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Carlos's POV

Today is the day. I'm gonna propose to Jane. I have the ring that fairy godmother gave me all those months ago. (Chapter 30). I decided to set up a picnic in the park where I asked her to cotillion. I have everything set up. Her favorite foods, drinks, and her favorite flowers. These flowers are from the enchanted forest. They are said to be the most beautiful flowers in Auradon. I finished the picnic and went to pick up Jane. I got to our house. After Audrey and Chad got married we moved in together. So did Jay and Lonnie. I got to the house to find Jane with her hair down, a dress with a white top and baby blue bottom. I kissed her cheek and we went on our way.

Once we got to the park I put a blindfold on her and I guided her to the spot.

"Carlos, what are you planning?" Jane said as we approached the spot.

"Well why don't you take the blindfold off and see" She took it off and gasped. I pulled the flowers out from behind my back and handed them to her. She kissed me and we sat down and ate.

About 20 minutes later I decided it was the perfect time to propose.

"Jane, can I ask you something?" I got nervous but I know I love Jane so much and I want to be with her. I put my hand into my pocket and held onto the ring box.

"Of course." I took her hand and we stood up. I wanted her to be standing when I asked.

"Jane, I love you with all of my heart. I have since the day I met you. It broke my heart to see how you didn't think you were beautiful, because to me, you are the most beautiful woman in Auradon. But your not just the most beautiful, you are amazing, and smart and so many other things. Thats why I would like to ask you this very important question," I got down on one knee and I pulled out the ring box and opened it to reveal the ring. "Jane, Will you Marry me?" She gasped.

"Yes. Yes. Yes. I love you so much Carlos." We kissed.

"Come one lets go tell everyone. We were all hanging out today at Mal and Ben's castle because we haven't hang out in a long time. We cleaned up the picnic and went to the castle.

Jay's POV (It is the same time as it was when Carlos first started the chapter)

Today is the day. I'm gonna propose to Lonnie. I have a ring that is perfect for her and I can't wait to ask her. I have to perfect plan. Every morning we go on a daily run around Auradon. Today I have people in place to hand her a rose as we get close to the tourney filed at Auradon Prep. I decided to propose to her her because it's where I knew I loved her.


No ones POV

It was the second day that the kids from the Isle of the lost came to Auradon. Jay was at the Tourney filed with Coach discussing the rules of the game Tourney. After coach left Jay alone, he decided to practice a little. He was running through the kill zone when someone started shooting at him. Naturally he dodged all of the balls and ended up scoring in the goal. After he put his stuff away he went to find out who started shooting at him. He walked over the the bleachers and saw a girl stretching on the ground. She had the most beautiful long brown hair.

"Hey?!" Jay yelled at the girl. "Were you the one shooting at me?"

"Yes. I thought I would help you." She turned around. It was Lonnie. The girl that Mal changed her hair with magic for her. The moment Jay saw her he felt something that he had never felt before, which he will later learn is love.

End of Flashback (Now Jay's POV Again)

That day was the first time I ever felt love. Which I why I'm going to propose to her at the first place I felt love for her and in general.

"Hey Jay you ready to go on our run." Lonnie came and kissed my on the cheek. I grabbed my jacket and put it on. I put the ring box in it and we left.

We ran for about 5 minutes before the first rose was to be delivered to her. We ran past the park where we had our first kiss and when we ran past the tree we were under one of the guys from the R.O.A.R team (from when we were in high school.) gave her the rose. She looked at me and I nodded for her to take it.

Next was the place we had our first fight. She got the rose and we kept going. We made it to the Tourney field and I stopped.

"Hey, why did you stop?"

"Because. This is where we first met." She smiled remembering the memory.

"That was right after Mal changed my hair." She saw down on the bench and smiled at me.

"Lonnie, the day that we met, was the greatest day of my life. It was the very first time I felt love."

"Really? I was your first love?"

"Ya. We told you what it was like on the Isle. My dad didn't show me any affection unless I was stealing things."

"I'm sorry you had to grow up like that." She stood up and kissed me. This was the moment.

"It's okay, because I was treated like that, it was easier to know that you are the one I wanna spend the rest of my life with." I got down on one knee, Lonnie smiled. "Lonnie, I love you. I know I can be stupid and make mistakes but I just want you to be by my side for the rest of our lives. so, Li Lonnie, Will you Marry me?"

"Yes. A million times yes." I stood up put the ring on her finger and kissed her. Then we went to the castle to tell everyone.

No One's POV

Both Jay and Carlos had just proposed to their girlfriends at the same time and went on their way to the castle. All of the Villain Kids and the Auradon kids were in the living room waiting for Jay, Lonnie, Jane, and Carlos to show up.

Jay and Lonnie got there a few seconds before Carlos and Jane. They were the last 4 to show up.

"Finally you are here." Mal said.

"Well I have news." Jay and Carlos said at the same time.

"Ooo exciting." Evie said.

"Say it at the same time." Mal said.

"Well We are engaged!" Jay and Carlos said. Then looked at each other and said "not to each other"

"I'm engaged to Jane." Carlos said and Jane held up her hand.

"I'm engaged to Lonnie" Jay said and then lonnie held her hand.

The room filled with excitement and cheers.

Jane's Ring:

Lonnie's Ring:

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Lonnie's Ring:

Lonnie's Ring:

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Hey guys. So I'm out of school!!! Yay! I think I will start updating more now. So enjoy.

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