot." He shook his head. He picked it up, There were a ton of messages and missed calls on it. He took his phone and started to text everyone she left her phone at home, nothing to worry about tough she just wanted to be alone, no distractions.

He picked her phone up again. Looking at the photo on the screen. It was her and Tom. It was the photo they took the first night they've met. He smiled, she did care about Tom. There was something ells that caught his attention. The recorder was one of the open apps. He pressed the last recording, knowing that she came up with new creations that way. He was surprised to see that the last one was when she was in the Hospital. He pressed play, turning pale while listening to it.

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