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you have me;


"look, look Jungkook! listen to me first," I rushed out of the restaurant as soon as the younger stomped out of the place.

"do you think love is a game?" Jungkook flung away my hand as he stared at me with his eyes flaming.

"it's okay if you've hurt me,  but now you've hurt Taehyung!  What are we to you,  Park Jimin? A toy that you can fool around and fuck with the feelings? But such idiotic for us to have fallen for someone like you!" Jungkook raised his voice,  tear starts rolling at the back of his eyeballs.

"I-I know things between T-Taehyung and I was totally a mess,  I've ruined everything..." Jungkook's words had caught me off guard that my voice were trembling, "I shouldn't have accept him out of guilt and gratitude, I should've make it clear to him earlier, I-I don't have feelings for him more than friends.." I pour my hearts out.


Two days before we are going back to Seoul,  I was packing up my belongings in the room when Taehyung suddenly jumped out from behind that scared the shit out of me, "CHIM!"

"Geez,  you scared the fuck outta me," I almost fell on the floor.

He just giggled, while dropping himself onto Jungkook's bed.

"what were you doing?" Taehyung rested his chin on both of his arm while staring at me,  ransacking all the things out from the cupboard.

"just packing some stuffs, so that I won't miss out anything," I said.

"don't worry. We'll definitely come back here."

I looked at him,  was pretty confused at what he was trying to say.

"it's a place full of memories, Chim. Of course we are coming back here for our anniversary." Taehyung had his billion dollar smile, warming my heart.

Taehyung's words hit me like a train,  every inside out of me was not feeling right. It caused a twist in my stomach and a lump in my throat. There are things I am dying to say,  but I just could not find the exact term to describe everything - how I truly feel.

I cleared my throat,  hoping to swallow the lump down to my stomach before calling for him, "Tae,  I've something to tell you."

"what's the matter?" he sat up.

I took the space next to him on the bed, and held onto both of his hands and rubbed the back of his hand with my thumb, "I think..we can't work it out."

"w-what d-do you meant by that?"

"I was...trying to tell you that," I took a deep breath before continuing, "I don't love you."

"you accepted me and now you're saying you don't love me?!" Taehyung had his eyes wide, veins slowly tightening.

"I thought I will,  but I realized I can just think of you as a good friend." I never felt so sorry towards anybody.

Taehyung slipped away from my grip, and wipe away his escaped tears, "I get it now, Chim. You did that because you was just feeling guilty, just plain guilty Jimin." for the first time,  he addresses my name.

"I'm so so sorry, Tae. I've truly ruined everything." I lowered down my head,  unable to look at him into those eyes.

"it's my fault too,  I shouldn't have rush into things and only trust my own instincts." Taehyung sniffed and I could see the smile on his face was artificial.

"I'm willing to do anything to compensate for what I've done," I said,  sounded more sincere than I usually do. 

"you sure?" Taehyung smirked,  not forgetting to have that cheeky look with him.

I nodded, smiling.

"treat Jungkook well."

*end of flashback*

"you're such a mess,  hyung." with that,  Jungkook then make his way back to the hostel not even bother to look back. 

I stared at how his back slowly disappears from my vision as I heaved out a sigh in frustration. I just settled one down with Taehyung,  then there goes Jungkook.

Jungkook was absolutely right,  I am such a failure; a mess.

I don't deserve love.

I had went back into the restaurant to apologize to Kristen and paid for her dinner before leaving back to school as the clock was about to strike 12 midnight.

The next day,  class goes on as usual,  I have not met Jungkook since morning, meanwhile Taehyung came to my class and search for me before another half day of class starts.

"hey,  have you seen Jungkook today?" I asked nonchalantly.

"you don't know?" Taehyung raised his brows, "he's sick."

"then how he is doing?" I grabbed Taehyung by one of his arm.

"go see him if you wanna know,  ciao~" with that,  Taehyung made his way out of my class, not forgetting to pat my head while passing me his dorm keys.

Thanks Tae.

As soon as my class dismissed,  I made a hurried dash towards the males dorm, taking every step carefully in order not to slip.

Lol, Park Jimin.

I successfully entered the room by using the keys Taehyung had gave me, but was welcomed by a superb quiet atmosphere,  bet that kid was still asleep.

I slowly made my way towards the bedroom, to see Jungkook who was cuddling his bolster,  snoring away.

Gently rambling over to him, I touched his forehead to test his temperature.

According to my normal body temperature,  he is probably experiencing slight fever.

I looked over but did not see any medication on his side table nor else where.  This kid probably did not take any of them before continue sleeping.

Not wanting to wake him up,  I crunched my body level down to reach him before holding one of his hand in mine.

I held them tight but still carefully,  in order not to wake him up. I intertwined our fingers as if they are made perfectly from heaven.

I could slightly heard his faint snores, mouth slightly opened while he was so deep in his own dreamland.

I bring my face closer to our hands, gently placed a soft yet sweet kiss upon the back of his hand and sniffed that familiar scent of him.

Staring at his long eye lashes,  well defined cheekbones and jawline,  not to mention his slightly pale yet pinkish lips and sharp cute nose,  such an ethereal beauty.

My heart can't help but accelerates a little,  an electric chill ran down my spine as my eyes blinked at his fabulous features.

Jeon Jungkook, I think I'm in love - with you.

but I don't own you.

Author's note:

Comments and upvotes are appreciated ✨💞

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