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edited 3/3/18

Mal's POV

"Now time to get you married Mal!" Evie yells excitedly. I stood up from the chair I was sitting in and went over to the mirror. I looked great.

"Ok. I can do this. Lonnie, did you ever find my vows?" I walked over to the bed to grab my flowers

"Yes. Here they are." I saw the white folded paper I had written my vows on.

"You are a lifesaver." Lonnie laughed at that.

"Let's go. Let's go!" Evie said pushing me out the door.

We got the Church where Ben was crowned king. The entire kingdom was in there. including ben. The groomsmen whereby the door in order with belle making sure they were behaving. Beast and Belle had seen that the carriage carrying me and my bridesmaids had come so Belle had Beast walk down the stairs to help us all out. I had asked Beast to walk me down the aisle because I didn't have a father or a brother to do it. I would have asked Jay and Carlos to walk me down the aisle but concentering they are in the wedding I chose Beast instead. He was rather flattered when I asked him too. We got out of the carriage and started walking up the steps. We got to the top and Belle hugged me. She then Gave the signal to open the doors.

Belle had walked in first and went to take her place. First Audrey and chad went it, then Jane and Carols, Then Lonnie and Jay, then went Evie and Doug. It was my turn. I took Beast arm and started to walk. I looked into bens eyes and I couldn't help but want to smile. I was about to marry the love of my life.

Ben's POV

I was standing at the same place where I was once crowned king. The doors opened and the bridesmaids and groomsmen came in. Then I see her. The most beautiful girl I'd ever meet. My father and my future wife were walking down the aisle. They had finally gotten to me. My father lifted Mal's veil and kissed her check. My father hugged me then went to sit with my mother. Fairy GodMother had started the ceremony. Mal and I just kept looking at each other. I wasn't even listening to everything FG said until she said my name.

"Do you Benjamin Florian Kingston take Mal to be your wife and Queen?" FG said.

"I do." Mal smiled. FG then look at Mal.

"Do you Mal Bertha Fey take Ben to be your husband?"

"I Do" I smiled with all my heart as she said those two words.

Mal's POV

"Do you Mal Bertha Fey take Ben to be your husband?"

"I Do" I smiled. I was looking deep into Ben's eyes.

"I now pronounce you Husband and Wife. You may now kiss the bride." As soon a Fairy Godmother said that Ben kissed me. The moment we disconnected our lips, everyone started cheering and clapping. Ben and I walked down the aisle hand in hand.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~After the Wedding Reception~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"I can't believe we are married Ben," I said as Ben and I walk up the stairs to our room. 

"I know. Its a dream come true." Ben stopped me right before I walked through the door.

"Ben what are yo-" Before I could finish Ben picked me up and carried me into the room.

"Its tradition that the newly wedded wife is carried over the threshold by her new husband"

"You such a—" And again I was cut off. But this time it was with a kiss. Ben set me down and I turned around motioning to untie my dress. He then pushed me on the bed and laid on top of me. We had a heated kiss then we turned so that I was sitting on his lap. I took off his shirt. After that things got PG-13.



Hey guys. So sorry that it's taken me so long to update this. Ugh, life is hard. It's always getting in the way. I'm gonna try and start posting on a regular schedule. The thing is that I don't know if I want to continue this story. Vote and comment if you want me to continue. Anyways. Thanks, Fam oh and happy late Thanksgiving. (To those who celebrate it.)

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