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we are too;

During dinner time, grandparents and the boys gathered around the table and started digging in.

"guys, thanks for your hardwork today! Please, eat more." Yoongi's grandma then placed some meat on Yoongi's plate.

They continued to have their dinner, gobbled down their food as if they have been starved for days.

"by the way, there's going to be meteo fall tonight, take this chance to have a look, young boys!" grandpa exclaimed before bringing his used utensils back to the kitchen.

After a heavy load of dinner, they got their stuffs ready for night time picnic at the hill before leaving the house.

"hopefully it's going to be a strike!" Hoseok pumped his fist in the air, can't wait to enjoy his first time meteo fall.

"I heard that we can make wishes and they will be granted!" Taehyung followed next, as he glanced over to see Jimin's slight smile.

And that smile, was for Jungkook. That smile of his is just something magical, as if it's sparkling. Shining bright under the moonlight and the galaxy of night sky.

Taehyung can't seemed to stop staring at Jimin, even if he could only glanced him over his own shoulders, trying not to be too obvious.

That smile of his towards Jungkook was just so captivating; so beautiful that he forget his words.

"yah, watch where you're going!" Yoongi growled as Taehyung has accidentally bumped into him, which caused him to stumble a little.

"what were you thinking about?" Jimin smirked as he chuckled while surpassing Taehyung's pace.

Your smile, you.

Taehyung let out a sigh before continue with his journey, tagging behind his friends.

They sat on the large field, situated on the top of hill. Cold night breeze cut across their faces, sending chills down their spines.

Jimin sat next to Jungkook and Hoseok, squeezing in between them as if there is no other space available.

"hyung!! Why're you sitting all alone?!" Hoseok yelled, as he stood up and approaced Yoongi who was sitting far away from the others, leaving Jimin and Jungkook sitting at the place.

Jimin cleared his throat, looked up into the dark blue sky along with dazzling constellations of stars, trying to count them out but eventually failed.

At this time, Jungkook stood up without making further explanations before turning away, walking towards the direction of uphill.

Jimin saw his actions and he, himself followed next.

"Jimin! Jungkook! Where're you guys going?! Becareful!" Seok Jin yelled, yet earning zero response from neither one of them.

Jimin trailed behind Jungkook, not bothering to walk beside him nor trying to speak up.

They soon arrived at the very top part of the hill, where there is one huge, gigantic tree and a bench is situated.

"i didn't know there's a place like this," Jimin whispered, almost inaudible.

Jimin looked around the place, has been so fascinated by the scenery in front of his eyes.

The view from up here is way much captivating compared to the place they were just now. The breeze here is stronger, cooler.

Jimin was so immerse and drawn away by the attractive view that he was startled by Jungkook's cue, "come sit here, hyung."

He glided over to the bench and placed his butt onto the empty space next to the Jungkook.

"how did you know this place?" Jimin casually asked.

"I didnt know this place, I just casually wanna walk up here and have a look," Jungkook smiled - the smile that could melts Jimin's heart away.

Jimin nodded in understanding as he lifted up his head, to have a clearer vision of the mesmerizing night sky, wondering when will the meteo strikes.

"do you believe in making wishes, hyung?"

"i don't believe in them, its just life made me ought to believe," Jimin fiddled his fingers before continuing, "for self-comfort purposes," he then chuckled.

Jungkook shook his head and chuckled as well, familiar yet expecting these answers. How could someone like Jimin would believe in things like that? Its probably something very ridiculous to him.

Jimin's smile is just something so contagious; that makes Jungkook fell deeper for the said male.

So deep that he is afraid when he wants to pull out from the love game, its going to be a long journey.

"then what do you think about sunrise?" Jungkook spoke, sounded more curious than any other times.

Sunrise has always been his favourite, out of all things in the world. It eases his loneliness, his pain that nobody sees. That shiny glow of morning sun comforts his soul, pleasures every part of him, inside and out.

"I'd enjoy," Jimin casually replied, eyes never once left the front.

"I've a dream of witnessing the sunrise with my lover," Jungkook said out of the blue, causinf Jimin to turn his head and stare at him.

"to me, sunrise symbolises love. It brightens up the day, bringing people hope," Jungkook breathe in a deep and purifying air.

Jimin smiled, nodding in agreement.

"guess you've a strong fond towards Sunrise," Jimin said, at the same time admire Jungkook for having such thoughts at his young age. Maybe not that young, but two years younger than him.

"but never as much as I have for you, hyung."

This time, Jimin had his gaze locked onto Jungkook's, he felt indifferent, as if he's had his invisible wings spread; to feel alive again.

But on the other hand, Jungkook is lost in those extremely beautiful eyes, wandering around as if he is searching for an exit, exactly like a nomad who is lost in the woods.

"don't you know what I meant, hyung?"

naive, to believe.

Author's note:

Hualaaaa I'm backkkk
Comments and upvotes plsss??

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