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Hey guys. So I just wanted to let you all know that I have the rest of the book planned out. And because I kinda wanna wrap this book up, there will be a few time skips. just like a few months. I counted and by the time the book ends it will be about February 2020, in Auradon. I'm sorry. but I have great ideas for a second book in the series. Thank you all!!

Mal's POV

I woke up with a throbbing headache. It was horrible. I rolled over and I found that Ben wasn't there. I sat up and saw that he left a note, Advil, and water. I looked at the note read it.


I went out for a jog. Take the pills with the water, then go get yourself something to eat. I left some muffins and strawberries out for you.


Ben is so amazing. I did as he said. I took the pills and then got dressed. I put some sweatpants and one of Ben's t-shirts on. Then I went down to get food.

I grabbed a blueberry muffin and some strawberries. I went back upstairs and got Eve. By the time I got back to the living room, Ben was in the Kitchen getting some water. He looked hot all sweaty and everything.

"Hey Benny-Boo" He turned around and immediately smiled. He walked towards us and kisses my cheek then kissed Eve.

"How are my favorite girls."

"Doing good. I have a bit of a headache though. Never let me drink again" He laughed

"Like that will happen ." We laughed.

"So Ben I was thinking that The kingdom hasn't really meet Eve yet, so I was wondering, what if we took a vacation and went around the kingdom, seeing all the cities and towns, and all the mini-kingdoms."

"Mal, that's a great idea. I'll set it up." He kissed me and smiled as he ran up the stairs into his office.

Evie's POV

I was sitting on the couch with Doug watching a movie when I felt the sudden need to throw up. I ran to the bathroom and barfed in the toilet. Doug came running in after me.

"Evie are you sure you are ok? This is the fifth time this week you have thrown up. do you want to go to the doctor?"

"no, I'm fine. I'm just gonna get some fresh air" I grabbed my coat and walked to Mal's. I didn't bother knocking I just walked in.

"Oh Evie, you scared me. How are you today?" Belle asked as I peeked my head into the library to look for Mal.

"I'm doing good. You?"

"I'm fine. Mal is in the nursery by the way" I smiled and left to go to the nursery.

I opened the door quietly, just in case Eve was sleeping.

"Mal?" I whisper/yelled.

"It's okay Evie she's awake." I nodded and walked over to her. She motioned to me to see if I wanted to hold Eve. I took her out of Mal's arm and sat down in the chair right next to me.

"She is perfect." Mal nodded.

"Ya, she is." We sat in silence for awhile until Eve had to take a nap. Mal put her down and we walked out. We went to the kitchen.

"So E, not that I don't love when you come over, but was there a reason why you did?"

"I've been throwing up for the past week. But I'm not sick."

"Oh my fairy godmother, Evelyn Queen-Drawfson, are you pregnant?"

"I think I am."

"Well let's see for sure. I think I have some pregnancy tests. Come on." We went upstairs to her and Ben's Bedroom, and we went into the bathroom. She grabbed a box of pregnancy test and took one out. She handed it to me. I nodded and then she left so I could have some privacy.

I did what the box told me too and after 3 minutes. (to be honest, I don't know how the test work) I looked at the test. Then I walked out to Mal sitting on her bed.

"Well?" She asked.

"Well, I guess you are gonna be an aunt. I'm pregnant."

"AHHHHHHH Evie! I'm so happy for you." She screamed and hugged me. I hugged her. I've always wanted to be a mom. We stopped hugging when Ben came running into the room.

"I heard screaming. Are you o..." He stopped as soon as he saw the pregnancy test.

"I love Eve and all but please tell me that's not yours." He looked at Mal. She looked at me and I nodded. I would have liked to tell Doug before Ben but oh well.

"Benny, it's not mine, it's Evie's." He looked at Evie and smiled. He hugged her.

"Congrats Evie. I'm sure Doug will be thrilled."

"Thank you" After hanging out for a while I went back home.

Lonnie's POV

"I don't see what the big deal is?" Andrew asked me. we got into a fight.

"The big deal is that another girl!" I yelled back.

"Still don't know why you are so mad?"

"You know what. you are an idiot. This is over. We are done." I stormed out and went to go to Audrey and Chad's house. I really just needed a friend.

Melody's POV

I'm so excited. jay and I are going on a date. I wore an outfit inspires by my mom. It was a green skirt and a purple crop top tank top. I wore a tiny fork necklace that my parents got for me, it's a family joke now. I also wore green high tops, with golden shell earrings. I put on red lipstick. I straightened my hair and wore my lucky red headband. I had about 5 minutes to spare before jay was here so I put finishing touches on my outfit.

I heard a knock on the door and I went to the door. It was Jay. He was wearing a white shirt and black pants. Was holding flowers.

"You look amazing," Jay said handing me the flowers. I set them down

"Thank you. You look very handsome as well." He kissed my cheek and we left.

He drove us to my favorite restaurant.  We went in and got seated. We talked and laughed until our food came.

"So you are telling me that you can actually turn into a mermaid?" He didn't believe me.

"I can. I promise." I was laughing.

"Well, you are going to have to show me sometime." I got an idea.

"Why don't I show you now, we can go to the beach." He smiled and nodded. He paid the check and we left. He drove us to the beach.

"Are you ready?"

"Yes." I took my shoes off and ran into the water. I dove in and soon enough I had my tail. I swam to the shore and Jay was staring at me. It looked like he was frozen or something.

Jay's POV

She turned into a mermaid. I was staring at Melody. Her tail a beautiful coral color and Turquoise shells. it was amazing.

"So, do you believe me now?"

"Yes. You are beautiful." She blushed. I rolled my pants up and I went to where she was. I had picked her up and kissed her. I took her to a rock so she could dry off.

We got back to her apartment around 11.

"Today was so much fun. Thank you." She kissed my cheek and went inside.

"Melody wait." She turned back around before closing the door. I kissed her. "Now you can go." She blushed and went inside. BEST. DAY. EVER!

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