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Evie's POV
Today I'm going over to Mal and Ben's castle to plan my wedding. I'm so excited but i don't know if i really wanna marry Doug. I still have feelings for someone in my past but i know he is over me. But i love Doug and We'll be happy together. Happier then His Uncle. For My birthday Mal got me a blue Vespa like the one Ben has and a red helmet. I rode over to the castle and i knocked on the door. Mal opened it.
"You ready to plan your wedding" Mal said excitedly. We jumped up and down.
"Ok. We are gonna use Ben's office." We walked up there and of course Ben was there.
"Doug asked me to fill in for him cause he couldn't be here." Doug was on a trip with his dad, uncles and his cousins.
"That's fine."
After about 2 hours and Ben having a few bruises from me because he made stupid suggestions. We decided that, I would have White Roses, Wear blue heels, Do my hair like i did for the ball the other night, my dress would be mostly white but i would have a blue train. My Maid Of Honor is obviously Mal. My bridesmaids are Lonnie, Jane, and Audrey.
Doug had decided that his cousins shouldn't be in the wedding. So Ben is his best man. Jay, Carlos and Chad are his Groomsmen. It's basically Mal and Ben's wedding. Mal will be wearing a red dress with red flats and will hold red roses. My bridesmaids will wear blue dresses with blue flats and blue roses. Doug will wear a white tux and his groomsmen will wear red. I'm so excited for this.
"Ok. Mal we have to go it's time for the council meeting." Ben said and stood up. Mal groaned
"But, But do i have to go. Tell them im having mood swings and might kill one of them." That made me and Ben laugh.
"Yes. i need you there so that they don't persuade me to make stupid decisions." Mal looked at me and i nodded for her to go.
"I have to go anyways." I said and hugged Mal and Ben then walked out of Ben's Office and walked home.
Mal's POV
"I hate the council so much." Ben grabbed my hand and we went down to the conference room where all council meeting happened.
"I know. But I promise that after the meeting we can go get a strawberry milkshake from Tiana's Place. Ok?"
"Ok." Once we got to the room the guards opened the doors. Everyone else was already in there. I noticed a few people that were my and Ben's age. I recognized them as Melody, Ariel and Eric's Daughter, Alex, Alice's son, (I know that Ally is her daughter but just pretend that she doesn't exist.) Andrew, Jasmine and Aladdin's son and Crystal White, Snow whites daughter. I figured with them here it cant be that bad. They have all been welcoming and nice to us since we came to Auradon. And I'm pretty sure that Lonnie has a crush on Andrew.
"hello Everyone. Lets get this meeting started. I promised my Wife a strawberry milkshake." Ben said and looked at me. I blushed.
"What's first on the agenda?" Beast asked.
"I believe it is talking about the Royal Heir that those two decide to keep a secret from us." Aurora said pointing at Ben and I.
"Whats the big deal. I don't see how it effects you." Ben snapped.
"ya. We are the ones it concerns. Were you in the room when we convinced the baby." Aurora went silent. "That's what i thought." I said. Ben looked at me and i smiled.
"Next order of business please." Ben ordered. I found it hot when he ordered people around and when he used his all mighty king voice. After about 20 minutes it was my turn to bring up something i wanted to happen.
"Mal has something important to say." Belle cleared for me. I smiled at her and Stood up.
"I want to invite 4 more new Villain Kids to Auradon. I've already talked to ben about it and he has approved of it. All i needed to do was to tell all of you and hear your feedback."
"well who would you invite?" Ariel asked.
"I've picked people that i was friends with and people that i trust can behave and have a chance of becoming good. They are Freddie Facilier, CJ Hook, Thanatos, and Gabe. Their parents are Dr. Faciler, Captain Hook, Hades, and" I paused and looked at Belle, Beast, and Ben. " Gaston." Gasp were heard after the last name i said.
"You want to bring Gaston's son here!" Beast yelled.
"Wait i thought Gil was his Son?" Ben asked
"What were you thinking Mal."
"We you done?" They all nodded. "The Gaston you knew is different from the Gaston i know. And Ben, Gil is one of Gabe's brothers. Beast, Gabe is a very good friend of mine. He is the complete opposite of Gaston. And Belle, i was thinking that you gave me, Maleficent's daughter a chance, so why can't you give Gaston's son a chance."
"She's right." Belle said and faced Beast and Ben.
"Ya. That happened a lot." Ben said and came over to me and kissed my check. Beast didn't say anything but he nodded.
"Ok so how do you guys feels about Freddie?" I said looking at Tiana and Naveen.
"We are Fine with it." Tiana said.
"Just as long as she doesn't turn me into a frog." Naveen laughed.
"Ok. What about you Hercules and Meg? You fine with Thanatos?"
"Ya thats fine." Meg answered.
"Why is his name Thanatos?" Hercules asked me.
"One. Because he was raised by a villain and villain like to give their kids horrible names. Like mine, is Maleficent Bertha. Two. Its greek for death. Three. I call him Thany." I smiled remembering all the good times we had on the Isle.
"Oh and We are fine with Hook's daughter coming." Peter Pan and Tinkerbell said said at the same time.
"Well with that settled I'll start the paper work." I ran out of the room and to Ben's office. I filled out all the paper work and wrote the invitations. I gave them to Lumiere to mail to the Isle. All four kids will be coming after Evie's wedding. Ben came into the office after about 10 minutes. I forgot that the council still had stuff to talk about.
"See. Aren't you happy you went."
"Shut up. Will you still go get me that strawberry milkshake?" He nodded, kissed me then left. I can't wait for Ben to meet more of my friends from the Isle.
Hey guys. so I hoped you like that. So down here i will have the characteristics of the new Vk's and the AK's, Oh and Like im using the names of some of the characters that already exist but im changing them up a little bit more a lot.
Long Light Brown hair
Blue Eyes
Favorite colors, coral and teal
She can turn into a mermaid when ever she wants.
Crystal White-
Long Platinum Blonde Hair
Blue eyes
Hates anything that has to do with Apples
hates Evie
Secretly in love with Doug.
Short Black hair
Brown eyes
Hates theifs
Favorite Color, white, red, black
Likes Lonnie, Lonnie likes him
Likes Monkeys
Short Blonde hair
Blue eyes
Favorite colors, blue, white, black
Black Hair with white stripes
Green eyes
Favorite Colors, Coral, black, white, purple, green
CJ Hook-
Full name Catherine Jessie Hook
Blonde hair, always in braids
Blue hair
Wears a Hook necklace
Favorite Colors, Red, white, gold, black,
Brown hair
Green eyes
Favorite colors, red, black, yellow
Opposite of Gaston
Blue Hair
Green hair
Favorite colors, blue, black
Always wears ripped black jeans and blue shirts
Has a necklace his father gave him, two parts of it, his mother has the second part (His mother gave the other half to his sister.)

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