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Chad's POV

I stood up at the altar and waited for Audrey to come in. The music started playing and the door opened. I saw her walking with her father. She looked absolutely beautiful. She got to me and her dad kissed her check and sat down with her mother. I grabbed Audrey's hand and led her to her spot. The priest started.

"We are gathers her to celebrate the gathering of Chad Charming and Audrey Beauty. (Go With it please) If anyone does not wish for these two not to get married please speak now." It was silent. I smiled knowing everyone was happy for us.

"Ok. So i believe you wrote your own vows, Chad, you first."

"Audrey Beauty, I love you. I have loved you for the past 14 years. When we met we were 4 years old and you lost your shoe. Considering who my mother is i figured it was my chance to be like my dad. So i found your shoe and i put it on for you. And when you kissed me on the cheek, i knew you were my princess. I love you so much and i can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you." She looked like she was gonna cry, hopefully they were tears of joy.

"Audrey," the priest signaled for her to say her vows.

"Chad Charming, I love you. I love you so much. When we met, i thought you were wonderful, and i knew that one day i would love you. Since you found my shoe that day 14 years ago, i knew you were special, i knew that you would one day play a huge part in my life. So thank you, for finding my shoe, and i can't wait for our future."

"Now for the I Do's," The priest said. So Audrey gave her flowers to Jane and got the ring. and i turned to Ben and got Audrey's. "Chad Charming, Do you take Audrey Beauty to be your wife?"

"I do." I slid the ring on Audrey's finger.

"Audrey Beauty, do you take Chad Charming to be your husband?"

"I do." She slid the ring on my finger.

"I now pronounce you Husband and Wife. You may kiss the bride."

I took Audrey in my arms and kissed her. When we broke apart everyone cheered. We walked back down the aisle, and went to the limo that was gonna take us to our reception.

(I'm not gonna write the reception part because I didn't for the other weddings. So this is a time skip to the day after the wedding.)

Mal's POV

After the reception Ben and I said our goodbyes. We are taking Eve on a tour of the Kingdom. We will be gone for a month. Last night we got home and changed then went to sleep. We got up at 6 in the morning, Eve is still sleeping. We got all our bags and all of Eve's stuff, plus a sleeping baby, into the limo. After about half an hour, we got going. Our first stop, Snow White's Kingdom. This trip will also help me build a new relationship with all the council members, I don't want them hating me and i don't want them hating Eve. So hopefully this trip will help me make amends with the princess, and princes that hate me.

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