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Time Skip-4 months
Jane's POV

Today is my wedding day. I am so excited to marry Carlos. The pass 4 months have been great. Planning the wedding with Carlos was a lot of fun because he had no idea what to do for most of it so I got to sneak somethings in.

"Jane you ready to do your hair and make-up?" Lonnie asked. I nodded and sat in the chair. Lonnie was gonna do my hair and Audrey was gonna do my make-up. Evie and Melody were making sure my dress and shoes were perfect before I put it on. And Mal was with the boys making sure they got ready. Which this is the 4th wedding that they have had to go to/ be in so I don't know why they aren't good at it yet.

"Ok. Your dress is good to put on. It is so beautiful." Evie said.

"Thanks Evie, It was my mom's. I've always wanted to wear it and now I get to." She smiled.

Mal's POV

"Jay! Where the hell is your suit?" I was running around the boys room trying to get them ready.

"I don't know." Jay replied then went back to the video game he was playing Ben, Carlos, Doug, Thanatos and Chad.

"Benjamin Florian, I swear if you do not get up and get ready you will regret it." The Moment I said that he got up and changed. "Thanatos. get ready. Or I will bring up what happened when we were three." His eyes went wide and he got up and changed.

"Ha, we aren't scared of you Mal." Jay and Carlos laughed. I looked at them and the stoped.

"Get ready." They ran and got their suits. All that was left was Doug and Chad. I looked at them and they looked terrified. I got all the boys ready.

"now you'll have to get me ready." Dude said then ran out the room.

"I'll be back. and when I'm back if I see anyone not ready then you are doomed." I had to chase Dude down the hall. I caught him right in front of the Jane's room. I picked Dude up and went into the room to check in on them.

"Hey Mal. Why are did you bring Dude?" Evie asked.

"I didn't. I had to chase him here. He ran away while I was yelling at the boys. Which I will add, are idiots." Everyone laughed. While I was with the girls, Evie touched up my hair and makeup.

"Ok we have about 5 minutes till you have to walk down the aisle." Fairy God Mother said walking in. She didn't notice Jane right away but when she did, she gasped, then smiled. "Jane you looked so very beautiful."

"Thanks mom." Jane got up and hugged her mom.

I left and went back to the boy's room. I walked in the door and saw all the boys sitting on the couch dresses, but playing that stupid video game.

"Ok. We have like 3 minutes. Let's get you all down there." I texted Evie to make sure they don't walk out the same time as I walk to boys out.

A few minutes later we had everyone lined up. Carlos was at the alter then outside the doors was Dude, Jay and Lonnie, Me and Ben, Chad and Audrey, Evie and Doug, then Melody and Thanatos. This was Thanatos' first time in a wedding.

"Ok everyone. Lets get me married." Jane said and with that the doors opened and we walked out.

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