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Time Skip- 1 year

No one's POV

All of the Villian Kids and the Auradon kids are happily married. Mal and Ben have been doing a great job running the kingdom and raising Eve. Evie's fashion business is booming and Doug is a teacher at the Auradon Prep. Jane is the assistant head master at the school. And Carlos is going to school to become a veterinarian. Jay and Lonnie are the coaches of the boys and girls teams at Auradon. Which now include, Tourney for boys and girls, R.O.A.R for both boys and girls, and many other sports. Audrey is a stay at home mom, while Chad helps out Jay and Lonnie. Gabe and Freddie are traveling the kingdoms in Auradon. Thanatos and Melody are living with her parents and helping take care of their kingdoms. Alex and CJ are on the Isle with her Brother harry and her dad, and then going to wonderland to see Alex's family. Andrew and Crystal are visiting Andrews parents and then Crystal's. (Everyone is 19 years old at this point. It really doesn't match up with the dates and everything but, just go with it please.)

The couples and their kids

Mal and Ben's daughter, Evelyn is a year old.

Evie and Doug's son, Jayden is a year old.

Carlos and Jane's daughter, Melly is a year old.

Jay and Lonnie's daughter, Carrie is a year old.

Audrey and Chad's daughter, Alexa is a year old.

Gabe and Freddie's son, Thomas is a year old.

Thanatos and Melody's son, Christopher is a year old.

Alex and CJ's daughter, Annie is a year old.

Andrew and Crystal's son, Alex is a year old

(I know it technically doesn't match up but i want all the kids to be 1 year old).

Mal's POV

This past year has been the best year of my life. Ben and I have a beautiful little girl, who is just perfect. She has brown hair thats just like Ben. She has my green eyes. She is the perfect mix of Ben and I. She just turned a year old. Eve has Ben wrapped around her tiny little finger. Ben spoils her so much. He is completely in love with her and it makes me so happy. He loves her so much. And I do too. Eve is the love of my life, other then Ben. She makes me feel something i'd never thought I was gonna. She gives me the sense of family I didn't get when I was growing up. This little girl has so many people that loves her and that makes me so happy. And to think my life is so perfect all because Ben brought us to Auradon 4 years ago. We didn't even wanna come. I'm Glad we Did.

Evie's POV

This past year has been so amazing. My life is perfect. I have a wonderful baby boy, Jayden. He has brown hair but its dark blue at the roots. He has light brown eyes. He is perfect. Doug is a teacher at Auradon Prep. And I have my fashion business. Mal and I are still incredibly close, she got me a spot on the council so now I can be there to help with decisions and now I get to be with Doug even more. And to think my life is so perfect all because Ben brought us to Auradon 4 years ago. We didn't even wanna come. I'm Glad we Did.

Carlos' POV

This past year has been great. My daughter Melly is so perfect. She has my hair except she has white roots and black hair. She has Jane's eyes. My life has been so perfect. Jane is the new Assistant head master at Auradon Prep, working along side her mom so that one day Jane can take over. I am going to Auradon University studying to be a vet, because I love animals so much. And to think my life is so perfect all because Ben brought us to Auradon 4 years ago. We didn't even wanna come. I'm Glad we Did.

Jay's POV

This past year has been wonderful. Lonnie and I have a beautiful baby girl. She has black hair and Lonnie's eyes. Lonnie and I have been coaching the boys and girls teams at Auradon Prep. We got a girls Tourney team and a girls R.O.A.R team. And it's all because of Lonnie fighting for what she thinks is right. I love her so much. And to think my life is so perfect all because Ben brought us to Auradon 4 years ago. We didn't even wanna come. I'm Glad we Did.


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