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Lonnie's POV

"Lonnie wake up!" I opened my eyes to see all of my bridesmaids hovering over me.

"I'm Up, I'm Up!" I said sitting up.

"Finally, we have been trying to wake you up for the past 30 minutes."

"What!" I looked at the time 10:00. I was supposed to wake up at 9:30. "Well what are we standing around for. Let's get me ready for my wedding!" Everyone started working on what they were supposed to do and we got back on track.

Evie did my hair, Jane helped. Audrey did my makeup with Freddie's Help. And melody and Mal went to control the boys because we figured they'd get ready faster with two people yelling at them.

Mal's POV (In the boys room)

"Ok. Listen up. We go through this everyone someone gets married. I don't know how NONE of you have learned what to do by now. Jay, in the shower. Wash your hair. Ben, Carlos, Chad, Thanatos, Gabe, and Shang. Get your suits on before I destroy all of you."

"You can't tell me what to do. I won a war. I helped save China. I am a army general. I am well trained in fighting. I'm not scared of you." Shang said sitting on the couch.

"Fine. I'll just have to go tell Mulan and Lonnie that you refuse to get ready for your daughters wedding." Shang's eyes went wide. He got off the couch and got ready. "That's what I thought"

"Wow Mal. Your good at this." Melody said laughing.

"Well when you live with Ben. You gotta be tough when it's time to get ready for things."

"Hey. I heard that." Ben said coming out of the room he was changing in with his suspenders on backwards. 

"Ben. Your suspenders are on backwards." He looked down and fixed his suspenders.

"Ok. I am gonna go Help finish with Lonnie. Do you wanna come with or stay here" Melody asked.

"I'll stay here to make sure they get ready."

Skip- 1 hour later. Everyone is at the place. Jay is at the alter and everyone is waiting for the cue to start walking out.

Jay's POV

I was waiting at the alter for the love of my life to come out of the two doors at the end of the aisle. The music starts and the groomsmen and the bridesmaids came out. Then I saw here. I saw the love of my life walking down the aisle. Ever since the day i meet her. I knew i was gonna fall in love with her. Her and her father got to where I was at the Alter. The moment her father lifted her veil i feel in love all over again. She is the most beautiful woman i have ever seen.

"You may all be seated." The priest said. "We are gathered here today to celebrate the love between Jay Theifson and Li Lonnie. If any one does not approve, speak now or forever hold your peace" he paused and there was silence. "Now for the Vows. Jay you go first"

"Lonnie. You are my world. Before i met you i thought that the only thing that would make me happy was stealing. But then i met you and for the first time in my life someone stole something from me, my heart. I love you Lonnie and i will always love you for the rest of our lives." Lonnie smiled at me. I can't wait to hold her in my arms forever.

"Jay. The moment i met you, i feel in love. I watched my parents be madly in love for the past 19 years and i am so happy that i found someone who makes me as happy as my parents. I love you so much jay."

"Jay do you take Lonnie to be you wife?" The priest asked

"I do. I do 100%" I said and placed the the ring on Lonnie's finger.

"Lonnie do you take Jay to be your husband?" The priest asked Lonnie.

"Well..." she paused. "I'm kidding. I do."  She slid the ring on my finger.

"I know pronounce you Man and Wife. You may now kiss the bride." i grabbed her by the waist and kissed her.

Hey guys, its me. So this is the second the last chapter before the sequel. The next chapter will be short and it will be a time skip.

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