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Ok, so a little recap. So The 4 New VK's are here. That's Gabe, Freddie, CJ, and Thanatos. I also added 4 new AK's. That's Melody, Crystal White, Andrew, and Alex. If you need more information on them go to chapter 13. Mal is 24 weeks pregnant. And only Evie Knows the gender. In this chapter, Evie will throw them a gender reveal party. Oh, and Evie and Doug are married, Lonnie and Jay are still broken up, and Jane and Carlos will have a chapter soon. Oh, and everyone is 17 just in case you were wondering. This book also takes place one year after cotillion. Ok, that's about it. If you have any more questions comment.
Mal's POV
I am 22 weeks pregnant and I'm fat. I absolutely hate it. If Ben ever gets me pregnant again, I'm gonna kill him. Anyways, today is the day we find out the gender of our baby. Evie has a whole party planned. I hope it's a girl. And Ben hopes its a boy. I got out of Bed and went to take a shower. Evie had bought Ben and I shirts to wear, they had which gender we thought it was. I am so excited to find out if we are having a princess or a prince. My shirt was purple and said Mommy's Princess and Ben's was blue and said Daddy's Prince. We decided that purple would represent a girl and blue would be a boy. I didn't want pink. After my shower, I put my shirt on and I black leggings. I also out on these really comfy shoes that Belle got me. I put my hair into a French braid Ben was in his office finishing some paperwork so I decided to see him. I got to the office door and I knocked.
"Come in" Ben yelled
"Hi Ben, I just finished getting ready and I thought I'd come see you," I said and walked over to his desk.
"That's sweet. But I have a lot to finish." He didn't even look up. He was already wearing his shirt and black pants. Evie told us to match.
"Ok. Just make sure you're at the Park in time" He didn't replay he just kept working. I walked out and went to get something to eat. It was 11:00 and the party start at 12:00 I decided I would go to the library to read a little bit before the party. I was almost at the library when Evie called.
Bold- Evie
Normal- Mal
Hey E
Hi M, I was just calling to tell you that we have to change the reveal. The I ballon I got popped and now I have no idea what to do.
Ok, um why don't you get a smoke bomb in purple if its a girl and blue if its a boy.
You are a genius. I love you M, see you in like half an hour.
I hung up. And I picked a book from the shelves and sat down and read. I looked at my phone and it was 11:50. I was gonna be late. I got up and went straight to the limo that was supposed to take me and Ben to the Park. He wasn't here so I figured he already left. I called him and it went straight to voicemail. I got to the park 5 minutes late and everyone was already there. I walked up to the party and went over to Evie.
"Hi Evie, Sorry I'm late." She looked at me kinda angry.
"It's ok I guess. Wheres ben?" She asked looking around.
"I though he was already here." I joined her in her search to find Ben. We spilt up and started asking people if they have seen him, everyone said No. I called him at least 20 times and no answer. Belle and Beast decided to go back to the castle to look for him.
It was 12:30 and Ben was still no where to be found.
I kept looking, and looking, until I finally got a call from Belle.
Bold- Belle
Normal- Mal
Belle please tell me you found him.
Yes. He was in his office working.
He was What!
Im sorry. He forgot about the party. Me and Adam are on our way back to the park with him right now.
Thanks Belle.
She hung up. I was furious. Ben forgot. He forgot about me and our child. I told Evie and she about as pissed as me. I wasn't just mad at ben, I was pissed and upset, which combined with my pregnancy hormones, Ben had a death wish. But I didn't want to cause a scene, so when the car came up and Ben came up to me I put on a fake smile and hugged him.
"Ok everyone, Know that we've found king Ben its time for the gender reveal!!" Evie got everyone's attention. "Ok, at the beginning of the party you voted on that gender you think the Royal Baby is. Over there.." Evie said pointing at a Chalkboard, "Is who voted for what. Now if I could please has Mal and Ben Come over here, Let's find out the gender."
(A/N This is who voted for what,
Me and Ben walked over to Evie and She handed us both a smoke bomb.
"Alright at the count of three you both are gonna drop the smoke bomb. If its purple, the baby is a girl and if its blue the baby is a boy." Evie announced.
"3" Ben and I both dropped the smoke bombs and the smoke that came up was...

"Its a girl" I yelled and Ben kissed my check. Camera flashed went off, people were cheering and congratulating us.
Sooooo. How many of you thought it was gonna be a girl.
I'm Sorry it took me so long to update. I've decided that in a few chapters the baby will be born and then I'll end the book. But don't worry. I'm gonna take a break and then I will write a sequel. Yay. I also haven't had a lot of Carlos and Jane. So before I finish the book I will write them a chapter so you know where I want their Relationship.

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