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So in this chapter, they are in a club/bar. I'm telling you now that I have never been to a bar or club before so I don't really know how to write about it so just bear with me, please. And just a heads up, this is a filler chapter and it's probably gonna be crappy. Sorry.

Mal's POV

We got to the club and we went straight to the front of the huge line. Because I'm the queen I can skip lines anywhere I go. I know its wrong but we didn't feel like waiting in line. When we got inside we went straight to the bar and got drinks. We sat at a table and just keep drinking until we were drunk. We decided to dance.

As we got out to the dance floor, boys kept touching us and everything drunk men think it's ok to do. I flashed them my green villain eyes. That scared them away. We danced the night away and kept drinking.

Around 2 in the morning the bartender called "Last Call" which meant it was time to go.

Jane's POV

It was time to leave. It took me about 45 minutes to get all 7 drunk girls in the car. Mal was the hardest. She kept going on and on about how hot King Ben is.

"Janey," Mal was slurring her words, "Have you seen the King. Like Damn is he hot or what?! I wonder which lucky girl snatched him up." I laughed. I drove to the castle because Mal said we could all stay there. I Parked the car and then went inside to get some help.

"Hey, Ben. Can you help me get all the girls in here." I walked into the living room where I saw Ben, Carlos, Jay, Doug, Andrew, Thanatos, and Chad.

"Ya. We can all help." Ben said and all the boys got up and walked out the door. I walked next to Ben so I could warn him about Mal.

"Just so you know. Mal is the drunkest. And she keeps going on about how hot you are" He laughed and then blushed at the last part.

"Ok. Noted. Is this something I should get videos of her so I can embarrass her?" I nodded my head cause that would be funny to see Mal fight Ben over those videos. Ben pulled out his phone and got the camera ready.

As we got outside, Doug was helping Evie, Jay was helping Melody, Andrew was helping Lonnie, Chad was helping Audrey, Carlos got CJ, Thanatos got Freddie, and Ben was videoing Mal while helping her walk. It was a very funny thing to watch. I locked the car and followed the boys to where they were putting the girls. I used one of the spells Mal taught me to change all the girls into pajamas. And then all the girls were put to bed. I went and laid with Carlos.

"Jane?" Carlos asked me.

"Ya Carlos," I sat up and turned to him.

"I was just wondering, you aren't drunk right?"

"No, I'm not, why?"

"Well I want to tell you something and I wanted to make sure you were in your right mind when you heard it." I was kinda confused,

"What do you need to tell me?"

"Jane. I-I-I Love you." I was shocked. It was a good shock.

"Carlos I love you too." I kissed him. Carlos was the first and only person I have ever/will love and he is the one I want to marry. We ended the kiss after about 2 minutes and we went to sleep.

Ben's POV

"Mal Go to sleep!" Mal was trying to have a dance party.

"But King Ben, we only have tonight."

"Mal Bertha it is 3 in the morning. I want to go to bed before our daughter wakes me up." I tried to push Mal on the bed to go to sleep.

"Wow King Ben, I didn't know you like it rough." I laughed.

"I will be right back."

"Will you just walk away slowly so I can watch your behind" I laughed and walked backwards just to tease her. I ran to my parent's room and knocked on the door a bunch of times. Finally, my dad answered.

"Benjamin Florian Kingston, what in Fairy God Mother's Name are you doing banging on this door at 3 in the freaking morning!" He was angry.

"Mal is drunk and I don't know how to get her to go to bed." He looked like I just told him Gaston was in the living room.

"She is your wife, She is your responsibility. Deal with her without me. Because frankly, I don't care right now." She slammed the door in my face.

I walked back up to my room. And I laughed seeing Mal sleeping on the floor. I took a picture and I picked her up and tucked her into the bed. I changed into sweatpants and got right in next to her. I kissed her head and whispered i love you in her ear even though she can't hear me.

Tomorrow is going to be a fun.

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