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you're never;


Minutes passed like days; days passed like years; it has been three weeks since Jungkook left back to Seoul.

He haven't called me since then, whenever I dialled up his phone, its always not connected. He couldn't be that busy, could he?

While I was so immersed in my own thoughts as I stood by the veranda of my room, I felt a pair of warm arms slowly snaked around my slender waist.

"what were you thinking, babe?" Taehyung's hot breath tickling the skin on my neck.

"I was just wondering, why didn't Jungkook called up or answering any of my calls.." I said without hesitation and then I realized Jungkook and Taehyung are best friends, Jungkook would have probably gave Taehyung a call.

"Tae, did Jungkook possibly ring you up?" I turned around and grabbed both of his arms.

I could see how Taehyung was doubting at his words before answering, "no, he didn't call me either.." he then smiled.

I pouted my lips in disappointment, I can't wait for the time to fly now, so that I could see Jungkook as soon as possible and ask him what had happened.

One week left, and then I am out of hell, out of this place without Jungkook.

"Jimin?" Taehyung's words pulled me back to reality.


"can you, possibly stop thinking about Jungkook?" he asked this question out of the blue.

"why do you even bother? He's my friend, Tae." you can't stop me from doing so.

"it's just..I feel insecure." Taehyung blurted, I actually pretty admire Taehyung for being so straightforward and blunt every single time.

"there's nothing for you to feel insecure, alright Tae? There's nothing going on between me and him." I said, hoping my words could assure him, only to see him nodded in understanding.

He then gave me a tight bear hug, sniffing in every inch of me, not having a single thought of letting me go.

I hugged him back, however my heart unknowingly climbs towards the time when Jungkook and I shared a hug.

It was something profound, the feeling when I had while I was hugging Jungkook was just incredible beyond descriptions. Warmth and power ignite within me as I had those arms around him, tipping my toes to reach his height and struggling to wrap my short arms around him.

Oh lord, how could I miss him so much?

During the night, when I am all alone in the room again, I tried to call Jungkook again but earning nothing from the other side.

The number you've dialled is currently unavailable, please leave a message after the 'beep'


"Jungkook-ah, are you back in Seoul now? What happened that makes you unable to answer every single call of mine? You know what, return my call whenever you heard this voicemail. And I-I miss you.." with that, I hung the call, keeping my fingers crossed that Jungkook would eventually return my call.

While I'm staring up at the ceiling fan that was spinning in his slow speed, my mind then drifted back to what Taehyung had asked me not long ago.

And that makes me start questioning myself about my feelings for Taehyung.

He is a good guy, he cares for me a lot. I could see how how deep he actually feels for me. But do I feel the same way? Do I actually return the love for him?

I should have feelings for Taehyung.

But it's obvious when it comes to feeling of love, there's no should or shouldn't.

I should probably feel ashamed for not actively express my genuine feelings towards Taehyung , as my heart and mind are both drifting towards somebody else.

Sometimes no matter how much you are trying to speak your heart out, words are just not enough to describe how you actually feel.

Another week left and we are all going back to Seoul, to face the reality and to cope with problems.

I should probably just speak how I truly felt about the both of them.

The next day, while Yoongi's grandma has ordered me to deliver some goods over to a few shops down the road, I took the chance to scroll down the alley, reminiscing some good old days.

I remembered Jungkook and I used to visit to the park when we both skipped our lunch just to come here and enjoy the summer breeze.

Even though it was just the things that happened last month, however it feels like it has been years.

I stopped in front of the park and scanned through the place.

Heart couldn't help but to feel the emotions in me. Emotion, that makes us all humans. We can feel whatever we want, we can't have darkness without the light; we can't have good without the bad.

Its just like how you can't be complete without another person that makes you so perfect in those imperfections.

I plucked one of the wild blue flower that grew so well on the road side and smell the scent of it that satisfy my nostrils.

Things that I sorted out and put them back together again as enlighten me with so much power.

I smiled to myself and continue on with my journey back home.

I can't wait to tell Jungkook how I feel.

As soon as I reached home, I drastically rushed into my room and quickly dialled Jungkook's phone number.

Eventhough its not a surprise that he doesn't answer my call, yet I still feel a tiny bit of disappointment.

"Jungkook-ah, its me again. Why aren't you answering the calls, don't you know how much I wanted to hear your voice?" I sighed, "I miss you so much Kookie, today I walked pass the park we used to go, memories we had together came crushing back-"

I told him so many things that I didn't even realized I fell asleep, leaving the voicemail on going, till the next morning.

off my mind.

Author's note:

Just a brief update of how Jimin feels..

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