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I held you in my arms;

Jimin and Jungkook are sitting at the park, admiring the colourful wild flowers moving their bodies according to the direction of the breeze.

The scenery reminded them so much about the bad and wonderful things that happened during their two months of summer break in Jeju island.

It's the place where they found love and yet was blinded by all sorts of barriers, stopping them from realising.

"look at the blue flowers Kookie," Jimin pointed to where a bed of wild blue flowers, pretty much similar to a tulip.

"y-yeah,  they're beautiful and reminded me so much about the old things. Reminiscing about the days kinda gave me chills," Jungkook scoffed,  shaking his head in disbelief at how fast the time flies. 

Jimin stretched his arms upwards,  feeling relieve that things are actually falling into their places now.

Look into your beautiful eyes,
Knowing that it belongs to someone so beautiful; I would never want to look away.

Jimin's soft and melody and voice flows into Jungkook's ears, satisfying each and every inch of him.

Look into your beautiful eyes,
love ignite my heart, all over again, to feel alive.

Just let me love you,  just let me love you
The world is accompanying me while I'm with you

It's been a while since Jungkook had listened to this captivating voice. It brings him back to where he stumbled upon Jimin,  and since then he has been falling until now. 

That is the power of Jimin's voice, it has the energy to absorb every single part of you so effortlessly, making you all over of him.

Look into your eyes,
they thought me how to love.
Let me be your angel, your angel.

Just let me love you,  let me,  let me baby.

"your voice is so beautiful hyung,  just like you." Jungkook complimented as soon as Jimin stopped to catch a breath. 

"I'm singing it for you,  of course it gotta be nice," Jimim grinned, eyes turning into two little moons,  taking Jungkook's heart away. 

As Jungkook looked into those eyes,  he can't resist himself to love him more.  Each and every day,  his love for Jimin will only increase. He knew it was real love when he realises he could watch Jimin doing nothing all day and wouldn't even get bored of it. 

Jimin slowly slipping his hands through Jungkook's fingers,  holding it tight.  Their hands are like they were heavenly made for them,  they fitted so perfectly just like a Siamese cat.

He rubbed his thumbs gently on the back of Jungkook's hand and looked into his eyes, "Jungkook-ah,  do you remember on the  first day we met? I was so annoyed by your presence that I even asked you to stay away."

He said, earning a nod from the taller guy.

"how stupid I was at that time for not noticing that you are the one I want, the one I would want to hug, to kiss,  to love and to make you my first." he continued.

"hyung..its okay,  everything had passed and we are alright now isn't it?"

"you make everything okay,  Kookie. You just make everything seems so good. If anyone ever ask me to describe you,  I would say you're just simply amazing." Jimin looked at Jungkook as if he was a wood nymph that he happened one day and got to bring home to keep.

Jungkook lips lifted upwards, the way his bunny teeth showed, the way the corner of his eyes crinkles.  He is like a ray a sunshine, and Jimin is a sunburn.

Jimin scooted closer to Jungkook,  he lifted another free hand of his to caress his cheeks.

This time,  a precious tear rolled down of Jungkook's cheek all of a sudden, shocking Jimin, "what's wrong Kookie, why're you crying?"

"it's tears of joy hyung, I can't believe my all time crush are saying these to me." he hiccuped, "I never imagine a scene like this would happen to both of us. I used to see you through a hand phone screen, stalking your updates on social media and now you're sitting in front of me.." Jimin gave Jungkook a slight squeeze on his hand.

Jimin leaned in closer and kissed the tears away, "I'll never make you cry again baby." he smiled.

"I love you so so so much, Jimin hyung." Jungkook sniffed awhile confessing, causing Jimin to grin,  eyes disappearing again.

Jimin cheeks flushed to the colour of pinkish red,  heart pounding fast against his firm chest.

He then pulled Jungkook into his embrace,  snuggling closer to the younger's neck, sniffing in his favourite scent, "don't you ever leave me Jeon Jungkook."

"only if you chase me away," Jungkook chuckled, melting in the older's strong arm.

"I will never," Jimin stated firmly,  voice sounded stern.

"you know what, hyung?" Jimin hummed, "chasing you, is like chasing the clouds, but I never knew I would be in your arms."

"you should be a poet Kookie." Jimin redraws himself from the hug.

"I love literature hyung," he teased.

"come here you," with that, Jimin slammed his lips against Jungkook's, the younger's minty breath was so cool and refreshing that Jimin could not resist himself from savouring every part of him.

Jungkook reacts and kiss Jimin back,  tongue swirling in sync, not bothering the things happened around them in the park. 

Two of them pulled apart to catch a breath,  Jungkook whispered yet loud enough for Jimin to hear,  "can I be yours hyung?"

"since when you're not mine?"

🌸The End 🌸

and make you mine.

Author's note:

Phewww I can't believe I just finish finish this story!  So my 'real' soon is actually now *sorry not sorry*

I can't wait to start a new story soon! 

Once again,  thankyou guys so much for your support! Those who are new in the family welcome and thank-you! Please do comment and upvote for this story! 

I'll inform you guys if my new story is up~🙆💕

Peace out// DeeperThanOcean2018

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