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please stop giving;


"do you need some time?" Taehyung cut Jimin off.

Jimin does not want to reject him so quickly, obviously he does not feel that way for Taehyung, it's just that he does not want anybody to get hurt.

Taehyung might not be a bad choice, after all.

"y-yeah, I do." Jimin's voice shivering due to both the chilly night weather and Taehyung's sudden confession.

"alright, I'll use the time you need to prove to you that I'm definitely the one who can give you happiness." Taehyung has his boxy smile plastered on his face.

Jimin went into his shared room with Jungkook after two more bottles down with Taehyung. He started to feel the grogginess forming in his head and his bloated stomach, roaring so loudly in his system.

"ouch!" Jimin stumbled and knocked on the divider of Jungkook's bed, waking the younger up.

"oh hyung? Are you okay?" Jungkook swiftly got down from his bed and went over to him.

He had his arms strongly held on both if Jimin's arms to give him full support until they reached the older's bed.

Jimin who was slightly drunk fell on his bed, with Jungkook falls next.

Jungkook had his eyes laid on Jimin whom had his eyes closed due to his heavy head.

He stared so longingly and wholeheartedly, reading every flawless features of Jimin, as if he does not do it now, he might not has the chance again.

He swiped away the fact that he is on top of Jimin, which his body weight might be crashing the drunk meat under him.

He just, wanted to pay attention on staring at Jimin, as long as he could.

This time, Jimin slowly had his eyes opened, meeting Jungkook's dark orbs.

Jungkook blink rapidly and was about to get off him, but Jimin just grabbed his waist and pushed the younger's body so close to him, just like they are both hugging each other.

Jimin would be lying if he said his heart race did not accelerate at that time. Sweat started to form against his palms which were naturally placed on Jungkook's toned waist.

"hyung?" Jungkook on the other hand who was startled as hell, called.

"shhh, just let me admire you for awhile, 5 minutes is all I need." Jimin placed his index finger against his lips to shut Jungkook up.

Jimin scanned his eyes from Jungkook's bright forehead, slowly down to his captivating dark orbs eyes, well-defined cheekbones and slightly pink lips.

Without further hesitation, he then crashes his lips against Jungkook, savouring the tenderness of it.

"you taste sweet." he mumbled as he backed away, staring at Jungkook's embarrassing reddish hue's face, just like how a person's face would turn to during a hot sunny day.

Jungkook suddenly felt so awkward as he attempted to hide his rosy cheeks.
This is so unbelievable, his crush kissed him.

Even if it had just happened for like 0.5 seconds, he was already more than satisfied.

He turned his head to avert his gaze from Jimin, plainly because he was to shy to look into that pair of eyes.

When he heard nothing coming out from the drunk male, he turned his head back to look at him, only to see he had fallen asleep, soft snores coming out from his mouth.

Jungkook carefully brushed his hands against Jimin's fringe that fall so perfectly against his forehead and admire his face one last time before getting of the older.

He took the blanket and covered it nicely in Jimin before he, himself went to grab a hot towel in order for him to wipe Jimin's soft skin.

He gently wipe his face with the clean warm towel as his eyes scanning his face, reading each inch of him.

After settling everything, he then went back to his bed and fall asleep very quickly; hoping to meet Jimin in his dreamland.

Jimin woke up to a neck sore and also a heavy head - aftermath of drinking too much last night.

He rubbed both of his temples before getting off his bed to go freshen up.

He groaned as the migraine causing in his head is killing him in and out of his whole body.

Jimin went down to the dining hall to meet the others who already sat around the table, to have their breakfast.

Jimin took the seat next to Jungkook and gave him a smile, his heart can't help but to skip a beat when he recalled what he did to the younger last night.

He kissed him.

Jungkook returned him with a comfort smile and immediately looked away, to avoid the eye contact.

"morning, Chim." Jimin was startled by Taehyung who handed him a cup of ginger tea.

The older among the two of them gave Taehyung a bizarre look, "I know this is good for hangover." Taehyung gave his most winning smile with a palm on Jimin's s shoulder.

"this kid woke up so early just to cook this for you," Yoongi's grandma stated as she took a sip of her hot green tea.

Taehyung cringes his nose and swiftly went to his seat with his hot flush cheeks.

"thanks.." Jimin mumbled, can't stop but to feel slightly warm-hearted by Taehyung's caring actions.

Jungkook who sat beside him noticed the expressions plastered on both Jimin and Taehyung's faces. For a second, his heart was numb and pain is the only thing he could feels. He just had his hopes high last night when he was with Jimin, and now everything just vanished into ashes in split seconds.

There is just something indescribable about them. There must be things unspoken going on.

Did Taehyung just make his move?

-one hour later-

Jimin almost uses all his strength to lift up those heavy cartons of fresh green apples into the truck in order for Seok Jin and Namjoon to send it to respective farms and fruit stalls.

Jimin bid goodbye and soon the truck drove out of his sight. He clapped both of his palms together to remove the excess dust left on his hands.

"hey there, cutie!" greeted Taehyung who has not been around the whole one hour since they started working in the fruit farm.

"where have you been the whole afternoon, Kim Taehyung! We've so much work to do yet you're there fooling around?" Jimin raised his voice a little and continue walking towards the farm.

"i'm only away for an hour! I-I've something...important to do." Taehyung rubbed his neck anxiously.

Jimin scoffed and heard what the younger said but his pace never stop until Taehyung went in front of him to stop him from continue with his arms wide spread.

"Kim Taehyung! I've work to do!" Jimin jolted.

"are you free tonight?" Taehyung let down his arms.


"I want to date you."

me, false hope.

Author's note:

Vmin Vmin Vmin i miss them so much but i miss Jikook more :((

comments and upvotes are appreciated :>

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