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Thanatos' POV

After Mal and I found out we are twins Evie kicked us out of her house so that they could start getting ready for the dance. I can't believe that Mal and I are twins. She is older by 15 minutes. I've spent 18 years wondering who my mom was and I found out that she's the mistress of Evil.

Mal told me that we can tell the kingdom tonight. She also decided to tell Ben the same time she told everyone else.

"Hey Than. How does it feel to know you have a twin sister thats the queen?" Gabe asked.

"Feels pretty great. I still can't believe me and Mal are related." I laughed as I realized something, "You know what that means. Ben is my brother-in-law. I'm related to Beast's son" I laughed as Gabe growled.

"You know I may hate my dad and be the opposite of him but I still hate Ben and his Parents. My whole family grew up admiring Belle and wishing Beast dead. I can't believe that the son of my dad's enemy is married to one of my best friend." I nodded knowing what he meant.

"Yeah. It's strange for us all." We sat there in silence for a few minutes until Jay and Carlos came barging in.

"Hey Gabe and Thanatos." Carlos said while Jay gave me a dirty look.

"Woah Man, What's with the look?" I asked Jay

"I just want you to know that We are Mal's brothers too and that you can't replace us." Jay said.

"Jay, I know. You have been there for Mal as her brother for as long as I've known you guys. I've always been her friend and I don't plan on trying to take your spot. Think of it as, you guys just got a brother too. So I'm not just Mal's Bro, I'm your guy's too." I said and walked over to Jay and Carlos. Jay pulled us into a hug. It wasn't so much a hug as you'd think. It was kinda awkward.

"Ok enough of that. Let's go get ready. Ben invited us to get ready with him Doug and chad. Lets go." Jay told us and I looked at Gabe who just nodded.

"As long as you stop me from punching beast in the jaw for what he did to my dad." Gabe said and we laughed. We left to go to Ben's castle.

Mal's POV

The girls all were at Evie's house. It was all the villains and all the heroes. Evie had invited Melody to come and get ready with Me, her, lonnie, Jane, Audrey Freddie, and CJ. Melody said yes but she asked if she could bring Crystal. Evie and Crystal have some bad history. Crystal is in love with Doug and hates Evie cause she married him. But because we like Melody so much we allowed Crystal to come. So it's Me, Evie, lonnie, Jane, Audrey Freddie, CJ, Melody, and Crystal.

I already told everyone to keep the secret of me and Thanatos so that we could tell everybody at the same time. I still haven't even told Ben. Whoops.

"Ok. Lets start getting ready. The guest of honor can't be late." Audrey said and everyone got up.

"Ok. So So let's have Mal, Lonnie, Jane, and Melody doing hair, while Evie, Audrey, and I do make up." Crystal said.

"Um hello you forgot us." CJ said pointing at her and Freddie.

"Oh I'm trying." Crystal mumbled, "It's just you guys just got here, how much do you know about doing hair and makeup."

"Excuse you. All four of us "Villain Kids" work at Lady Tremaine's Curl Up and Dye shop." CJ snapped back.

"Ew what place is called Curl Up and Dye." Crystal gagged.

"You know what Crystal get out or shut up. Today is my birthday. And I will not allow you to talk to my friends like that. So pick. Get out or Shut Up!" I had enough of that spoiled little brat.

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