Chapter 26: Surprise

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"Wendy!" The twins said enthusiastically when she opened the door. Hugging her and kissing her cheeks. "Welcome!" She said with just as mush enthusiasm. It was two months after Tom's interview. He was very busy with the play that was going to premier soon. It was a lot of preparation for only three shows. But she didn't mind she was busy with work, orders came in and she had to find someone to replace her when she was on maternity leave. It was a hard task. But she found him.

"This house is amazing!" Louise said looking around. "Dad had taste" Maut nodded. When they entered the living room Louise let out a small, high pitched shriek. "That is a nice piano." She went to the instrument looking at it with hungry eyes. Wendy shook her head laughing. Louise loved piano just as much as Wendy did.

"What would you like to do while you are here?" She gave the twins their glasses. "We don't know" Maut took a sip. "We just didn't want to stay in Bruges during the holiday." Louise kept looking around while talking. "Is it that bad?" "You have no idea! Be glad you live here." "What happened?" "The world as we know it ended." Maut laughed. "Louise you are so dramatic!" "But it's true! Gina totally freaked out at the wedding when you left. She didn't' understand why everyone was leaving before she and Danny had their first dance!" "The guests did what?" Wendy was both surprised and amused. "Yep, that happened and Danny is furious at her, for that name the unborn daughter thing. He swore he didn't knew." "Really?" "She had her baby, Danny missed it." "What?" Wendy her amazement grew by the second.

"Yes, he said he doesn't even know why he is staying with her! He called her a bitch." Louise laughed "They are getting a divorce, Danny went to Kevin." Maut finished.

Wendy was silent. She didn't know what she was hearing. "Don't you think it funny Wendy?" Louise looked at Wendy's shocked face. "No I don't." She looked at her siblings. "I really don't." They both stopped laughing.

A heavy silence fell over them. "They are not my most favourite people in the world, they did some horrible stuff. But I care for the child. Growing up like that..." She fell silent putting one hand on her belly. "Do you know if it's a boy or a girl?" "No I don't ." Wendy smiled. "We want to be surprised." "We was the interview, you really are not together?" "No Louise we aren't." "To bad." Was all she said."You think we will meet him while we're here?"

There was a knock on the door. Wendy couldn't help but laugh. "Who knows." She said while answering the door. "Well hello stranger." Tom kissed her on the cheek. "What a nice surprise, we were just talking about you." "We?"

Tom entered the living room and saw the two strangers. He stopped, then smiled "You must be Louise and Maut?" He shook their hands. "How do you know that?" Louise looked both start struck and surprised. "Wendy talks a lot about her siblings." She started to blush "Really?" She looked at Wendy, who was enjoying her sisters embarrassment. Maut looked at his twin "So you are doing a play?" Tom turned to Maut. Louise was relieved to have those eyes stop looking at her. "Yes, it's for charity. We are doing three shows." "I've read that after that you are going to America?" "You are?" Wendy was surprised to hear that. Tom looked a little uncomfortable. "Yes, that's true." He saw Wendy's face. "But only for a couple of weeks. I'll be back before." He looked at her belly with soft eyes. "So cute." Louise whispered to Maut. Who only nodded.

They sat, talking about the twins. What they wanted to do after school. Louise was very confident. She was going to leave Bruges behind, not because of the city itself, she loved it. But she has more bad then good memories there. Maut wanted to work at his dads firm. He owned it more or less so that wouldn't be a problem.

After a couple of hours talking, getting to know each other. The front door opened. Francis and Jeremy came in with food. "Teddy, Jeremy just in time we were getting hungry." They greeted them hugging, kissing. "So Jeremy how do you like living in London?" Jeremy's eyes lit up. "Maut, you wouldn't believe it! It's amazing." "Who knew, living with Francis is amazing!" Louise laughed. Remembering the time Francis lived with them for a week. It was chaos. Fun but chaotic. "And how does our big sister treat you? She not to difficult a boss?" "Wendy is an absolute tyrant! But with reason. I have a lot to learn in just a couple of months." "Why didn't you hire someone with experience?" "I don't trust them. I trust Jeremy and he is good actually." Jeremy gleamed with pride as did Francis."Wendy that's really nice of you. But you don't have to feel like saying that because his my boyfriend." Francis winked. "I say the truth."

They all laughed, had a good time. Jeremy talking about being Wendy's apprentice. And of course talking about the good old days. Francis was just telling them a story about high school. When there was another knock on the door. "This is getting ridicules!" Wendy exclaimed while opening the door. She was laughing at the story Francis was telling them. Knowing how it would end. But her laugh turned into ." Danny what the hell are you doing here?!" Wendy stood there looking wide eyed at her ex. "Can I come in?" He asked softly. Wendy was a little shocked and let him in.

Danny entered the living room. He was shocked at the number of people in it. Unfortunately for him. Most of those people didn't like him at all. "What are doing here." they said in unison. Tom just looked at the man. Not knowing what to think.

"Hello, I'm Tom." He said looking at Danny, who sighed relived that someone broke the silence. "Danny, nice to meet you." There was a silence again. He sat down on the empty chair in the corner. "Would you like a drink?" Wendy asked. "Yes, yes please, thank you." Wendy got Danny his drink. There was the silence again.

Wendy just looked at him. "What are you doing here Danny?" She asked again after a couple of minutes in deafening silence. Danny swallowed. "Can I talk to you, alone?" He looked pleading. "No you can't, you can say it here or leave." He sighed again, drinking the rest of his drink. As if he needed courage.

"I just wanted to tell you I'm an idiot, a fool, a complete arse." He looked at Wendy trying to concentrate on her alone. "When I cheated on you, I didn't even know why I did it. I felt so bad about it. I wanted to be there for you and our son. But your sister she had this, I don't know what it was. I didn't even know why I stayed with her after that. Going to the family dinners with her. While it should've been with you. Hearing her say all those nasty things to you, It hurt me just as much as you! I wanted to leave so many times but she convinced me to stay. The last drop was at the wedding. What she did was unacceptable. I left her for good this time. I came here to apologise and" He took a deep breath "I still love you, I know it's too late but I wanted you to know."

Wendy just looked at Danny her face was unreadable It made all of them uncomfortable. Tom most of all he sat next to her. Fear in his eyes of what she might do next. Wendy just started to laugh, loud very loud. It wasn't a pleasant laugh either. When she calmed down a little she looked around. "Anyone want another drink?" She stood up. They all nodded. She looked at Danny who was still looking at her.

"What do you want me to say Danny? You are the most despicable man I know. I have never been so happy to be freed from you. You chose to do all those things. It wasn't only Gina. You did them as well. You left yet another wife and child behind, a living one this time. You're pathetic. So leave, leave I don't have to see you anymore, so I won't, leave."

Danny looked like he was slapped in the face but he stood up. "I love you Wendy, I always will"

"Good luck with that" Was all she said

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