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(I know that Chad and Audrey have only been engaged for like 3 chapters but I just want to get the story moving along so here we go. Haha, Funny story. Cause I'm watching descendants 2 right now and Jay just said "here we go" right as I typed it. I know its dumb but whatever. One more thing before I start writing. I am so sorry that I have not been updating that well. I have been so busy, with school, family things, personal things, and softball. I promise I will try to update soon. I am out of school for a month so after that, I will have all day to write. And as of now, I have a total of 34 chapters so I am almost done with the book before I start the second one. If there is anything that you want to see in the second book then comment down below. I don't want to spoil anything but it will mostly revolve around the kids of the Vk's and Ak's. Ok so on to the wedding prep.

Audrey's POV

It's my wedding day. I'm so excited. I love Chad so much. I am so happy that he loves me.

"Audrey you ready to get Married," Lonnie asked. I suddenly wasn't so sure anymore. Did Chad love me? Did he think I didn't love him so that's why we asked me to marry him because he didn't want to lose me?

"I don't know," I replied. Lonnie and Jane sat next to me while Melody, Mal, and Evie stood in front of me.

"What do you mean, you love Chad right? He loves you." Mal said.

"I know, and I do love him but I'm just scared that he only asked me to marry him so he wouldn't lose me. I mean when we first started dating it was the day that Ben sang to you, Mal after the tourney game. But I only asked Chad out because I was jealous of you and Ben. I was using him at first and I hope he knows that I love him and that I really want to be with him. Mal, you being with Ben was the best thing to ever happen to me." She smiled and hugged me. "I'm so happy that we became friends Mal. And same you to Evie. My life would be totally different without you. Because if Ben never got spelled by you, or if you didn't come to Auradon then I'd still be with Ben. So thank you." I hugged both Mal and Evie.

"No problem," Evie said and we laughed.

"Wait I have an idea." Melody said and ran out. We hadn't begun getting ready yet so she was in her pj's.

Melody's POV

I ran to the where the boys were getting ready for the wedding and i knocked on the door. Jay opened the door and smiled at me. I liked that it wasn't awkward between us.

"Hey Melody, I promise we are getting ready on time this time. We didn't wan't Evie or Mal to come and yell at us. Although would you be able to take Eve. Belle dropped her off to Ben this morning because they needed to help Aurora and Phillip with wedding stuff."

"Ya, i'll take eve. But i need to talk to chad." He opened the door for me and let me in.

"Melody i swear we are getting ready, you don't need to yell at us." Chad said.

"I'm not here to yell at you. I'm here to talk to you, actullay i'm here for you to talk to Audrey. She's nervous that you don't love her."

"What! How could she think that."

"Long Story" I pulled out my phone and i called Audrey, she answered.




A- Mel, where did you go?

M-I'm with Chad.


M-So that you can talk to him. It's bad luck to see him, no one ever sad anything about talking over the phone.




C-Audrey why did you doubt that I didn't Love you?

A-because of the way we started dating. I was jealous of Mal and Ben. I was using you at first, but i really do love you know. I've loved you for the past 2 years.

C-Audrey, I know about how we first started dating, i forgive you. We just weren't used to the VK's being here yet. But i know you love me and i love you. And i want to marry you. i really want to marry you.

A-I can't wait to Marry you.

C-I can't either. So hurry up and get ready so i can see you.

A-I will.

With that they hung up and I went back to the girls room.

Audrey's POV

"Now lets get you ready!" Evie yelled, we laughed.

"Ok, Mal and I, Hair. Lonnie and Melody, makeup, and Evie will help with the dress shoes and finishing touches." Jane took control. We mumbled our okay's and got to work.

"Audrey where did you get your dress, cause i know i didn't make it." I laughed and looked at myself in the mirror after we finished putting my dress on.

"It was my mother's. I've always been in love with her dress so i wanted to wear it."

it was 20 minutes later and it was time for me to get married.

My dad came and got me. The girls had already gone and lined up. The music started to play and my dad walked me to Chad.

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