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(4 Weeks after the Last chapter)
Mal's POV
I've been throwing up every morning for about a week. I told Ben it was the flu because I'm not 100% sure if I know the real reason. Evie is taking me to the doctor today. I put on a purple tank top and green leggings with my black combat boots. My phone started to buzz. It was Evie.
"Hey E. Are you ready?"
"Ya I'm downstairs."
"Ok I'm on my way. See you soon"
I hung up and walked downstairs. I hugged Evie and we went to the doctor that lives in the castle. The doctor took me in and Evie waited outside for me.
"So Queen Mal. What's going on." The doctor asked.
"Please It's just Mal. But I've been throwing up for about a week." I said knowing what the doctor was about to say.
"Mal. Is it possible your pregnant?" She asked and I couldn't say a word. "Why don't we do ultrasound and see?"
"Ya. Ok." She took me to a different room and told me to lie down and she told me to pull my shirt up and i did.
"Ok This gel might be a little cold." The doctor put the gel on and i shivered. It was cold. After awhile she found something.
"So. You find anything?"
"Congratulations Queen Mal, you're pregnant." I gasped and screamed with joy.
"What what Happened are you dying?? Please tell me your not dying." Evie came in screaming after she heard me scream.
"I'll leave you two alone." The doctor said and left. I cleaned off my stomach and put my shirt back down and sat up.
"Evie. I'm pregnant!" I said and she hugged me. We stayed like that for awhile.
"Omg You have to tell Ben."
"I do. I'm going now. I'm gonna make him take the rest of the day off and I'm gonna prepare a beautiful picnic at the Enchanted lake and I'm gonna tell him. I ran off and straight to Ben's office.
I ran all the way to the office and knocked on the door.
"Come in" Ben yelled. I walked in and he looked up from his desk. "Mal. Baby what a wonderful surprise. How was your doctors appointment. Are you ok?" I laughed.
"I'm fine. But I do have something to tell you. So you are taking the rest of the day off and we are going to have dinner at the Enchanted Lake." It was his turn to laugh.
"Well I have an important meeting in about half an hour but then we can go."
"Ok. See you after that. I'm gonna get everything ready."d
After the Meeting.
No ones POV
After Ben's meeting he got a text from Mal 
Meet me at the Enchanted Lake.
Ok. See you soon💙
Ben put his phone away and got on his bike. He rode all the way to the lake. He walked through the path him and Mal made. Once he saw her and what she did his mouth dropped. S
he decorated the lake, made dinner and still dressed amazing. (What she is wearing is up top.) He made his way down to where she was.
Ben's POV
"Mal. This is amazing. I can't believe you did this for me."
"Well I can promise that I didn't use magic this time.
"That makes it more special." She took my hand and we sat down. We ate and laughed for awhile. Her face then went serious.
"Ben. There's something i need to tell you." I grabbed her hands and made her look at me.
"You can tell me anything"
"Well. I'm pregnant."
"Mal. That's amazing!" I said and picked her up and twirled her around.
"That's why I've been sick the past week. I'm about 4 weeks." I kissed her.
"I'm gonna be a father. I'm gonna be the father of your child. Mal. We are gonna be parents together." We spent the rest of the night talking. It got late so we took my bike and rode back to the castle. At the lake we decided that my parents should find out right away, then our friends, then the press.
"Mom, Dad! Where are you?" Mal and I walked into my mom's library and saw my parents in there.
"Ben. Mal. What a surprise." Mom said and put her book down.
"Mom. Dad. We have something to tell you." I said and looked at Mal. she stepped forward.
Mal's POV
"Belle. Beast. I'm pregnant." Beast dropped his book and Belle stood up.
"Omg. Mal this is amazing." Belle ran to me and hugged me. Beast hugged Ben.
"Mal." Beast said and I nodded knowing what he wanted to say. He hugged me while Belle hugged Ben.
"Ok. Well I've had a long day. I'm gonna go to sleep." I hugged both Beast and Belle one more time.  So did Ben. We went upstairs and got ready for bed. We laid down and we put his hand on my stomach. Once he thought i was asleep. He whispered into my ear,
"I love you and our unborn baby."

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