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Audrey's POV

Today is the day Chad and i are announcing to everyone that we are engaged. We invited all of our friends to Chad's House, which i have been moving into so it's soon to be our house. So anyways, we are having everyone over for a little party. My parents, My grandparents, Chad's parents, and all of our friends. Everyone should be here around 12 and it's 11:30 right now. Chad went out to get food and drinks. I stayed so i could get ready. I went to my closet and pulled out a pink dress. It was a long sleeve dress that ended above my knees (Eve's Blue dress two chapter ago but in pink.) After i was happy with my outfit i did my hair and makeup. I braided my hair into a side braid, and did light makeup with pink lipstick that matches my dress. I also put on black heels. It was 11:55 when chad got back. He got ready in 5 minutes and we waited for the guest to show.

Right at 12, my parents and my grandparents showed up. Then it was Chad's parents and then our friends. (This means; Mal, Ben, Evie, Doug, Jane, Carlos, Lonnie, Jay, Melody, Crystal, Alex, and Andrew) We waited for everyone to settle in before we made our announcement

"Everyone. Can i have you attention please?" I yelled and everyone looked at me and Chad.

"We have something very important to tell you all." Chad said then he looked at me

"We are engaged!" we said at the same time. I held up my left hand so everyone could see my ring Everyone started yelling and cheering and congratulating us. All the girls were looking at my ring while the dudes were hugging Chad.

Mal's POV

I was scared to go over to Audrey and Chad's at first because i knew that Audrey's parents and grandma were gonna be there and they hate me. But after i heard the news i didn't care. That was until Queen Leah tripped me, and Aurora just stepped over me. Ben helped me up and wanted to say something but i told him no. I didn't want to ruin Audrey and Chad's happy day. I walked over to Audrey and i told her I was gonna go. I didn't want to cause trouble. I told Ben the same thing but i made him stay at the party.

I went to the Castle and i made my way to the library. Beast wanted to spend some time with Eve so he had her. I entered the library and found Belle reading something.

"Hi Belle." I waved as she looked up from her book.

"Mal. I was with Fairy God Mother today and she found something you are gonna want to read. It's the origin story of your mother."


"Just come read this." I took the book from her hand and i read it.

"The Story of The Dark Fairy."

"Belle what is this?"

"I don't know. Fairy God Mother found it in the school library."

"I don't know if i want to read it. I always wanted to believe that once upon a time my mom was good, but what if this is the actual story of her life and she was actually born Evil."

"Mal, I don't believe anyone is born evil. That includes your mother." I nodded at her, "i'll leave you alone so you can read it." I nodded again. She left the room and i sat down. I opened the book and went to the first page.

"Many years ago a young fairy was born. This fairy's Name was Bertha Fey. She was born in the enchanted forest where all the beautiful and nice fairies lived. Bertha was in line to be a Fairy God Mother when she got pregnant. Bertha later died after she gave birth to her child and named her Maleficent. Now, Maleficent's Father was a horrible person. So before she dies Bertha enchanted her daughter wings to stop the dark magic from entering Maleficent's body.

As Maleficent grew older, her wings continued to grow which kept the darkness away from her. Maleficent lived in the enchanted forest with the rest of the fairies.

When Maleficent was 18 years old she fell in love with a knight. What she didn't know was that this knight name Stefan was sent  by the king of the nearby kingdom to kill Maleficent, if he did, he was allowed to marry the King's daughter, Leah. However the knight fell in with Maleficent and could not kill her. So instead her cut her wings off one night so Maleficent could no longer fly. This released 18 years of dark magic into Maleficent's body.

After Maleficent heard the news of The newly married King Stefan and Queen Leah she grew angry.

Then after hearing that their newly born baby girl was born and had a coronation to welcome her to the kingdom, which Maleficent was not invited to, Maleficent crashed it and cursed the baby to die on her 16th birthday. However three fairies named Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather changed the curse to have Baby Aurora fall into a deep sleep which is to be awaken by her one true love.

!6 years later and Aurora has been woken up from her slumber. Her prince kills the Evil Fairy Maleficent. However once she is finally dead, her dark magic is released from her body and frozen into her scepter to one day be released to her again"

"Oh my Hades. My mom wasn't truly Evil until she had her heart broken"

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