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Warning: There are some bad language and torture type things in this chapter.

Mal's POV

(Time skip; 1 week after Eve was born)

My daughter was born 1 week ago and she is perfect. She has green eyes and she has Ben's brown hair. She is the most perfect and beautiful thing ever.

"Mal," Ben said walking into the nursery where I had just put Eve down for her nap.

"Shh I just got her down" Ben and I walked out of the room and I closed the door.

"Mal we have that council meeting about the Isle renovation." After I got out of the hospital Ben told me everything. He wanted to re-do the Isle for the future generations that have to live there. He wants to make sure no one will ever have to grow up how I grew up. I mean my life turned out pretty good.

"Ok let's go." He grabbed my hand and we walked. I had to go back to the nursery because I forgot the baby monitor.

We went to the meeting hall and walked in. Everyone was already there.

"Look who's late again" Aurora not so quietly whispered to Phillip.

"I'm sorry. I was taking care of the Royal baby." I snapped back and she just glared at me.

"yeah right. Is it even Royal Blood?" I wanted to rip her head off.

"What are you implying," Ben asked.

"I'm implying that the slut with the purple hair got knocked up by some stranger and lied so she wasn't sent back to the Isle."

"Oh back up. Are you seriously implying that I cheated on my husband right after we got married."

"yes, I am." She snapped right back.

"You know what get out of my castle right now." Beast and Ben yelled. Belle had come over to me to stop me from killing that spoiled stupid Princess.

"no. this is a council meeting. I am on the council. It's the rules." She said relaxing in her chair.

"Fine, then you are kicked off the council," Ben yelled.

"You might be King. But you cant do that. There are rules. Majority of the people in this room have to vote me out."

"All right. if you think Princess Aurora should be removed from the council raise your arm." Beast announced. Everyone in the room except for Phillip raised their hand.

"Goodbye. Let the door hit you on the way out." Belle said

"Wait. I have one thing to say." I stood up from where I was sitting. "Why do you hate me so much that you insult my baby"

"I hate you because your family ruined my life."

"How did we ruin your life?!"

"I was cursed! As a baby! By your mother!"

"You were cursed. The spell showed you who your true love was. You know what happened When I was a baby. I was beaten. When I was a month old my mother tried to kill me. When I was 2 she locked me in a closet for a week without food or water. When I was 4, she tried to drown me. 6 I was kidnapped. 7 I went a whole month without food or water. The 10th birthday I was kidnapped and raped. I was kidnapped and raped on my birthday every year until I came to Auradon. and those events are the some of the good things that happened to me. So if you really wanna talk about my mother ruining your life, well if I got to sleep for a hundred years then wake up to my one true love, I wouldn't think that's so bad." Luckily, Eve started crying. "If you excuse me, I have a baby to take care of." I walked to Ben and kissed him. I told him to continue the meeting without me.

I ran out the room and up to my baby.

Ben's POV

I had no idea how bad Mal had it. That is the reason I want to change the Isle.

"Look what you did" My mother yells. Both my dad and I had to hold her back.

"I'm sorry. I guess I didn't know how much worse her life was. She's right. All I did was sleep and find true love." Aurora said genuinely looking sorry.

"You actually feel bad?" My dad asked and Aurora.

"I do. Please Tell Mal I am sorry." She said and left.

(30 minutes later)

The meeting ended and a decision was made. The Isle would be reconstructed to make it better for the people forced to live there.

I went to find Mal. I looked in the nursery and she was there sleeping in the rocking chair with Eve sleeping in her arms. I took a picture and made it my screensaver. How did I get so lucky to have the two loves of my life before I'm even 20? It was about 9 at night so I decided not to let either of my girls wake up. I took Eve out of Mal's arms and put her in her crib. I then picked Mal up bridal style and carried her to our room. I put her in bed and pulled the sheets over her. I then decided to start working on the Isle reconstruction. I kissed Mal on the forehead and sat at the desk with the baby monitor.

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