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Mal's POV
I am 14 weeks pregnant and its time to tell the kingdom. Telling our friends went pretty easy. Jay threatened Ben a few times and even punched him in the stomach. It was kinda funny. But after that it went pretty well. Evie has already started making baby clothes. And Belle and Beast have started the nursery. I keep reminding them that I'm only about 3 months pregnant. And they all keep saying I'm done with my first trimester. Ben won't even let me do any council work. The mood swings are starting but the morning sickness is over. Tonight is the night that we tell the kingdom. Yay, thats gonna be fun. Anyways because we live in a fairytale world we have to have a big ball to tell them. So tonight Evie will  help me and the girls get ready and then i have to meet Ben by these big golden stairs and hope i don't slip. We have about an hour until I'm going to met Evie to get ready. So I decided to go bug ben. I walked to his office and knocked. after no reply i opened the door and he wasn't there. I walked in and looked at his calendar he had a council meeting. So I decided to crash it. First I went to the kitchen because I was craving strawberries. Them I want up to in the meeting room and before I opened the door I put my ear to it to hear what they were talking were about. I was about to go in but then I got a text from Jay telling me to met him now. I sighed and went up to my and Ben's room and grabbed my shoes. I left a note for Ben saying I was going over to Jays and then to Evie. I walked to Jay and Carlos' apartment. They moved out of the castle about a month ago. Mostly because they were over hearing my throw up and didn't want to be in the way of me and Ben. Evie moves in with Doug. They got a house about two miles away from the Castle. I got to Jays and I just walked in. Carlos and Jay were in the living room watching TV.
"Hey boys." I said and they looked at me and then turned back to the Tv. "Jay why'd you text me to met you right away?"
He got up and took me to his room.
"I have something to tell you and I just don't want Carlos or anybody else to know. So you have to promise not to tell anyone. Not Ben. Not Evie. No one."
I promised him I wouldn't.
"Look so recently some old feeling came back for a certain you know who." I did know who he was talking about.
"Wait. Really?" He nodded and stood up.
"I don't know what to do. I mean she's over me. Mal I've never actually stopped loving her." I sighed. I knew it. That all this time he still loved her.
"I know it's hard. I'm sorry. But I'm still positive you guys are meant to be." We talked for awhile but then it was time for me to go. I said bye to Carlos and walked to Evie's.
I got to Evie's place and walked straight in. Doug saw me and pointed upstairs I smiled and went to what I supposed to be Doug and Evie's room.
"Mal. Where have you ben. Your the queen. You need to look the best out of all of us. That means it takes longer to get you ready." I didnt have time to respond before she had me getting my hair done then my makeup and finally into my dress. I make it sound a lot faster then it actually went. I got to Evie's house at 4:45 it's 8 o'clock. And time for the ball. Also at Evie's House was Lonnie, Jane, and Audrey. We went downstairs and saw that Ben had sent for a link to pick us up. We got in and drove to the castle where the party was.
Hey guys. First of all Happy New Year. And second of all, Sorry it took me awhile to post. I went back to school and I've been sick. I also went back to softball.
So Jay loves someone and only Mal knows. You do you think it is. Comment who you think it is or who you think it should be.
Oh and the next chapter I post won't be an actual chapter but it will be all the dresses and hair and shoes for the girls and anyone important.
Hope you enjoyed.

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