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Mal's POV
Ben and I left Evie's and went to the castle. Instead of meeting in front of the school like when we came to Auradon. Because I knew how it felt to be new and an outcast we decided we wouldn't make a big deal about the new VK's. I hated all of the attention we got. So we decided that we would have one camera crew so that the arrival can be shown all over Auradon. Ben waited downstairs for me because I wanted to change. I went upstairs to change. I went to the closet and pulled out an ombre purple sundress and purple high tops. I put my hair into a messy bun and went downstairs. Evie, Jay, Carlos, and all the AK's were already there. We stood in two rows. It went Me, Evie Jay, and Carlos. Behind us were Ben, Doug, Audrey, Jane, Lonnie, and Andrew. Ever since Doug ad Evie's wedding.  Lonnie has been hanging out with Andrew, Jasmine and Aladin's son. We saw the limo pull into the castle driveway. It stopped and the driver opened the car door. First out was Freddie.
"Freddie!" I yelled.
"Mal!" she yelled back. She ran to me and hugged me. She backed away and looked at my stomach. "Wow Mal. You really do have a perfect life."
"Ya well it just became even more amzing cause im here" CJ said stepping out of the limo.
"You bet it did." I hugged CJ as freddie said hi to Evie, Jay and Carlos.
"Oh so you ditch us. Marry a king and now you are carrying the royal heir?" Gabe said walking towards me.
"Oh shut up." I hugged Gabe and i smiled as i saw Thanatos get out. I ran to him and jumped on him. He cught me and spun me around.
"I've missed you Bertha." He said putting me down.
"I've missed you too Thany." He glared at me.
"I hate that nickname."
"And i hate it when you call Bertha."
Just then Ben cleared his throat. All 8 of us Vk's looked at him.
"Hello. I am King Ben. I would like to welcome you all to my Kingdom."
"So your the king who knocked up Mal?" Thanatos asked. I slapped him.
Ben laughed. "Yes. I'm Mal's husband. And you are."
"I'm Thanatos. Prince of the underworld. My dad's Hades." Thany said shaking Hands with Ben.
"I'm CJ hook. My brother kidnapped you." CJ said. Ben smiled and laughed.
"I'm Freddie. My dad turns people in frogs." I laughed at that remembering when Freddie accidentally turned our science teacher into a frog cause he gave her an A.
"And i'm Gabe. Gaston's son." I could tell that Ben wanted to rip his head off just becuase his fatjer tried to kill his parents.
"Hey Ben. If i can be friends will Audrey , You can be firends with Gabe. What did you once tell me. That we arnt our parents." He smiled.
"I hate it when your right."
"I know." I kissed his check and he shook hands with Gabe.
This is gonna be exciting.
A/N hey guys. So I re wrote some of the chapters so I could make Doug and Evie get married. Haha. So make sure to go back and re read chapters 14-15

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