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Hey everyone. So i have something to tell you all. I have about 10 more chapters to write in this book. But don't worry i have an idea for a sequel. But just and FYI i will have 5 time skips. One will be 1 month (this chapter), then about 8 months (Evie gives birth) Then a 4 month (cant tell you) then a 2 month (can't tell you), then an 8 month (this is the last chapter, that sets up for the next book.) So i just wanted to warn you. Here we go. (P.S. I'm really proud of this chapter. A lot happens) oh and btw I have a new story out called "Next Time I save you" so go check it out. Thanks.

Time Skip-1 month

Evie's POV

Today is the day Doug and I are telling everyone I'm pregnant. Because Mal and Ben already know, they said it was okay to do it without them. Right now they are in Ariel's Kingdom. That is their last stop before coming home. Anyways we are doing what Audrey and Chad did to announce that they were engaged. We are having everyone over. All of our friends, and Doug's dad, uncles, and his cousins.

Everyone will be here at 12:30, it's 12:25 right now. I went upstairs to grab my phone.

"Evie! They are here!" Doug yelled. I heard the door open. I went downstairs. I saw Jane, Carlos, Lonnie, Jay, Audrey, Chad, Gabe, Freddie, Thanatos, Melody, CJ,  Alex, and Andrew. Then the next time the someone knocked, I  saw the 7 dwarfs and their 6 kids. As soon as everyone was inside and settled we made the announcement.

"Everyone we have something to tell you all," Doug said. He looked at me,

"Well about a month ago, we found out that, I'm Pregnant!" Everyone was silent, then they all cheered.  All of a sudden jay punches Doug, just like how he punched Ben when they told everyone the news.

"I figured that was gonna happen." Doug and I said at the same time.

"I swear if you hurt her, or the baby, I'm gonna hurt you," Jay said. I loved how he was like an overprotective older brother.

"I won't. I promise." Jay just nodded and hugged me. After about an hour, everyone left. Doug and I took a nap because I was very tired and we wanted to lay with me.

Carlos' POV

I was walking around Auradon when Fairy God Mother texted me to come meet her. I walked into her office. I knocked on the door and when I heard a "Come in"I opened the door and sat down.

"Hi fairy God Mother,"

"Hi, Carlos."

"So why did you want to see me? Am I in trouble?"

"No your not. I wanted to give you something." She opened a drawer and got out a small box.

"What is it?"

"Well Carlos, I know you love Jane very much, and I can tell you want to spend forever with her am I correct." I nodded, "Well, this isn't me trying to pressure you into anything but, I just want you to have this for when the time comes." She opened the box and it revealed a ring. It was a simple ring with a diamond bow and a light blue crystal in the middle.

"It's beautiful.'

"It was mine and when the time comes, I want you to give it to Jane."

"Thank you Fairy God Mother. I promise I will love Jane forever." She smiled at me and I took the box and left.

Melody's POV

After I left Evie and Doug I decided to go for a swim. I got to the beach and jumped in. I turned into my mermaid form. I swam for hours. It helps me clear my head. When I got tired I went back to shore and pulled myself up to the shore so I could transform back into a human. I put my clothes back on and continued to walk back to my house. I was looking at my phone because it was dark so I needed directions when I bumped into someone.

"I'm so sorry. I wasn't looking" I looked up at who it was i just bumped into, it was Thanatos.

"It's okay. I wasn't watching either." He smiled at me.

"It's Thanatos right?"

"Ya. Melody?"


"Well Melody, would you ever want to maybe go out sometime, like on a date?"

"Ya i would love that. Here I'll give you my number so we can talk."

"Ok. Great." he said and he handed me his phone. I put my number in and i gave it back. I smiled at him and we started walking together. Just talking. He ended up walking my to my house, and kissed my check goodbye. We decided to go on a date tomorrow. He wanted to surprise me on where we were going so i told him to pick me up at 6. (Sorry I'm not gonna write the date. But just know that it goes well and they start dating. Sorry I'm just working on getting the book ready for the end)

Gabe's POV

After I left Evie's I went back to the castle because Mal and Ben have been letting the newest Vk's live there till we got a place. I was looking for a place but i also don't have a job. So i figured i would stay here until Thanatos found a place. I went to my room and took my shirt off and changed into a pair of sweatpants. I sat down on my bed and started to watch a movie.

I'm about half way done with the movie when Freddie comes into my room. I pause the movie.

"Hello" She said and came and sat on my lap.

"Hi." She kissed me. Freddie and I have been dating for 2 years. We started dating on the Isle.

"It's so hard not to kiss you in front of everyone   I hate that no one knows you are mine." I said and she kissed me again.

"I know. It's hard for me too." We started making out. We didn't even hear the door open.

"Gabe we are ba-" Mal started but then she stopped noticing that we were kissing. "Oh. Sorry I didn't know you were busy. I'll come back." She closed the door and we just hear her and Ben laughing.

Freddie and I looked at each other and start laughing. We got decent considering we just had a make out session, then we walked out into the hall.

"Hey. Your back!" I said and hugged Mal.

"Umm. How long as this been going on?!" She asked. She seemed excited.

"2 years." She smiles and hugged both of us. She has always been like a big sister to me.

"Why didn't you tell anyone?" Ben asked.

"We weren't sure how everyone would react. We've been dating since way before we came here. And dating wasn't really a thing on the isle."

"Ya but this is Auradon. Everything and everyone is welcomed." Ben said.

"Ok. We will tell everyone. Just please keep silent until we tell People." Freddie asked.

"Yes. Of course." Ben replied. After that they went in to unpack and get settled and Freddie and I continued the movie i was watching. 

Crystal's POV

Ugh those stupid Villains are always planning parties and things without inviting me. I wasn't even in Audrey's wedding. We had been friends forever until they came and ruined everything. I was sitting in Alice's Tea Shop when Andrew came over.

"Hey Crystal." Andrew said. He motioned to the chair asking if he could sit with me. I nodded.

"Hey Andrew. What's up?"

"Well all the villain kids are getting their happily ever after so I figured maybe I would take a chance for mine and asked you out?"

"Yes." I answered. He smiled and we planned the date. I can't wait for my happily ever after. If the Vks are getting one. I should get one. I am Snow Whites Daughter after all.

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