Chapter 28: Recovering

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There where people whispering, Wendy couldn't' understand what they were saying. She heard machines beeping. She woke up slowly. She opened her eyes, realising where she was, she looked at her belly, the baby was gone. Silent tears running down her cheeks. She closed her eyes again, wishing she never woke up.

Francis thought he heard Wendy. He turned around but she was still a sleep. He looked at her sighing. "We better go home Francis." Jeremy put his hand on Francis back. "See you tomorrow Chocolate bean." The door closed behind them. Wendy opened her eyes again, crying out loud.

She felt broken and hurt. It hurts so badly, like her heart was ripped out. Her crying turned into hysterical sobs, feeling like she would never be happy again. Her breathing got faster. She almost started to hyperventilate. The door opened, Tom his mother rushed to her side, trying to calm her down. Wendy leaned her head against Diana, Who put her arms around Wendy. "Poor girl." She whispered softly while tears ran down her cheeks.

Francis sat on his couch, his hands covering his face. They were at the hospital all day. He informed Diana when Wendy got to her room. They agreed not to tell Tom right now.

"Here drink something." Jeremy held out a glass. He sat next to him. They were silent, just drinking. "What's going to happen?" Jeremy asked. Francis shook his head. "I don't know." Francis phone buzzes, Tom his name appeared on the screen. "Francis, take good care of them"-Tom

He looked at the message, breaking down. He felt like he failed his best friend again.

Wendy was in the hospital for one week. Her recovery was slow. Sometimes she started crying out of nowhere, other times she just sat there watching life go on outside. Francis and Jeremy came to visit every day. They tried to be as happy as possible, telling gossip or something funny they saw on the television. But Wendy simply didn't care. She laughed but it sounded fake, she tried, she really did but she just felt hollow, slightly detached from reality.

"It's almost Halloween." Francis started "That means, new and crazy flavour creations doesn't it?" Day after day he came to see his friend looking like a real life zombie. Nothing they said could interest her. He felt so desperate so he hoped to see a glimpse of his dear little chocolate bean, by talking chocolate. Wendy looked at him, smiling weakly. "I'm sure Jeremy knows enough to try to come up with something." She turned to look out the window again. Francis his face fell. He also felt anger building up. "Snap out of it!" He yelled standing up. Wendy turned to face him again. Her eyes blank. "Snap out of it!" He yelled again. "It happened Wendy, I know it hurts. But no one can change what happened! You can't blame yourself, stop doing that, you will kill yourself!" Desperation was written all over his face. "The first thing I thought when I woke up was 'Why I'm I still here?' I was afraid this would happen again. I feel like I'm dying Teddy. I can't breathe, I can't think." She stopped. "I can't feel Francis. I'm numb. " She sighed "When I even dear to think I'm going to be okay I breakdown again." She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. "Sorry Teddy, I try, I do it's just not easy, especially because they don't know how it happened. Blaming myself is the easiest way because It's my body." She looked outside again. suddenly jumping up "What is he doing here?" She looked shocked. "You told him?" Anger written all over her face. "Who?" Francis was confused. "Tom! Did you tell Tom!" She started to panic. "No I didn't!" He shouted in surprise.


Tom hung up his phone, speechless. He sat on his bed in his hotel room. He was about to leave for dinner with his friends when his mother called.

"Mom, how are you" He looked at his mother's image on the phone. "Hello dear, how is New York?" She didn't looked like herself. "Mom are you okay?" He looked worried at her. "I'm fine son, I'm." She sighed."So how is New York?" She asked again. "It was great." He looked at her. "Was?" "Yes, was until you called. Now I'm worried about you. Sure you're okay mom?" She looked down. "I'm fine." Tom noticed it." Who isn't fine mom?" He felt his heart beating faster. His mother said nothing. "Mom, what happened? Is it Wendy? Tell me mom!" Diana looked up. her eyes where sad. "I'm so sorry my dear." Tom his eyes were wide with worry and fear. "Mom!" He shouted unable to control himself. "Wendy lost the baby Tom, I'm so sorry."

Tom sat still for five minutes. He started to pack his bag and took the first plane home.

Tom rushed from the airport to the hospital. He needed to see Wendy, He couldn't believe no one told him sooner. He tried to call her, but she didn't pick up her phone. He arrived at her room. He didn't even think to knock.

"Wendy?" He said softly looking into the room. Francis and Jeremy where standing up. "We better give you guys a minute." Jeremy murmured. They quickly left the room.

Wendy just stood there, looking at Tom. Tears in her eyes. "What are you doing here?" Wendy finaly managed to say. "I came as soon as I heard." He came closer, His eyes water."Wendy" Was all he said before taking her in his arms. She cried softly. "I'm sorry Tom." She cried "Don't do that Wendy, don't apologise. It's not your fault." He kissed her forehead. She said nothing. She just held him. When other people said to her it wasn't her fault, she didn't believe it. She still doesn't but it feels good to hear Tom say it.

Tom stayed a while. They both felt pretty tired. She asked Tom about New York. She listened, and actually was interested for the first time. He sat with her on her bed. Holding her in his arms. They talked and hugged. Wendy felt safe. She taught it was a strange thing to feel right now but she did and it felt good.

The next day Wendy was feeling a lot better. She didn't get up with this heavy feeling in her chest witch was a good thing. Later that day Wendy could go home, that helped as well. She took her notepad, pencil and her phone, pressed record and started to say random things while drawing."Dark chocolate, raspberry, mint, pumpkin, ginger, milk or with... She went on like that. There was a knock on the door. Wendy looked up and was amazed when she saw "Hello, Lucy? What are you doing here?" "Hello Wendy." Lucy said and closed the door.

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