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edited- 3/3/18

"Omg. Evie, it's Amazing!" I yelled as she pulled out the most beautiful dress out of the closet. It is white at the top and an ombre of purple at the bottom. The top was backless. it was kinda like a halter top. (I'm changing the top of the dress because I don't like the top that's in the picture.) I went to the bathroom with my dress and put it on. It fit like a glove. I walked out of the bathroom and Evie gasped. While I was changing Snow, Crystal and Belle had come into the room.

"Mal you look like the Fairest of them all!" Evie and Snow both said I smiled at them.

"Mal. I'm honestly Jealous that I didn't have this beautiful dress at my wedding." Belle then looked at Evie, "Too bad you weren't even born yet." That got a laugh from everyone in the room.

"You look great Mal," Crystal said.

"Thank you so much." I pulled everyone into a hug.

"Ok. I have to go. We have a council meeting soon." Belle said looking at Snow and Crystal, "We will see you there." I nodded.

It was around 12:10 when Evie finished the last touches on my dress.

"Ok E. I got to go. I'm gonna surprised the council by being on time."

"Ok. bye Mal." I hugged her and went to the Castle. It was 12:25 when I got to the meeting room. I walked in and everyone stared at me.

"What. A girl can't be on early once in a while." I went to over to Ben and sat on his lap. I gave him a kiss and went to my chair which was right next to Ben's.

"So first topic of discussion, The Isle Of The Lost. Should the Isle get better resources and treatment?" Ben said, "Mal why don't you take this one."

"Gladly." I smiled and stood up, "So. As someone who spent her whole life on the Isle, I know exactly what it needs. One of the worst things about the Isle is that there is not enough Food. And the food that we got was rotten. The Isle literally gets scraps of what all of you Auradonians don't finish. I remember not eating for 2 weeks because of all we got nothing edible." Everyone was staring at me. "Another thing the Isle needs is clean water. The water we got to drink was literally brown. I'm not joking. It was brown. What would you all think if you got water that was brown and a half eaten apple." Everyone looked at me with disgust. "See that's what I ate for 16 years. That's what our parents ate for 20 years. Not all villains are bad. None of them, not even my mother did anything that made them deserve that. Have any of you actually been to the Isle? Have any of you seen what you've forced these people to live in." I was about to start crying. Talking about this brought up and memories. "Have any of you actually thought about how the villains changed your life for the better. Belle, Adam. Gaston might have tried to kill you, but if he hadn't tried then Belle wouldn't have known how much she loved you. Then the curse wouldn't have been broken and you'd still be a beast. Snow, Florian. Evil Queen poisoned you, but if she hadn't you wouldn't have known for sure who your true love was. Same goes for you Aurora. If you hadn't been under the sleeping curse would you have known that Phillip was your one true love." Everyone was staring at me. "I'm done now," I said starting to cry. I ran out of the room. I ran all the way to mine and Ben's room.

Ben's POV

"Wow." was all anyone had to say. We all just witnessed Maleficent's daughter give a speech then run out of the room crying. No one has ever seen Mal cry.

"She right." I finally said, "Mom, Dad Gaston did change your life. The people who we've called Villains are the people who gave you all your happy endings. I say we give the isle better treatment. Now I'm not saying let's bring all the villains to Auradon but maybe we should give them better treatment. Like clean up the Isle and give them actual food and clean water and Wifi. Now I am the only one in this room who has seen the Isle..."

"You've been to the Isle." Mom said with a mad face.

"Well, you see... I'm gonna go check on Mal." I ran out of the room before the door closed all the way I heard my mom say something about us not done talking.

"Mal?" I said walking into our room.

"Go away," she said turning over under our covers.

"no." She turned back towards me.

"I'm sorry for going off on everyone and then running out crying. I'm not used to crying. It's not a normal thing I do." I laughed, "Its not funny Ben! I the daughter of the evilest villain ran out of the room crying."

"It's not a big deal."

"It not a big deal to you. You don't understand Ben. For your whole life, you have been given everything you wanted. My whole life was eating rotten food and gross water. And if I didn't do something my mom wanted me to do I wouldn't eat. You don't understand what its like to feel weak."

"Mal. Why didn't you tell me that."

"I don't know"

"Benjamin Florian Kingston!" I heard my mom.

"If it makes you feel better I'm about to be in a whole lot of trouble." My mom might be one of the nicest people around, but she can be pretty scary if she wants to be.

"This is gonna be hilarious."

"Hello Mother"

"Benjamin, what in hells name were you on the Isle for? When did you go? What happened there? Were you hurt?"

"Well, mother I went with Evie, Jay, and Carlos to get Mal because she ran away to the Isle."

"Don't go blaming this on me?" Mal said, "The truth is Belle, I was under so much pressure that when Ben and I had a small fight I happened to run away to the Isle. But i never told Ben to follow me there. After I rejected his offer to come back to Auradon he got kidnaped by Uma, that's why she showed up at cotillion." Mal told her.

"You were kidnapped?!" My mother yelled.

"ya..." I said trying not to laugh at my mother's expression.

"But don't worry. I saved him. again." Then it was my mother's tun to laugh at me.

"How many times has Mal saved you now?"

"3 times," I mumbled

"What was that?" Mal and My mother asked.

"Mal has saved me 3 times," I said embarrassed

"Don't be embarrassed Benny-Boo," Mal said kissing my check

"Ok. I'll leave you two alone." My mother said. She walked out the door and luckily she locked it.

"So Mal. What do you wanna do?"

"I have a few ideas." She then kissed me. let's just say she brought out my best side

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