Chapter 20: Hello baby

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"Good morning, miss La Ruelle. Please come in." Doctor Khan greeted her, leading her inside his office. "How are you feeling today?" He asked her while they sat down. "I'm fine thank you doctor. Before we go on can I ask you something?" "Of course miss." "First, please call me Wendy and any moment my friend can come in. Can I ask you, if he comes with me in the future. Can you please never mention the gender of the baby." "Of course miss, I mean Wendy." "Thank you." There was knock on the door. "Come in."

"I'm not too late am I?" Tom hurried in to the office. Wendy smiled, "Nope, just in time." "Hello sir, you must be Wendy her friend." The doctor stood up to shake Tom's hand. "Yes, I'm Tom, the father." Tom said those two last words with pride, Wendy couldn't stop smiling. It's the first time she saw him in two weeks. She came back from Bruges yesterday evening. Tom had to rehearse late. But send her a text reassuring her he didn't forget and he would be at the doctor.

The first part was more practical, they had to answer some questions about family history. Then it was time to look at baby.

Tom's reaction at hearing the heartbeat was priceless. He looked at Wendy kissed her hand and then was glued at the monitor. He asked the doctor a million questions. But what made Wendy her heart skip a beat was when he said" Hello, little baby. I'm your daddy." She felt really happy and she knew they could to this. She could do this because she was not alone.

"So that was quite the experience wasn't it" She asked Tom while sipping from her hot cocoa. "That was the most amazing thing I have ever seen!" His was still glowing of excitement and emotion while he looked at the photo of the ultrasound in his hand. "That's our baby!" Wendy had to laugh at his enthusiasm. She found it endearing. "it is, but keep your voice won please. no one needs to know. Remember what we agreed." "Yes, yes. I remember, we are friends who are having a baby." He sighs looking at her. She knew he wanted more, but she wasn't ready. She also didn't want to be in a relationship because of the baby. "Can I keep these, to show my mom?" "I'm sure Diana would love to see them. Tell her I said hi"

The next day Wendy went back to work. She realised she was a terrible employee, She hadn't worked a lot. "Look who finally came to work." John taunted Wendy. "Good to see you John." She waved while waking at Francis his office. "Wendy you're back!" He hugged her. "Look at all this" Waving papers at her." What are those parking tickets?" "What? No, no these are orders for you!" "Me?" Wendy was surprised "Yes your chocolate was a great success. Everyone wants them. Even 'Delicious œufs' One of the most prestigious chocolate and pastry shops here in London wants them. They sell to the rich and famous all over the world, royalty, businessman like everyone who has money. The world Wendy!" Francis kept talking, barely breathing while he spoke. "What! that's amazing!" "It is I already called them for you. They want to meet you in two days, so go make some deliciousness." He started to push her out of the office.

Francis and John were prepping or d'oeuvres for a horse race that was coming up He couldn't shut up about Wendy her success. Wendy looked at the papers Francis gave her. The orders where doable no large quantities. Which was good because she wanted to focus on the shop. She made a plan of action. Because she liked to be organised.

"So little salmon, How are you doing? John stood next to her while drinking coffee. "I'm fine." She didn't look up. "You're organised" He looked at the roster she made. to keep track of what she had to make, how mush and then the special request that she had to make later due to allergies, diet restrictions or people who just wanted to be difficult.

"So you just arrived here and you are planning to leave us?" Now she looked up "what do you mean?" John pointed at Delicious œufs. "I'm not leaving, they are interested in my chocolates." "You don't think they want to share?" "Sorry?" She furrowed her eyebrows not really understanding what John meant. "They are going to offer you a job, it will be take it or leave it." "If that is true then they will have a problem." She looked away, focussing on the her work. John looked surprised at her answer. He smiled and went back to work.

John looked at Wendy while she worked. "Like what you see John?" Francis looked sideways at his friend. "Don't waste your time with her John, you're not her type." John let out a laugh. "She is interesting. " He looked one last time and went to work. Francis shaking his head.

"John likes you." Francis said casually when they went to the pub after work. Wendy almost choked in her ice tea. Still coughing she managed to say. "John what?" Francis chuckled "Yes, he likes you. That surprises you?" He raised one eyebrow. "Well, yes." "You're a pretty girl Wendy." "Maybe. But I'm not interested obviously." "How was the appointment?" Her eyes lit up. "Amazing, you should have been there Teddy! His reaction when he saw the baby." Francis chuckled "Now you like Tom more than a lot, why don't you want to be with him?" "I don't want a relationship with him because of the baby. I wouldn't feel comfortable with that." "He wouldn't mind." Francis hinted. "I know." She sighed.

"But what I wanted to ask Wendy, how was Bruges?" "Terrible and good." "You know those are opposites right." He looked amused "Oh Victor, Jenny and the twins where the good part. Mom, Widow en Fly the other part." She gave another sigh. Wendy took her purse and handed Francis an envelope. "They are getting married when!" He wasn't able to keep the disgust and shock from his voice when he read the invitation. "On Angels birthday, yes, you at least remembered." "those weasels!" "That's what I said when they told me!" She laughed."How did your mother took that one?" "Oh she said not everything evolved around me or my dead son." "She What! That woman!" He turned red with anger. Wendy couldn't help herself, she started to laugh. "O you look like a tomato on steroids when you're angry like that." "I don't." He started "You should've seen Victor when mom said that, He looks a lot like dad" "Are you going to go? I mean, that's just cold." Worry was written all over his face. "I'm going. Not for them. But for my other siblings. We have to stick together a specially after what happened at the reading of papa's will."

"What did it say?" Francis was suddenly feeling very curious. He knew her father was a clever man. "Oh you know, Gina got absolutely nothing or mother, you should've seen their faces!" "I love that man!" Francis exclaimed. "You will love him even more." "How so?" Wendy didn't say anything she just looked at Francis, her arms crossed smiling. "Tell me, Wendy what is it?" "Well..." She said slowly leaning forward "Yes!" "How much did you loved our house in Nice?" "O The villa we spend that amazing summer? O I love that house. What about it?" Wendy giggled "It's yours." Francis knocked over his glass when he jumped up. Giving her a half hug over the table. "Are you serious?" "Yes, the paperwork I have at home."

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