Chapter 21: Delicious œufs

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Wendy was nervous while she packed up her chocolates. Tomorrow She had her meeting with Delicious œufs. She looked it up on internet and it was indeed a very prestigious shop.

That night she was going to make herself comfortable watching TV. She never really watched anything of Tom's work and Francis sort off bought her all of his DVD's. She just sat down with a bowl of popcorn when the doorbell rang.

"Tom!" She was surprised he said he had to rehears late. "I've got a surprise for you." He held the most sweetest and fluffiest teddy bear she ever saw. "O, my god that's so cute!" She took the bear and held it to her cheek. "And soft." She closed her eyes. "Well it's not for you, but for the baby so don't get to attached." She smiled.. "Lucky baby." "What were you doing?" Wendy blushed a little. "I was going to watch a movie." "Oh" Tom raised an eyebrow. "A movie I know?" He looked at her red cheeks. "You will know it. You want to stay and see yourself at work?" "Love to."

"Tom, can you please shut up!" She punched him on the arm. "Auw" He laughed. "You are saying all your lines, it's distracting." "I'm sorry, I can't help it." "This is the last time I watch a movie with you." She laughs. Tom looks apologetic, putting one arm around her shoulder. Wendy shift her position. she leans her head on Tom's shoulder. It was so natural ,both of them didn't think about it.

Wendy woke up in her bed, She had no idea how she got there. She got herself ready and went downstairs. Tom was there making breakfast. "Hello, sleeping beauty." He smiled. "You want some breakfast? It's a big day today." He held up a pan with scrambled eggs in it." Thank you." She kissed Tom on the cheek. "What was that for" He asked, surprised. "To thank you for the present for our baby and doing all this with me." Tom smiled.

Wendy took her box of chocolates and went on her way to her meeting with Delicious œufs. For such a prestigious shop they have the most ridicules name. Wendy thought on her way over there. Francis didn't want to come with her. She hoped he would, she never liked this side of work.

Wendy was about to enter the shop when her phone went off. She had a text

"You can do this Wendy, even without Francis. You're not alone ;) Love"- Tom

Wendy took a deep breath and went inside. "Good morning, I had an appointment." She said to the man at the counter. "I'll them know you're here." He went to the back and came back with a man. He was older, bald but he had a kind face. "Miss La Ruelle, I'm Mr Forester." They shook hands. Shall we go to the office?" He lead the way. In his office there was a younger woman sitting there. "Good morning, I'm Kate."

They had small talk at first. Asking her how she liked London and what she wanted to achieve, with her job. Her hopes and dreams.

"I've brought some samples." Wendy took her bag. They sampled the chocolates. "These are excellent chocolates Wendy." Forester liked his fingers. "Yes they are delicate and rich, just what we need." Kate said. "This is what we can give you." Forester said leaning over his desk. "You will have two people working for you full time to begin with. We send our clients each a box with your most expensive and exclusive assortment. You will earn far more than Francis will ever be able to pay you. We will make you rich and famous and you will only work for of course." He put the papers in front of her.

"I'm sorry mister Forester, there is a misunderstanding I'm afraid." "There is no such thing." He said pointing at the dotted line. "Mr Forester, I would love to work with you, not for you. If I work exclusively ever it will be for myself." "Miss La Ruelle." Kate began "We only offer this once, you cannot turn your back at an opportunity like this." Wendy didn't like this at all, they where aggressive without reason. Trying to bully her in signing this contract that will restrict her once again in her creativity. "Kate." She began, trying to keep calm." I don't want to sound like a snob. But I'm already famous when it comes to my work. Thanks to my late father I'm rich as well. Nothing you offer me will temp me. You want me to restrict myself to only making my most expensive products. While I aim to please every chocolate lover." Wendy stood up she had heard enough. She gathered her thing and when she was heading for the door. "Miss La Ruelle." Mister Forester sounded angry.

"You will reconsider our offer." He puts photos on his desk. Wendy took a closer look and was shocked. It was a series of photos of her and Tom leaving Doctor Khan his practice. Tom held the photos from the ultrasound in his hands. pointing and smiling at it.

"It would be a shame if these photos would be on the internet, no? Can you see the headlines Wendy? Tom Hiddleston knocks up one night stand. He took another picture. That was the picture of Her and Tom in Bruges walking to his hotel. Mr Forester had a mean grin on his face

Wendy turned absolutely pale when she saw those photos. And Mr Foresters words cut like knifes. "If this is what you call 'doing business' you have missed a few lessons. I don't respond to blackmail Mr Forester. You have no prove." "In things like this you don't need prove Wendy." "Do you know who my father was?" "A Belgian?" He laughed "Yes, a Belgian with the most renowned lawyer firm of Europe. Working at the European court, as well as the court in Bruges. My lawyers will reach out to you, sue you if you let these pictures slip on the net. I'll let mister Hiddleston know as well. He can decide what he wants to do what this."

Wendy called Francis. "We need to talk Teddy it important. Francis sat at his desk. His mount slightly open, looking a bit idiotic. Wendy told him what happened. "I never thought Forester was like that, he is most amiable." "Well you better believe it. I already called Kevin. He will see what he can do." "And Tom?" She shook her head. "He's rehearsing. I'll tell him tomorrow. Gaston asked me to stop by."

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