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Mal's POV

Today is the day my friends and I are going to graduate from Auradon Prep. I sat on my bed waiting for Evie to finish getting ready. I was wearing a one sleeved, dark purple dress with black boots. Evie made it and I loved it. I used my magic to do my hair in curls. Evie walked out of the bathroom in her dark blue dress that, like mine, was one shouldered. She was wearing it with red wedges with a bow on them around the strap. Evie had her hair in curls as well.

"You look beautiful E," I complimented her as she finished putting on her lipstick.

"You look beautiful too M." She hugged me and smiled, "When are the boys going to get here?" She was talking about Ben and Doug. They are coming to pick us up, then we will go get Jane, Lonnie, Audrey, Chad, Jay, and Carlos so that we can walk to Graduation together.

"They should be here soon." Evie did some last minute touch ups on both of us when we heard a knock. I stood up and answered the door. It was Ben wearing black dress pants, a white dress shirt with a purple vest and his cap and gown in hand. "For the second time, I understand the difference between pretty and beautiful," I rolled my eyes and Ben kissed my hand.

"Oh, Benny-Boo." I laughed at his expression when I called him that. He hates it when I call him Benny-Boo.

"You're lucky I love you. Bertha" I smacked his arm and looked back at Evie and Doug who were hugging. "Come on love birds. We can't be late." I said throwing Evie's handbag at her. Her and Doug started laughing. I took Ben's hand and we walked Jay and Carlos's room. I opened the door and saw Jay and Chad playing catch with Dude's new collar and Carlos trying to get it back.

"Hey!" The three boys looked at me and I smiled as I saw Chad had fear in his eyes. I may be good now but I still like seeing the look of fear in people's eyes. "Give Carlos the collar. And then let's go. All three of you have dates that will be mad if you're late!" Jay tossed Carlos the collar. I walked out of the room and then Carlos put Dude's collar on him. The boys followed us out of the room after that and we walked to Jane and Lonnie's room where Jane, Lonnie, and Audrey were getting ready. Audrey and I became friends after the coronation. Aurora and Queen Leah don't trust me still but I don't really care.

When we got to Lonnie and Jane's room and the door was opened. We saw Audrey helping Lonnie finish her hair and Jane was putting on her shoes.

"Hey guys. Are you ready to go?" I asked as I walked inside.

"Yes. Mal you look really pretty. So do you, Evie." Audrey said looking us up and down. And i did a spin and we all laughed

"Aww thanks. You look beautiful too Audrey. And look at both of you, Beautiful." Evie said hugging Audrey, Lonnie, and Jane.

"Well of course we do. You designed our dresses." Jane said smiling.

"Hey Ladies, You all look amazing but if we talk any more about who looks good, we are going to be late." Jay said then kissed Lonnie's cheek and whispered something in her ear.

Audrey was wearing a black dress with hot pink heels. Her hair was down just like mine and Evie's. All of the girls actually had the same hairstyle. We wanted something to match and we decided our hair would be something easy to match everyone

Lonnie was wearing a red dress with flats. She was the tallest so even without heels she looked tall.

Jane was wearing a baby blue dress with black heels.

All the boys had vests that matched the girls' dress. Ben was wearing a purple one. Doug had a blue vest. Then Carlos had blue, Jay had red and Chad was wearing a black vest with a white dress shirt.

"Come on. Let's go graduate!" I yelled and everyone cheered.(The Girls Outfits)



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