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Warning: There will be a mature scene. I will warn you before just in case you'd rather not read it.
Mal's POV
Ben and I have been on our honeymoon for a week already. We leave tomorrow. Tonight we are going out on a date. I went to the closet and looked through the dresses i brought. I pick one out. I did my hair and my make up. I put on my dress and my shoes. She looked like...

To be honest i was going for something sexy

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To be honest i was going for something sexy. Ben walked in and his mouth flew open.
"Careful Benny-Boo don't want to catch flies." I said as i walked towards him and closed his mouth with my finger., "I'll be waiting for you downstairs." I walked away from him. I laughed as i heard him trying to get ready as fast as he can.
5 minutes later i here Ben running down the stairs.
"You ready to go?" He asked kissing my check. He didn't want to kiss my lips yet because i had on a dark purple lipstick. I nodded at him and he led my outside. Went to the backyard of the place we were staying. Ben had set it up to look like our first date at the Enchanted lake.
All night we talked and eat. I had probably 200 strawberries. It got cold so we decided to go back inside. We got to our room and walked in.
Mature Scene starting now😈:
Ben closed and locked the door as i took my shoes off. I felt ben come from behind me and start kissing my neck. I moaned as he hit my spot. He did that for a while and probably left a few hickeys. He then left my neck and started to untie the bow on my dress. It felt to the floor. The dress left no room to wear a bra so now i was left in my dark purple panties. He turned me around and looked me up and down. I started to unbutton his shirt. As i did i would leave kisses along his chest. When I finished taking off his shirt he kissed me. It was a hard and passionate kiss. He only broke the kiss when he pushed me on the bed. He hovered over me and started kissing my neck. He went down to my chest without his lips leaving my body. He then kissed all the way down to my underwear. He took off the only piece of clothing i had left. I was naked with Ben hovering over me. He flipped us over so i was on top of him. My hands traveled to his pants. I undid his buckle and slid it off. I started kissing his neck, he let out a moan. I then took off his boxers. We are both naked.
He flipped us once more so he was at top. He stared to kiss my breast. He would suck on one and massage the other with his thumb. I was moaning pretty loud by then. He then entered me. He started slow but then as I kept moaning he went faster and faster. Soon we both finished and went to bed.
End of Mature Scene.
I woke up on bens bare chest. He was still sleeping so i kissed him. He woke up.
"Good morning my Queen."
"Good Morning my King."
We were staring at each other in a comfortable silence. Sadly it was time to go back home.
"Come on Benny Boy. It's time to go home." He groaned and rolled over on top of me.
"Five more minutes." I laughed and kissed him. We stayed like that for 5 minutes.
"Ok. King Fluffy Hair. Your 5 minutes are up.
"King fluffy hair?" Ben questioned.
"One of the times we had a girls night we came up with a bunch of nicknames for you." He laughed.
"Like what?"
"Um there's king fluffy hair, sir jealousy, Benji, Benny, and some others I can't remember." He stared at me.
"Ugh. Why does your name have to be so hard to come up with nicknames." He groaned. I laughed.
"Come on. Lets get going." I stood up a put bens shirt on. I went to my suitcase and got out a new bra and underwear. I put on some leggings and tucked bens shirt in. I started packing while Ben took a shower. I cheated a little and used magic to do my hair. Whoops. Ben got out of the shower and out the clothes I kept out for him on.
"You ready to go?" I asked him. "The limo is outside to pick us up."
"Put then I have responsibilities." He pulled me on the bed.
"Come on McWhiney." I laughed at his reaction. "That was another nickname we came up with."
"You are not going to any more girls nights." I chuckled.
"And we both know Evie would burn down the castle before that happened" he laughed at that. We stood up and got our bags. We headed downstairs to the limo. Ben handed our bags to the driver and opened the door for me. We got in and the driver started driving. It takes about five hours till we get back to Auradon.
Ben's POV
Mal feel asleep in my life. The whole way home i just stared at her. When we got home I didn't want to wake Mal up so i lifted her up bridal style. I got out of the limo and went inside. My parent were in the living room.
"Hi mom, dad. I'll be right down. I'm just gonna put Mal in bed. She fell asleep in the car." They nodded and i went up the stairs. I put Mal in bed and tuck her in. I took her shoes off and made sure she was comfortable before I left. I went back downstairs and talked to my parents for awhile. Mal came down from the room about an hour before supper. We just sat with my parents and told them all about our honeymoon. Just then Evie came screaming and running into the room.
Mal's POV
"Maleficent Bertha Kingston (I don't know Ben's real last name so thats what its gonna be.) where the Hell have you been. Ive been calling and Calling for hours. You have been home from your honeymoon for more then four hours and you haven't even thought about calling me!" Evie said yelling at me.
"Evie, Evie, Evie. Calm down. I'm sorry." I said hugging her.
"I have big news." She screamed jumping up and down.
"What, What, What it?" I said jumping up an down with her.
"Doug and I are Engaged!" She said holding up her left hand.
"Oh My Hades! It's beautiful" Ben just now decided to start laughing at how ridiculous we were being.
"Shut up ben!" Evie and I both yelled. He looked scared. we started laughing.
"Look what you've done to us ben. We used to be scaring now we both are engaged or married. Look what you did." I said and laughed. I sat down next to Ben.
"Ya. You broke us." Evie said and sat next to me. We sat there and started talking about stuff. It was peaceful. But then of course Jay come in and yells.
"Lonnie and I broke up!" He said walking in and sat with Ben, Evie, and I. After Jay explained to us why we all went to bed.

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