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we are;

Having no inkling that if God wants them to be together or to torture both of them that their dorms were actually situated next to each other.

Hoseok has offered a helping hand to Taehyung and Jungkook while they were busy moving the stuffs into their new shared room.

After some time of arranging their belongings and some simple decorations, Hoseok plopped onto the couch, left out a sigh.

"thanks for helping, hyung." Jungkook thanked him while passing the older a can of soft drink to cleanse his thirst.

"no worries at all. From now on, you guys can just come next door if you need any help!" he then gave the two new students a heart-warming smile.

Jungkook sat next to Hoseok while returning him a respectful smile, which somehow reminded Hoseok of something that he suddenly jumped up from the couch, "ah guys! I almost forgot!"

"what is it hyung?"

"the seniors are having a home party this weekend, would you guys like to come? All of us will be there," he explained.

"sure!" Taehyung said without hesitation while looking at Jungkook who was still in doubt.

"I guess... Jimin hyung won't be glad if he sees me." Jungkook let out a fake smile; recalling the conflict he and Jimin had during break time earlier.

"just don't bother about that grumpy guy, Jungkook! He'll be just fine, trust me," Hoseok then placed his hand above the younger, assuring him everything would be just alright.

Jungkook just nodded and smiled a little in response, keeping his fingers crossed that Jimin would not be annoyed to see him at the home party.

Even though this is not how he thought he would encounter when he sees Jimin, he secretly hoping that he and Jimin would actually become good friends, however seemed like luck was never on his side and God just decided to play a joke in his life.

"alright! then I'll see you guys tomorrow," with that, Hoseok stood up and soon left the room, leaving Taehyung and Jungkook still sitting on the couch, staring into space.

Then, Taehyung broke the silence, "Jungkook? mind to tell me what's going on between you and him?"

Jungkook heard him, he ruffled his hair as frustration mounted in him while letting out a sigh.

"I didn't know Jimin would hate me that much," Jungkook spilled the beans while eyeing Taehyung.

"but you guys just met!"

"blame it on me then! I shouldn't be staring at him all the time, he might finds me weird...what if he's not a gay?" Jungkook cupped his cheeks.

"don't worry, my friend! I'll find it out for you," Taehyung patted his best friend shoulder while raising his brows; having thousands of thoughts rushing in and out of his mind.


Jimin rested his head against the headboard of his bed while waiting for his roommate aka best friend to return.

He waited for what felt like forever until he heard a click sound, then revealed the bubbly Hoseok humming to songs while entering their shared dorm.

"Jiminie..." he called, only to see get up from his bed while scratching his nape nervously.

"Hobi hyung? w-would you like to hangout tomorrow?" his voice trembling a little.

"oh my Jiminie, since when you've become so polite?" Hoseok then ruffled Jimin's hair, causing a tint of pink slowly creeping up the younger's cheeks, butterflies that formed in his stomach start flapping their wings to the rhythm of his heartbeat.

"just say yes or no, fuck face," Jimin back down, trying to hide his embarrassment.

"why wouldn't I hangout with my best friend?" Hoseok plopped onto his bed.

The word 'best friend' stung Jimin; so deep into his heart that he thought it might be bleeding on the inside. Is it that all these while Hoseok only sees Jimin as a best friend, classmate, roommate but nothing else more than that?

Jimin stares longingly at the one whom he adores so much, so much that he thought he might explode one day, feeling suffocate by the overflowing feelings towards the older. He looked at him as if Hoseok is a wood nymph that he happened one day and just got to bring home to keep.

Hoseok has fallen asleep due to the tiredness of helping out Taehyung and Jungkook the whole afternoon, so Jimin thinking that he might needs some time to sort out his thoughts and feelings therefore he decided to go out for a stroll - all alone.

he changed to his black and white stripes t-shirt accompanied by his favorite black ripped jeans along with a pair of Dr. Martens boots and he is ready to go.

Along his way out, stares from the students never stopped falling on him, some girls even squeal when they saw how charismatic Jimin looks in this outfit.

As usual, Jimin will has his infamous poker face, not sending any of his signature smile to anyone around him, except his close friends.

He manage to reach outside of the school successfully, he heaved a soft sigh before slowly making his way down the street.

While walking along the busy street in Seoul, Jimin can't help but to feel a twist in his stomach when he stumbled upon a few sweet and loving couples who reminded him so much of Hoseok.

He can't wait to own him, to have him all by himself, to cuddle him when its cold, to feed him when his hungry, to share the best memories of his life together, he just cannot wait to fulfill all these with Hoseok.

He was so immersed in his own thoughts that he did not even notice he has bumped into someone who was slightly taller than him.

"Hi Chim chim!" what's with that nickname? Jimin thought.


best friends after all.

Author's note:


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