Chapter 22: behind the scenes

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"Wendy! Good to see you girl! Gaston hugged her. "Come in , come in. So nice to see you here." Gaston was sincerely happy to see Wendy. "Thank you for inviting me. I bought some chocolates." She smiled showing Gaston the box. "Wonderful girl!" He kissed both her cheeks.

"You know everyone? You've all met at the dinner." "Yes I remember." She smiled at the people walking around the room. Tom saw her, he smiled and came to greet her. "I didn't know we would have an audience today?" He hugged her. "Gaston invited me, I kept it a secret" She whispered. Tom grind "Well it's a nice surprise." He whispered back. "Tom, we should start." Lucy looked at both of them tapping her foot.

Wendy sat on a chair against the wall. She never saw anything like this. You could only compare it to watching blooper at the making of part on a DVD. They switched between seriousness and goofing around. Wendy had some trouble understanding the play. It was Shakespeare, She never was good at it. But she knew what the story was about.

The actors took a break. Both Ben and Tom came to sit next to her. "How do you like our work so far?" Ben gave her a glass of orange juice. "Very interesting." She took a sip. Tom laughs "That's all you have to say?" "Well you all seem to have a great time working together. But honestly I have some trouble with the language. I know it's Shakespeare but, I can't always follow with those jokes in between." "We do have a lot of fun." Ben nodes. "Tom? Can you please come? I have something I wanted to ask you." Lucy looked at Wendy with cold eyes. Tom stood up , Lucy was all smile when he came to her.

Ben chuckled "What's so funny?" Ben looked at Wendy. "Lucy is, jealous ." Wendy looked back at Tom and Lucy. Lucy was touching Tom his arm and playing with her hair. Her smile was sweet and a little seductive. Wendy laughed. "She likes Tom." "She does, and she doesn't stand a chance." Wendy looked at Ben with surprise. The way he said it... Ben saw her worried look. "Tom tells me almost everything Wendy. Congratulations." " Sorry?" Ben laughed again shaking his head. "Just be careful around Lucy, she always gets what she wants."

The rehearsal came to an end. Wendy said her goodbyes. Tom said he would come by later. Wendy was almost outside when a voice called her name. "Wendy!" Lucy came walking down the hall. "We haven't really met before did we?" She took Wendy's hand and pressed it lightly. "No we didn't." "I'm glad to meet you Wendy, I've heard so much about you." Wendy didn't know what to say. "Do you drink coffee?" Lucy asked all smiles. "Yes?" "Good come lets have some!" Lucy took Wendy by the arm and walked with her to the pub further down the street.

"Ah this is better, No?" She waved at the bartender. "Two gin tonic please." "I would rather have a coffee actually, I don't drink alcohol." Wendy looked apologetic. "So Wendy I know nothing about you and yet our dear friends don't seem to able to stop talking about you." "If they talk about me." Wendy laughs "Then you will know some things about me." "Oh you're so funny. But yes I know some things but nothing really interesting." "Interesting?" "Well yes, Like what's your favourite colour? Or what do you do in your spare time. Things like that." "But why should I tell you those things? I don't know you." "Everyone knows me." "No not like that, I don't know you." "well." Lucy began to talk about herself. It was one af her favourite subjects to talk about. Wendy thought she was over sharing a bit. But she nodded and smiled at the right times. When she finished her monologue she looked at her phone. "Heavens is that the time? I have to run Wendy. Nice to meet you." She stood up, kissed Wendy on the cheek and left. Lucy just left Wendy whiteout paying a single drink.

Tom was waiting at her front door. He leaned against the door, arms crossed. "Where were you?" His eyes firmly on her, looking slightly mad. "Sorry, Lucy dragged me to the pub and she didn't stopped talking." "You had drinks with Lucy?" He raised one brow quizzically. "Yes, I had no choice she can e forceful." He shook his head. "That she is." "How long do you know her?" "Lucy? A couple of years." They sat on the couch. "You seem close." He looked at Wendy trying to read her. "Are you jealous?" He smiled. licking his upper lip. "No, just curious." Wendy took a bite of her pie. Her heart was pounding. She didn't want to hear it. "We had a couple of dates, but nothing serious, she' s not my type. He took her hand. "She is not my type at all."

He leaned in to kiss her but Wendy stopped him. "Tom, I have something to tell you." She looked at her hands. Not able to meet his eyes. "What is it? Is it the baby? are you okay?" Tom was worried when he saw her face. He didn't even think. When he stopped asking questions he realised he put his hand on her belly. "O sorry." He pulled his hand away. But Wendy stopped him. Laying her hand on his. They both looked at their hands on her belly smiling happily.

"I went to Delicious œufs yesterday." "Yes of course how was it?" Wendy looked at the black television screen. "When they realised I wasn't interested. They started to blackmail me. They have photos of us. Leaving Doctor Khan his office." Tom's eyes widened whit shock and anger. When he realised what that meant. "I don't want cameras flashing in my face Tom. Or making headlines as the one night stand that got knock up, like they put it." "They what?"

"We will take care of that Wendy. Don't worry."

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