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edited- 3/3/18

(For the picture above Its Mal's hair color but its styled like the one in the picture.)

Mal's POV

Queen Mal and Kind Ben. That gonna be fun. It has been 2 days since Ben asked me to marry him and Evie is already planning our wedding. I'm hanging out with Evie today so we can talk about my dress.

Ever since Graduation me Jay and Carlos have been living in the castle with Ben. Of course, we shared a room. Even though I'm not fully moved in yet the room is a mix of purple and blue.

Evie had decided to move in with Doug. They are really into each other.

I got out of bed and walked to mine and bend closet. I pulled out a sexy leather purple crop top, black high waisted ripped jeans, and purple combat boots. I did my hair and makeup then put my perfume on. I grabbed my phone and jacket then left to go find Ben.

Ben's POV

I was in my office when I heard Mal yelling for me.

"Ben. Where are you?!"

"I'm in the office!" I yelled back

She walked into my office and my mouth dropped. She looked stunning. She clearly noticed because she started to blush.

"Stop looking at me like that," she said and covered her face.

"I can't help it when you look so beautiful." I went in to kiss her but she moved, "Come on stop teasing."

"Who said anything about teasing." She then went up to my ear and whispered, "see you later." And walked away. I stood in awe looking at the space that held the woman who stole my heart.

Mal's POV

I walked out of bens office with the biggest smile on my face. In there was the man who stole my heart.

I walked down the stairs and grabbed a strawberry smoothie and a muffin before heading off to see Evie. I got on my purple Vespa that ben had gotten me and rode to Doug's family castle. Dopey and the rest of the dwarfs all lived in snow white's castle. Evie and Snow were really friends. Snow treated Evie like a second daughter. Her first daughter being Crystal White.

I walked up to the castle and knocked on the door. Dopey had opened it for me. He gave me a smile and showed me where snow, Evie, and Crystal were all hanging out.

"Hey M," Evie said to me as I walked into the room. She gave me one of those hugs that you want to last forever but you know it ends quickly.

"Hey E. You ready to get started."

"Ya. Let's go up to my room. Bye Snow. Bye Crystal." Evie then walked me to her room.

"Ok so what do you want to start with?" I asked Evie who got out a bunch of paper and pens

"Well, I was actually hoping we could go to your castle and do all this with Ben. So that he can feel involved but he really isn't." I laughed.

"Ok, I'll text him that we are heading there." I pulled out my phone.



On the way back to the castle.


I and Evie are gonna plan there so you feel involved.

Thanks. See you soon

See you soon.

"Ok E. Ready." We he walked down to my Vespa and I gave Evie and blue helmet I keep with me for extra riders.

"Ready" with that we rode to the castle.

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