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love is not;

"w-what did you just say?" Jungkook's voice trembling a little, not being able to filter what he just heard.

"I mean, you don't have to give me an answer now." Yoongi gulped, "and I know you always have a crush on Jimin.."

Jungkook lowered down his head, unable to come through how did the older fell for himself? It's just so impossible, they barely even talked.

"" Jungkook questioned, along with his furrowed brows.

"guess that's what love is, it's just came crashing, without you even knowing." Yoongi chuckled, showing his gummy bear smile at the same time.

Jungkook nodded his head in approval, somewhat his mind drifted back to Jimin whenever he heard the word 'love'.

"but hyung, you know...I love him." Jungkook wiped his sweat rolling down from his forehead.

"I just wanted to tell you Jungkook, so badly," Yoongi heaved a sigh, "and now I feel a lot better for spilling the beans, but still hoping I could change your mind." Yoongi was surprised by his own courage from confessing to his crush.

Jungkook just give him his warmest smile, that could melt Yoongi's heart any seconds from now.

Yoongi does not know since when he has been developing his feelings Jungkook, all he knows is his care for the younger is more than friends. He knew they hardly talked, or even spend time together, but his eyes will never darted from Jungkook, as if he has an energy to attract.

"Yoongi hyung! Kookie!"

"Jimin hyung! We're here!" Jungkook stood up from his position as quick as lightning when he recognized that was Jimin's voice calling out for them.

The scene unfold in front of Yoongi's eyes, seeing how anxious Jungkook is whenever it comes to Jimin and how his heart is always beating and longing for Jimin.

Jungkook whom he adores so much, eventually has his eyes set only on Jimin.

"what're you doing here with that grandpa?" Jimin crooked his brows as he slowly making his way back to where he came from.

"ah, Yoongi's hyung and I was just, chit-chatting..." Jungkook rushed over to Jimin's side, as if he wants to be next to him, so close that he would never want to leave.

But all Jungkook is afraid, was Jimin leaving him.

After dinner time, Jimin went out to the front yard to have a few cans of beers.

He gobbled down the gas beverage and left out a satisfying sigh as the chilliness of the beer trembling down his throat.

He stares up to the dark evening sky that accompanied by the cresent and a few countable bright stars.

His thoughts was then being interrupted by Taehyung who occupied the empty space next to him.

"mind if I sit here?" Taehyung asked, earning a shook from the guy who is two months older than him.

Jimin then hand over a can of beer to Taehyung which the said male willingly accepted.

An electric shock run down Taehyung's spine as his fingers slightly brushed across Jimin's.

He never knew he would felt this way for him, he thought Jimin was just plainly his crush, the one he would never fall deep.

But he guess, this time things were undienable. It is clear yet profound for Taehyung himself to figure things out.

"Jimin-ah, I've a secret to tell you.."

"what is it, asshole?" Jimin chuckled.

"I've a crush on someone, but I don't know if he feels the same for me." he then take a sip of his beer.

"who's he?"

"he's a person who is so imperfectly perfect, he may be sarcastic sometimes but, there's just something about him that I find it so interesting and it makes me fall so deep." Taehyung turned his head to meet with Jimin's dark hazelnut eyes.

"you're such a beauty, Jimin." he whispered beneath his breath.

"you better keep your voice down, if not your crush might kill me." Jimin shook his head helplessly with a grin plastered on his head.

"you would never want to kill yourself Jimin." the younger said, shutting Jimin up.


Jimin let out a fake laugh, slowly went silent, having the company of an awkward atmosphere.

"I don't take jokes, Tae."

"eventhough how much I like you call me that, but please stop it, you sounded so sexy." Taehyung was not joking at all, can't Jimin sees that he is fucking serious right now?

"I'm being hella serious here now, Park fucking Jimin."

"which statement you referring to?"


Jimin was once again being shut by Taehyung's words, he has always being coffessed by either girls or boys, but this time just seemed slighly different as it is from someone who is as good looking as Taehyung. And moreover, he is that Jeon gorrila's good friend.

Like how could all these even linked?

"give me a chance, Chim?"

what we always want it to be.

Author's note:

Back with another chapter of Jikook getting confessed by someone else *cries haha

Do you guys miss me?
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