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can't we;

Jungkook sat down on the table as soon as he reached his classroom, however his eyes never stopped glancing over the entrance; to see if Jimin has come.

seemed like Jimin has turned him down that he did not show up even when the first bell has rang, Jungkook left out a disappointed sigh, thinking that he will have to just accept Mr. Kim's worst punishment and also the fact that Jimin break his promise.

As his worse thoughts slowly conquering his mind, "Jeon Jungkook!" he shot up his head to see a sweaty Jimin panting hard while leaning against the door frame - with his workbook on his hand.

Jungkook rushed over to him and showed his sweetest smile in grateful, "Jimin hyung..."

"sorry bunny, I overslept," Jimin handed over the workbook to the younger, still trying to catch a breath from running all the way here.

"thank you, hyung..." Jungkook could not express how grateful he is; crimson of red unknowingly formed on both sides of his cheeks when he heard of that new nickname for him by Jimin - his crush.

"gotta go, good luck," Jimin ruffled Jungkook's hair and soon left the place and went to his own respective classroom.

Jungkook held tight onto the workbook and scooted over to his seat, can't help to smile whenever he thinks of the drastic change of attitude of Jimin towards himself.

He hopes they will get better.


During break time while the group of friends gather around the table in the cafeteria, it so happened that Jungkook was sitting next to Jimin, he never once got over how Jimin's clothed thigh and his touched, sending thousands of butterflies - aeroplanes forming in his stomach.

This time, Seok Jin spoke up, distracted his thoughts that he was actually kind of thankful, "guys! two months of summer break is in 2 days! what shall we do?"

his statement earned cheers from Namjoon, Taehyung and Hosoek, while the others just smiled along, "why not we spend it in Jeju Island? It'll be fun!" Taehyung then asked.

"yeah right, Yoongi's grandpa has a chalet over there, I don't think it would be a big problem for us to spend our 2 months time there right?" Namjoon nudged the all-time grumpy Yoongi's shoulder, only to earn an eye roll from the latter which they all assumed it's a yes.

this time, everyone cheered out of joy, especially Taehyung and Hoseok being the hyperactive ones in the team. While doing so, Jungkook never missed that twinkling eyes of Jimin when he was looking at Hosoek; and how he smiles whenever Hosoek did.

Jimin looks like he is in love.

"ah by the way Jungkook how's the punishment?" Seok Jin interrupted the cheering time.

"it was going well, Jimin-hyung helped me a lot," Jungkook lowered down his head upon mentioning Jimin's name.

"Chim Chim! since when you helped him?!" Taehyung who sit across the table exclaimed, feeling jealous about it.

"shut up you douche bag! it's none of your business..." Jimin threw him a fries, earning laughter from the gang, except Jungkook who was feeling unhappy at how close and comfortable Jimin and Taehyung are.

I rather be Tae. Jungkook thought.

be the same?

Author's note
I pity Jungkook...

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