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FYI in this let's pretend that the legal drinking age is 18. Ok. Thanks.

Ben's POV

I woke up around 6 in the morning. I couldn't go back to sleep so I decided to get some father-daughter time. I put on a t-shirt and some joggers and I walked to the nursery. I didn't want to wake up Eve so I just sat in the rocking chair and watched her. She started to stir and fuss. Before she could start crying I picked her up. Yet she still started crying. My mom came into the room.

"Mom? How did you know?"  She looked surprised to see me.

"I may or may not have stolen a baby monitor from your room"  I laughed and gave her a look.

"Well, I think I have her. I just don't want to wake up Mal." I tried bouncing Eve but it wasn't working.

"Too late," Mal said coming into the room. She kissed me and hugged my mom and took Eve out of my arms. She sat in the rocking chair and rocked her back to sleep.

"wow, mal. you are an amazing mother." My mom said.

"Thanks, Belle. It means a lot." She smiled and my mom left the room. Mal and I sat in quiet for a while before we decided to out Eve back in her crib and go back to sleep.

Mal's POV (Around 9:30 am)

I woke up and decided to get dressed to go on a run. I still have some baby weight. I put on a tank top and some leggings. I put my running shoes on and went. I left Ben a note and I was on my way. I grabbed a muffin and some water from the kitchen.

I jogged to the park, around the park and then when I was getting tired I ran back to the castle. When I got back it was around 10.

I walked into the kitchen to find Ben and Eve with his parents.

"Hi Mal," Ben said playing with Eve.

"Hey" I walked over to him and kissed his cheek. I also kissed Eve on the forehead. "I'm gonna shower then I'll come down" I ran upstairs and got in the shower.

When I got out, I put on my purple robe and went to the closet. I pulled out a blue sundress. I put it on and curled my hair. I put on light makeup and red lipstick, I kinda looked like Evie. I put on my black combat boots and went down to Ben.

"Woah, You look amazing. And a lot like Evie." I laughed and just hugged him. He was dressed in black pants and a blue jacket with a white dress shirt under. Eve was wearing a purple dress Evie made her.

"You ready to go?" I asked him. He nodded. We decided to go into to town with Eve so she could meet Ben's Grandfather.

The car ride took about half an hour, but we made it right in time for lunch.

"Aww, there's my baby girl," Maurice said taking Eve out of her stroller

"Hi Papa," Ben said hugging around Eve. I did the same.

"How have you guys been?" Maurice asked serving us lunch.

"We've been good. This little one is so precious everything we do is about her." Ben said playing with Eve.

We talked for awhile but we decided to go home when it was time for Eve's nap. On the car ride home I got a text from the "Princess" Group Chat with Evie, Audrey, Lonnie, Jane, Melody, Freddie, and CJ

😈Mal (For Those of you who can't see it. Mal's Emoji is a purple devil)
🧜🏻‍♀️Melody (For Those of you who can't see it. Melody's Emoji is a Mermaid)
(Text Messages)
🍎I think we should have a girls night tonight
🎀that's a great idea. I'm in.
🥇ya I'm down
🧜🏻‍♀️me too.
🍎is everyone in?
⚓️what girls night
👑it's when a group of girls party all night and stuff.
🐸that sounds fun. I'm down
⚓️me too
😈I'm in.
🍎Can we all meet at the castle to get ready?
😈ya. Everyone meet at the castle at 8 ok?
🎀🥇⚓️🐸👑🧜🏻‍♀️🍎(all) ok.
(Back to The car with Ben)

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