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Mal's POV
It was 2:30 when we got back to the castle. I hadn't talked to Ben since we found out the gender. I can't believe he forgot. He forgot about the party my best friend was throwing for us, so we can find out the gender of our baby. He forgot HIS wife and HIS baby. I went straight up to our room. I was about to yell so I didn't want to so it in front of his parents. He knew what was bout to go down so he followed me and closed the door when we got to out room.
"Mal..." He started but I stoped him.
"No! No. You will not speak. I'm speaking, wait no I'm yelling!" He sat down on our bed and I stood in front of him. "I can't believe you! you Forgot about me and our baby! You decided to work instead of be on time to a party my best friend took time to plan. She was freaking out making sure it was perfect. And then you show up late and ruin it all." She was just staring at me. "You may speak now."
"Mal. Im sorry I was late but I was busy. I have so much work to do. I'm sorry if something slipped my mind. You have to remember im King I have work I have to do. Im running a kingdom."
"Are you serious. You are using you being King as an exuse to forget about me and your baby. And if you haven't noticed yet. Im Queen. Im running this kingdom too."
"Its different." I looked at him.
"The man sitting in front of me is not my husband. So when you find him, give me a call." I yelled and left. I ran out of the room. I was going as fast of my body would take me. Belle and Beast both tried to stop me but nothing could stop me. I ran all the way to Evie's. I knocked and she answered. She saw my tears and welcomed me into her house then into a hug without even talking. I told her about The fight me and ben just had and she looked ready to kill ben. In fact she sent Doug to go talk some sense into him.
Ben's POV
Mal had just ran out. If only she knew what I was so bust working on.
Flash Back: Before the Gender Reveal Party
I was in my office making phone calls and going over budgets because I decided to renovate the Isle. When I was there before Cotilin it was horrible. I had decided to renovate it to make it a better place to live in. I decided this because I can't let the villains come to Auradon but that doesn't mean they have to live in filth. I was writing a proposal for the board when there was a knock at my office door.
"Come in" I yelled
"Hi Ben, I just finished getting ready and I thought I'd come see you," Mal said as she walked over to my desk.
"That's sweet. But I have a lot to finish." I didn't even look up.
"Ok. Just make sure you're at the Park in time" I didn't reply, I just kept working and she walked out.
End Of Flash back
She didn't even know that I decided to renovate the Isle for her. So that no one else has to grow up the way she dd. I let her yell at me because I decided to wait to tell her all of this until her 18th birthday. Which is in two days.
I went downstairs for dinner. My parents didn't even look at me. We ate in silence. I finished my meal and went back to my room. On the way back there was a knock on the door. I opened it and saw Doug.
"Evie sent you to threaten me didn't she."
"You know Mal and Evie. They'd do anything for each other."
"I know. Look can you just tell Mal that I love her and I'm sorry. And that I hope she'll forgive me, I'd tell her but she won't answer my calls or texts."
"Ya. I'll tell her. Bye Ben."
"Bye Doug." And he left.
Hey guys so short chapter. I'm sorry. So I'm gonna go through and edit all the spelling mistakes and things from the previous chapters. So if you are wondering why you got a bunch of notifications that I've updated my story thats why. Oh and who else is so freaking excited about DESCENDANTS 3!!

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