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Chad's POV

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Chad's POV

Today is the day. I'm going to ask Audrey to marry me. We are going on a date to her favorite beach. I am on my way to pick her up now. I went to her house that she shares with Lonnie and knocked on the door. Lonnie answered.

"Hey Chad."

"Hi Lonnie." she opened the door a little wider and let me inside.

"I'll go get Audrey for you, Jane's just finishing her hair."

"Thank you" I stood by the door waiting for Lonnie, Jane, and Audrey to come down. I looked at the stairs and saw her. She was wearing a light pink dress, with black flats. Her hair was down and curly. She looked absolutely beautiful.

"You look amazing" I went to her and handed her the flowers i bought her and kisses her check.

"Thank you. You don't look to bad yourself." I laughed. She put the flowers down. And we left. I drove us to the beach and i blind folded her and then picked her up so she would be surprised.

"Chad Charming what are you doing?" I laughed.

"You are gonna have to wait and see." I walked to the table i had set up. We got to the table and i set her down.

"Can i take this off now?" Audrey asked trying to peak at what i had planned.

"Yes. You can" She took it off and gasped.

"Oh my Fairy God Mother! It's beautiful. I love it! I love you!" She hugged me and kissed me.

"I love you too." We ate and talked. It was time for the big question. "Audrey i have something to ask you."

"What is it?"

I got down on one knee, "Audrey, I have been in love with you since the 1st grade. When you and Ben started dating it broke my heart. But then he met Mal and you picked me to be your date, and ever since then, even though i knew you were with me to get back at Ben, i knew that i loved you and i knew that i wanted to spend the rest of my life with you." i took box out of my pocket and opened it. She gasped, "Audrey, Will you do the honor of being my wife?"

"Yes. Yes. One thousand times Yes!" We kissed and then went home to celebrate, if you know what i mean.

(Next Day)

Carlos' POV

Jane and i are going on a date. I'm so nervous. I love her and i really don't want to screw anything up. I went to the enchanted lake to get some enchanted flowers that Jane loves. Then i went and got her favorite cupcakes, from Rapunzel's Bakery. I then went to her favorite park to set up. Today was our 2 year. That also means that it's been 2 years since Cotillion.

I finished setting up and i went to pick her up. She shares a place wit Lonnie and Audrey. I knocked on the door and Jane opened it and immediately walked out.

"Thank you so much for being early. Audrey and Chad have been moaning all night long"

i laughed and we went on our way to the park.

"Carlos. It's amazing."

"Happy 2 years Jane."

"Happy 2 years Carlos." She kissed me. We ate the food i had out and the cupcakes. And we talked and talked.

Evie's POV

"Evie you have to tell him." Mal said.

"I know. But i'm scared how he is going to react."

"He loves you. He's gonna be happier then his Uncle. I know it."

"Thanks M."

"No problem. Now I got to go. We are getting ready to leave for our trip around the kingdom with Eve."

"See you later."

"bye." She left.

After Mal left i went online to think of cute ways to tell Doug I'm pregnant. I was probably online for 20 minutes when i finally found what i'm gonna do. I looked at the clock, 12:30, Doug's gonna be home in half an hour. I got up and went to the kitchen to make blue and pink cupcakes. Then i made a sign that says, "Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, Inside me, beats Two Heart for You."

I looked at the clock and it was 12:20, Doug will be here in 10 minutes. I went upstairs to change. I went to the closet and pulled out my favorite Blue dress. It was a long sleeved, and ended a few inches from my knees. I curled my hair, put light makeup on and red lipstick. I put on my favorite pair of red flats and i went back downstairs. I made sure everything was perfect. 5 minutes later Doug walked through the door.

"Evie, I'm home!" He paused, "Where are you?"

"I'm in the kitchen." I stood next to the cupcakes holding the sign. He came in and dropped the bag he was holding.

"Evie?" He looked confused at first, but then he got it, "You are Pregnant?!"

I nodded and he ran to me picked me up and kissed me. We were like that for a while.

(the sign she had looked like this)

Just in case you were wondering, I changed my username

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Just in case you were wondering, I changed my username. it was queenmalkingben but i changed it to DescedantsTales

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