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Mal's POV

I woke up. All I could feel was happiness. I was laying in bed next to the love of my life. I was getting married. My life couldn't get any better. I sat up and saw that Ben was still sleeping. Being the girl I am, I got on top of him and kissed him.

"Mal. I wanna sleep," Ben said in a sleepy voice.

"Mhm. Well wouldn't you rather be with me" I whispered into his ear. Before he could answer It kissed him. He kissed back. Things were getting heated. Luckily I was already only in a bra & underwear and he was in boxers. Just as Ben put his hands the clip of me bra there was a knock at the door.

"Saved by the Knock," Ben said. I laughed and got up. I put bens shirt on and he put a pair of sweatpants on. Ben went to the door and opened it. It was Jay.

"Do you wanna keep it down. It's like moan central in here" ben looked back at me and I was laughing.

"Sorry, Jay. Well keep it down" I said walking up behind Ben.

"Here's a thought. Wait I'll your married. Isn't your wedding in like a month."

"Ya. It is." I looked at Ben and kissed his check.

"Oh by the Evie said she needed you." Jay turned around and left. Ben closed the door and pulled me closer to him.

"Ben I got to go. Evie probably wants to do some last details on my dress."

"Do you have to go. We were in the middle of something" Ben said in a seductive tone then started to kiss my neck.

"I can't. Unless you want me walking down the aisle in a robe."

"Mhm. Well, you are hot in your bathrobe."

"Funny." I then pushed him off me and ran to the closet. I pulled out a purple top and my green jacket. I went to the dresser and pulled out my black ripped jeans. I got my set of bracelets and my bracelet Evie made me. It's black and says 'Isle Of The Lost' on it. Then I did my hair and put my shoes on then my black gloves.

"Bye Ben" I kissed him on the check.

"Don't forget we have a council meeting today at 12:30," Ben said as I was walking away.

"I'll be there at 1" I then walked out of the room. Ben knows I like showing up late to council meeting because it bothers the council whenever I show up late.

I walked out of the castle and off the Snow's Castle. I got there and Prince Florian opened the door for me.

"Welcome, Mal."

"Thank you. umm, Can you show me where Evie's room is please."

"Of course." He then leads me up to the third floor.

"Before I go in, I have a question."

"What is it?"

"So Ben's middle name is Florian. Is it after you?"

"Yes, it is. Belle and Snow are very good friends. Crystal's middle name is actually Belle."

"Oh. Well anyways thank you for walking me up here."

"No problem, Queen Mal." He smiled. I smiled back. The prince then walked back downstairs. Queen Mal. That had a nice ring to it.

I knocked on Evie's door and she opened it and hugged me.

"Are you ready. I've got the dress down but I need to make sure it fits you." She said pulling me into the room.

"I'm so excited to see it."



Hey so sorry this chapter is lame and it took forever. Now in the next chapter, you will see Mal's wedding dress. I went on Pinterest to find it. Haha. Ok so I'm gonna try and post like 2-3 chapters

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