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Time Skip- about 8 months

No one's POV

Over the past 8 months Evie's pregnancy was a great joy. If you exclude all the midnight cravings for goblin cakes from the Isle. Which Mal had imported just for Evie. Evie was very close to her due date. Any day now her little girl or boy will enter the world.

Besides Evie, Audrey got the exciting news of her being pregnant about 4 months ago. Chad is still freaking out.

Gabe and Freddie came out as a couple and everyone could not be happier for them.

Along with Gabe and Freddie, Alex, (Alice's Son) asked CJ out and they have been together the past 2 months.

Jay and Lonnie are Better then ever. Same with Carlos and Jane. Both couple are happily in love and the boys have something special planned coming soon (hint hint)

Melody and Thanatos have become serious. Ariel and Eric had to get used to him but now approve of the man dating their daughter.

Thanatos and Mal spend as much time as they can being siblings. Talking about their parents. Or at least the little amount of happy memories they have.

Eve, is now about 10 months old. The oldest out of the new generation to come. And the first child born with both hero and villain blood.

Evie's POV

"Doug I'm fine. I swear. No pain yet, no water broken, I promise."

"Okay. Okay. I'll stop." Doug had been babying me for the past month because i'm close to my due date. I got up because I have to pee. I went to the bathroom. I came out and I felt something wet go down my legs.

"Umm. Doug?"

"Yes Evie?"

"My water broke." His face lit up with excitement and then worry.

"Ok. I'll get the hospital bag. You get into the car and call Mal." I did as he said. I got to the car and got my phone out and called Mal.

Bold: Evie

Regular: Mal

Hey Evie.

Hey Mal. Umm guess what


My water broke, and we are on the way to the hospital

Omg. Yes. I'm on my way. I'll call everyone

Thanks M. Ok Doug is in the car now so see you soon.

Bye. See you soon

(End Of Call)

I felt a contraction. I yelled in pain at Doug to drive faster. We live about 10 minutes away from Auradon General.

Doug parked and we got inside. The nurses took me to a room and made me comfortable. Mal, Ben, Jay, Carlos, Lonnie, Jane, Audrey, Chad,and Doug's family got here about 10 minutes after us. 

I started having more contraction. And the nurse told me I was 9 centimeters dilated, which means I'm close to having my baby. Doug and I decided to keep the gender a secret, and to be surprised. We also decided a name for the baby if its a boy and if its a girl.

"Well, Mrs. Dwarfson you are ready to have your baby. You are 10 centimeters dilated." (Haha Don't know how birth works. Whoops)

I felt another contraction and the doctor told me to start pushing.

A while later

"Mrs. Dwarfson, met your son." I looked at Doug and smiled.

"He's beautiful." I smiled. Doug kissed my head.

"Just like his mom." He kissed me and we looked back down at our son. Mal, Carlos, Jay, Ben, Audrey, Jane, Lonnie, and Chad came into the room.

"Hey. How's my sista doing?" Mal said as she came over to me. She was holding Eve. "I thought that Eve would want to met her future husband or just best friend. I guess either is fine." We laughed. Mal then gave her daughter to Ben because she wanted to hold my baby.

"So, What's His name?" Jay asked. I looked at Doug and smiled. He nodded for me to tell them.

"Well I would like everyone to please met," I handed him to to Mal so his Aunt can hold him for the first time, "my son, Jayden Dwarfson." I looked at Jay and smiled.

"You named him after me?" He smiled.

"Yes." I hugged him and he kissed my check.

"Hey what about me? Evie gets a princess named after her and Jay gets Evie's baby named after him." Carlos said. We laughed.

" It's not about you Carlos today." Mal laughed.

For the rest of the day we all spent time taking turns holding Jayden.


Hey guys. Its me. So I have 6 days left of school. I get out of June 14th. That means after the 6 days of weekdays I can write all day long and post anytime. So after this I will not be posting until June 15th. So please just wait and be patient for the next chapter.

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