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Ben's POV

As we walked to graduation I couldn't stop thinking about the little black box in my pocket. After Graduation, I'm going to ask Mal to marry me. I love her so much and I want to be with her for the rest of my life.

"Ben," Mal said, getting me out of my haze, "We are here. It's time to lineup in Alphabetical order"

"Ok. Is it first or last names?"

"I think First Names"

"Ok. I love you Mal Bertha Fey." (AN: I didn't know if Mal had a last name)

"I love you too Benjamin Florian Kingston." She smiled and kissed me on the cheek. Then She walked to find her spot.

I was in line after Audrey. Fairy Godmother had announced all the names starting with Audrey





Chloe (Daughter of Sneezy)



Grayson (Son Of Grumpy)

Henry (Son of Happy)





Mal's POV

After all the names were called, we all moved the tassel on our caps and then threw our caps in the air. We officially just Graduated from Auradon Prep. I went to find Ben, but I couldn't find him anywhere. All of a sudden I hear his voice. I looked over and he was on the stage. I figured he had to make some kingly speech about how these have been the best four years of his life. I walked next to Evie so we could hear the speech together.

"Hello. Can I get everyone's attention please? I have an important announcement." Everyone became silent and looked at Ben, "One more thing before I start. Can Mal come up here please." I looked at Evie and walked to Ben. He helped me up on the stage.

"Mal, This is the exact spot we met not so long ago. I feel like i have known you my whole life. But did i mention, That I'm in love with you?" Ben asked and then started to sing, "I met this girl who rocked my world like it's never been rocked, and now i'm living just for her and i won't ever stop, I never thought that it could happen to a guy like me but now look at what you've done, you got me down on my knee" Ben went on one knee and handed the microphone to someone, "Mal, It's you and me. You and me forever. Will you marry me? Will you be my queen" Ben asked and I smiled.

"Yes" With that cheers rang through the crowd. Ben put the ring on my finger and pulled me in for the most passionate kiss we'd ever had. I really loved this man, "I love you, Ben."

"I love you Mal"

We kissed again and then left the stage to find my friends and his parents.

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