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Evie's POV
Today Mal and Ben left for their honeymoon. Ben left his parents in charge of the kingdom but Mal told me to make sure the council doesn't try anything. (I think I said something about the council liking Mal and stuff. Well forget that and pretend that they hate her and don't want her to be Queen and stuff) Today I'm going with Belle and Adam to the council meaning. Since it's my first one I decided to dress up for it. I wore short blue dress with sleeves and red heels with decoration and I French braided my hair I know it's a little too fancy but I wanted to make a good impression. I heard a knock at the door and I went to get it. It was Belle.
"You look beautiful. You know it's just a council meeting right?"
"Yes I know, but I wanted to make a good impression and plus now I'm better than everyone in there" we both laughed. Belle was wearing her normal yellow sundress with black flats.
We walked to the meeting hall and walked in. Everyone was just starring at me. Belle lead me to the head of the table where ben usually sits. She nodded at me to sit down. Belle sat on my left and Beast on my right.
"What is she doing here?" Aurora asked breaking the silence.
"I'm here as a representative for King Ben and Queen Mal." I said confidently
"But she isn't cleared as part of the council. She shouldn't be here" Phillip shouted.
"Well Actually I am The queens royal advisor and her best friend so if you have a problem with that you can take it up with the king and Queen who are currently on their honeymoon so if you really want to interrupt them be my guest." After that the room was silent. Everyone knew that if they interrupted the Royal Honeymoon they'd all be screwed.
After the Council meeting ended Mal called me to ask how the meeting went. I told her everything that happened. But I hung up when Ben started to kiss her neck.
I decided to go and hang out with Doug because its been awhile since we've been on a date. Plus i look hot. I walked all the way to Doug Family's cottage. (I also think i mentioned that the dwarfs lived in Snow White's castle but i decided to change that too.) I got there and went to the door. I knocked and Sneezy dame out.
"Hello Evie. Do you want me to get Doug," He stopped and turned to sneeze, "for you?"
"Yes please. Mr. Sneezy."
"Evie. Just call me Sneezy." I nodded my head and i went to Doug's room. I knocked on his door and he opened it.
"Evie!" Doug said excitedly. He hugged me and then pulled me into a Passionate kiss.
"Hi douggy." He stepped back and looked me up and down, I laughed and blushed. "I took over for Mal and Ben at the Council Meeting."
"Oh. Well you look hot." He smiled. "And i look gross." He was wearing his pajamas and was playing video games.
I laughed, "Well why don't i go bond with your family and you get ready so that you can take me on a date."
Doug nodded and i kissed his check. I walked to the kitchen where Dopey and Happy were.
"Hello Dopey, Happy." They both smiled at me. "Im just waiting for Doug to get dressed."
"Doug, he is very smitten with you." Dopey smiled at me. We talked for awhile and then Doug came down in his regular outfit but it matched my dress and shoes.
"You ready to go?" I asked.
"Ya. I'll meet you outside I need to ask my dad something." Doug said. I kissed his cheek and said bye to all of his Uncles.
Doug's POV
"So dad. I was wondering if I could have mom's ring so I can ask Evie to marry me." He looked at me.
"You wanna Marry Evie?" I nodded my head.
"I love her dad."
"It took you long enough to ask. I've been carrying this thing around for weeks." I laughed My dad pulled out a ring box and opened it to reveal a beautiful blue ring. Blue was my mom's favorite color. My dad made the ring for her.
"Thanks dad." I got the ring and went out to my car were Evie was waiting for me
"You ready to go?" She asked me. I nodded. I got into the drivers seat and we drove to our favorite place. The Library. Even though we graduated from Auradon Prep we still like to be at the library. We sat down in our normal table and ate the little picnic I brought.
"Why don't you check out the new books here and I'll set this up." She nodded and went right to the chemistry section. I pulled out all the food I brought. Evie came back and we ate. I looked up and stared at her.
"Evie, I love you. A lot." She looked back at me.
"I love you too." She kissed me. "Are you ok. You're acting weird."
"Evie. I've loved you from the moment I met you. I remember being so lost for words when I met you . I forgot the names of my uncles. All I could ask for if your love. And I'll love you forever." I got down on one knee and took the ring out of my pocket. She gasped. "Evelyn Queen will you do me the honor of Marrying me?"
Evie's POV
"Evelyn Queen will you do me the honor of Marrying me?" I gasped.
"Yes. Yes. Yes. Holy Magic Mirror yes!" he put the ring on my finger and kissed me. Of course Mal isn't even here for me to tell her. I need Mal.
Jay's POV
"Evie just called her and Doug are engaged." I told Lonnie.
"Good for them." Lonnie said irritated. we've been fighting.
"Lonnie what do you want from me?!" I yelled. We've been fighting for a while now.
"I want you to listen to me!" she yelled back.
"When do I not listen to you!"
"When we were at R.O.A.R Practice. I told the team to do something and you didn't listen to me!"
"Well I'm sorry but when your yelling at me at practice I don't think of you as my caption I think of you has my girlfriend trying to embarrass me!"
"Well then maybe I shouldn't be your girlfriend!" Lonnie yelled.
"Fine then. I guess we are broken up." I said and stormed out of her dorm room.
Oh how I wish Mal was here right now.

 Oh how I wish Mal was here right now

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The ring

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